On January 10 2011 17:59 BulimicReaver wrote:
Do soldiers smoke cigs as much in real life like they do in the movies?
Does being in the army make you better at Call Of Duty games? Because your probably more familiar with tactics and you were probably taught how to communicate very effectively while in combat.
Do soldiers smoke cigs as much in real life like they do in the movies?
Does being in the army make you better at Call Of Duty games? Because your probably more familiar with tactics and you were probably taught how to communicate very effectively while in combat.
Omg yes they do, I for one though don't smoke. But holy hell some of them smoke one every hour or less.
Umm their communication skills are probably on par with good players but I think they would put to much thought into it and hurt them selves and fail. I for one noticed i found where i expect people would be just by running around the map some. There just some senses you can only have by experience in the game.
On January 10 2011 21:36 SpoR wrote:
Do you agree with what you are doing over there? Do you ever wish you hadn't joined? Why?
Also, where exactly are you?
Do you agree with what you are doing over there? Do you ever wish you hadn't joined? Why?
Also, where exactly are you?
For where I am, I fully support the operation we are doing. We're pulling out finally . At first when i joined I had my doubts, even prior to deployment I was still thinking, but I just kind of realized it will be a thing in the past and a year is not that long its already almost half over. Now it's coming down to the fact if i want to re-enlist into the army, I'm still debating with myself over it, I guess it depends on my options, I know I don't have to deploy again for another 5 years after this, but i'm not sure if i want to do another deployment or not, Would really depend where I have to go, and what the mission was.
At the moment I'm finally back in Camp Buehring, Kuwait where i'm stationed but I do frequently go up and back from Kuwait, and Iraq.