On October 10 2010 11:24 Nub4ever wrote: That just makes me wonder whats the most expensive card out there... Jace??
Well, in Standard yeah, it's Jace. There are a lot of older cards which are more expensive. Beta Black Lotus is $650+.
On October 12 2010 04:07 exalted wrote: i also am a foil / foreign / altered art whore. recently bought 4 foil mox opal @ 60 each and a foil vengevine at 42. trying to get my gf to eventually paint my dual lands to something like this:
It looks really cool, but I think it would hurt the resale value dramatically, especially if the borders are covered. I'm not even sure if it would be tournament legal.
i have a bunch of old cards in spanish , over 2k cards anyone thinks i can get 20$ out of this on ebay?
the most expensive cards are extreme rarities with only one copy in existence (shichifukujin dragon and 1996 world champion are the only confirmed 1-of-a-kind cards that are not a mis- or testprint) another possible 1-of is engineered explosives with the jss foil pattern; but i dont know that for sure.
beta black lotus is the most expensive card from a normal set, with near mint prices of around 2000$.
there is also a very small print run of a "fixed" revised edition that didnt actually fix the sets mistakes, but replace them with others. its called "edgar" or summer magic and is known best for its hurricane with a blue card frame.
check out http://www.magiclibrarities.net/ if you are intrested in rare magic cards, they have the most extensive list i know of. (no misprints though)
personally i collect korean/japanese foil/signed/(original) artist altered cards, but mostly just what i can trade for in person. i might post a few pictures soon
altered art is tournament legal, you just can't alter the cost, type, text box and I think there is one more thing, look up the exact rules if you plan on using these in tournaments.. It doesn't hurt resale value in cases where done professionally, it actually ups the value(see ebay). Also if the texture of the card is changed to a way that could cause cheating it's illegal, this is up to the judge to decide, there is no clear right or wrong here.. so proceed with caution
What is it exactly with Black Lotus being so rare and expensive and stuff :O?
On October 12 2010 09:52 Nub4ever wrote: What is it exactly with Black Lotus being so rare and expensive and stuff :O?
the original sets didn't have as many print runs..
some of the cards in beta/alpha/unlimited aren't worth that much, cause they aren't very playable, so just collector's items. but the cards that are tournament worthy are freaking hard to come by. Every single type 1 deck can use these cards.. they are extremely broken, even if your running null rod you want at least lotus, and an on color mox.. they create REALLY explosive games. When everyone needs it, so demand = high, and the availability is extremely low(most of these are sitting in boxes in basement, have been thrown out by parents when their kids go to college and they clean out that kids closet(who probably played magic for like 2 weeks back when he found out about it with his friends), or are owned by collectors that aren't selling.. lot's of these.. If someone takes it off the market all together, it's pretty much not there.
Demand = High (If your a collector or type 1 tournament player) Availability = Low
= :/ outrageous pricing..
So I got a box of Scars this weekend. Best cards were Molten-Tail Masticore and Wurmcoil engine, kinda disappointing. I mean the those are great but damn... There are like ten other Mythics/Rares that are higher on my want list :/
On October 12 2010 10:32 BraveGhost wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 09:52 Nub4ever wrote: What is it exactly with Black Lotus being so rare and expensive and stuff :O? the original sets didn't have as many print runs.. some of the cards in beta/alpha/unlimited aren't worth that much, cause they aren't very playable, so just collector's items. but the cards that are tournament worthy are freaking hard to come by. Every single type 1 deck can use these cards.. they are extremely broken, even if your running null rod you want at least lotus, and an on color mox.. they create REALLY explosive games. When everyone needs it, so demand = high, and the availability is extremely low(most of these are sitting in boxes in basement, have been thrown out by parents when their kids go to college and they clean out that kids closet(who probably played magic for like 2 weeks back when he found out about it with his friends), or are owned by collectors that aren't selling.. lot's of these.. If someone takes it off the market all together, it's pretty much not there. Demand = High (If your a collector or type 1 tournament player) Availability = Low = :/ outrageous pricing..
I'm not a vintage player but I was under the impression that it was allowed to proxy cards in tournaments, or am I misinformed?
United States47024 Posts
On October 12 2010 19:18 kuresuti wrote: I'm not a vintage player but I was under the impression that it was allowed to proxy cards in tournaments, or am I misinformed?
Not in DCI sanctioned Vintage events, but those are already extremely few.
So I got to playtest Pyromancer Ascension with Archive Trap against a couple decks today, and HOLY CRAP does it wreck Primeval Titan decks. Nothing like milling the other guy for 52 right after the Primeval Titan comes-into-play trigger resolves.
there are vintage tournaments in the states that allow proxies to allow people with a smaller budget to get involved with the format, but all of these are not dci-sanctioned. any dci-sanctioned vintage tournament (or any dci tournament for that matter) does not allow proxies at the start of the tournament.
yeah the Ascension mill deck is pretty cool, wonder how titan ramp decks will work around that gameplan in the future
If you are already very good at paper magic, I think there is a deent shot that you can go inifinite (aka, not having to put in more money after your initial investment) by only playing sealed deck events. As long as you can keep a 70% win rate on the Daily events, you break even, and leave yourself open for big profit possibilities by making top8 at a PE, PTQ or MOCS.
For more casual players, the pauper format is really, really good and shouldn`t require more than a 15 tix investment. You break even with a 50% win rate on 2-man queues, which is pretty sweet, and you can convert your extra wins in drafts.
On the other hand, standard is super expensive; there is no way I can recommend someone new to the game to go and pay 300 dollars on a virtual set of Jace.
I had just started 'going infinite' during Lorwyn/Shards standard. Could build new decks and draft without further investment. Then life intervened and I had to take a break for a little. I was thrilled to come back to a world of 500-1000 dollar decks.......... I still play pauper and draft from time to time (I second RoE being an amazing draft format) but I just don't have the heart to invest in a competitive Standard deck.
On October 12 2010 05:24 stk01001 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2010 08 Hynda wrote:Hell yea I loved magic the gathering when I was younger, but holy shit was it expensive. I spent so much money on my decks only for a new expansion to come out making all of my cards obsolete (or at least the entire theme of the decks) and that got really dissheartening once I got into my late teens and to spend my money on more common teenage stuff. Once I leave Uni and get a proper income I'm going to reap the MtG scen again. I love card games such as MtG and Yu-gi-oh and the only thing that stops me is the damn economical drain that they put on you. I still own a beta version of Black Lotus, Mox Pearl, Mox Jet, Ancestrall Recall and Time Walk use to be my late fathers, I wonder if they are still worth money. Lotus was worth like 300$ when I was growing up. My dad was so heavily into magic right from the start, importing boosters from the US, trying to collect the power of nine ect. When he died I noticed just how much he loved the game, he had every single card from Homelands, Fallen empire and the Ursa Saga, that's dedication. Shame, don't think I every played him even though it was obvious we both loved the game. People really need to link their favourite card so we can all hate on them for the ammount of time they foiled us. I fear that I will look like an old far but this card was the fucken buisness back in the 90's ![[image loading]](http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAG4TH/millstone.jpg) I'd love to get back into MTG, but I think I'd prefer to play with physical cards and ppl as oppose to the computer.. I really think playing on the computer takes away a lot of the fun but thats just my opinion.. plus I spend enough time on the computer between work & SC 2 =p I stopped playing around 5th edition so I'm all about the old school cards.. LOVE millstone.. but my personal favorite is Hypnotic Specter.. sorry no pic, but any old school player will know this card.. original artwork was best too.. plus it's funny you mention millstone, makes me remember my old deck purely based on the Millstone / Time Warp / Soldevi Digger combo.. was so sick get infinite turns and win the game through making your opponent discard his entire library lol.. Also those are some sick cards your dad had... if black lotus isn't still the most vaulable MTG card it will make me sad=( plus timewalk, ancestral recall.. all the mox's... would make any old school MTG player drool.. man might need to go dig up my collection when I get home and get all nostalgic heheh Using orcish spyglass was so awesome with Millstone if you had a bit of luck you could get him to draw a land every single draw. <3
anyone remember the godlikeness that was affinity for artifacts? Whatever happened to those decks, they were unbeatable. I guess they got banned?
On October 12 2010 23:11 Hynda wrote:
I believe they were super popular in Extended, but now only legal in Legacy, and they can get wrecked very very easily.
Lots of new cool cards in SoM, maybe Affinity will get some stage presence once again.
On October 12 2010 23:14 kuresuti wrote:I believe they were super popular in Extended, but now only legal in Legacy, and they can get wrecked very very easily. Lots of new cool cards in SoM, maybe Affinity will get some stage presence once again.
Why would affinity get stage presence again? RD already said NONONO to it. It's not coming back. The negative PR surrounding it hurts its chances far too much.
On October 13 2010 00:12 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 23:14 kuresuti wrote:On October 12 2010 23:11 Hynda wrote:
I believe they were super popular in Extended, but now only legal in Legacy, and they can get wrecked very very easily. Lots of new cool cards in SoM, maybe Affinity will get some stage presence once again. Why would affinity get stage presence again? RD already said NONONO to it. It's not coming back. The negative PR surrounding it hurts its chances far too much.
That's why I said maybe. Metalcraft in general works well with affinity decks.
On October 13 2010 02:29 kuresuti wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 00:12 Judicator wrote:On October 12 2010 23:14 kuresuti wrote:On October 12 2010 23:11 Hynda wrote:
I believe they were super popular in Extended, but now only legal in Legacy, and they can get wrecked very very easily. Lots of new cool cards in SoM, maybe Affinity will get some stage presence once again. Why would affinity get stage presence again? RD already said NONONO to it. It's not coming back. The negative PR surrounding it hurts its chances far too much. That's why I said maybe. Metalcraft in general works well with affinity decks.
Affinity in what constructed setting? Vintage?
On October 13 2010 02:34 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 02:29 kuresuti wrote:On October 13 2010 00:12 Judicator wrote:On October 12 2010 23:14 kuresuti wrote:On October 12 2010 23:11 Hynda wrote:
I believe they were super popular in Extended, but now only legal in Legacy, and they can get wrecked very very easily. Lots of new cool cards in SoM, maybe Affinity will get some stage presence once again. Why would affinity get stage presence again? RD already said NONONO to it. It's not coming back. The negative PR surrounding it hurts its chances far too much. That's why I said maybe. Metalcraft in general works well with affinity decks. Affinity in what constructed setting? Vintage?
EDIT: The core is legal in vintage too (I think), but I don't know if it's fast enough to compete with the already established decks.
I can't recall any great metalcraft cards that would help affinity that much more...
I'm not saying that I know something you don't, or that I'm an expert on affinity. I just said that it MIGHT happen. I don't even care if it happens or not, the possibility is just there. Any new expansion might make old decks viable again.
EDIT: The reason I even mentioned it is because I've seen lots of Affinity threads on different magic forums. Haven't read them though, but it means people are talking/thinking about it, you never know what people can come up with.