Recently my life has gotten not only predictable, but extreamly boring. It is my senior year of HS but I could care less, and every day seems to be the exact same as before. I wake up and shower, eat my eggos (buttermilk of course) half ass my way through my jokes for classes. Get home and sleep until dinner. Eat, play around on the computer then go to bed. Even when messing around girls that a decently attractive I'm just so uninterested in my life and what I am doing.
Never really felt this way before, its kind of like im stuck in dgaf mode. Any advice on how I can get a little more excited about waking up in the morning? Honestly any tips crazy or not might be useful, sense im going off to college soon anyways im open to pretty much anything.
You don't have tons of college apps to work on -.-; ?
Plan stuff with friends? Just playing on your computer all day will lead to this apathy, I'm a junior in high school and I've honestly had to tone down a lot of activities just because of all the stuff happening (schoolwork, homecoming, journalism, girls). Try setting up events, even if its as simple as getting five people together and seeing a movie.
Get a part-time job. Create deadlines for yourself. Waking up in the morning with a, "oh fuck I have to do x, y, z today," feeling is more productive than a, "fuck I should just roll over and go back to sleep," feeling.
I strongly believe that high school students should pick up a part-time job at some point during their 3 years. You learn how to balance work, school, and social life and it packs your schedule up a little more, motivating you to move quickly and with purpose.
Personally I feel I perform better academically if I have less time to study, because then I'm forced to optimize my study time instead of procrastinating and dicking around.
On October 07 2010 13:54 HobbitGotGame wrote: Get a part-time job. Create deadlines for yourself. Waking up in the morning with a, "oh fuck I have to do x, y, z today," feeling is more productive than a, "fuck I should just roll over and go back to sleep," feeling.
I strongly believe that high school students should pick up a part-time job at some point during their 3 years. You learn how to balance work, school, and social life and it packs your schedule up a little more, motivating you to move quickly and with purpose.
Personally I feel I perform better academically if I have less time to study, because then I'm forced to optimize my study time instead of procrastinating and dicking around. Yeah, either jobs (although that could be boring for you too) or a big club or sports team. Anything really, just get involved.
Try exercising daily, going on your computer less, and sleeping during the day less. Go pick up a hobby. Read a book. Hang out with friends. Get up early and make yourself a different breakfast every day, just to throw off the monotony. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. You've probably heard this many times, but in order to change your life you have to put effort into it.
Where I live we have a taco bell, and safeway so its kinda hard to do some fun stuff. The weather is cooling down so soon more stuff will be going on. Its just right now everything seems so boring to me. I job probley is a good idea, ill likely put an app in at the Safeway as a few of my friends work there so that wont be to bad.
Also i alredy got accepted into U of A so im done with my apps.
are you in the bay area by any chance?
No, but i was born there haha. Live out in Phoenix
@_@ do you not play sports or have friends?
I play basketball (winter sport) and I have friends, but there was this thing which involved girl friend stealing inside my circle so it kinda split, so im like a middle man dont really feel to close to either sub group like i did before the shit hit the fan.
I don't want to sound like a religious zealot, but try reading the Bible LOL
stay the fuck away from religion....seriously, stuff is poison to a growing mind. Go to Ted.com and listen to some truly brilliant people share some knowledge, go hiking out in the wild, go smoke a bowl.
The smoke a bowl thing, that's key. It makes the boring...not, so boring.
do you play any instruments? jamming with friends can be a lot of fun.
Switch to blueberry eggos.
I blame the eggo's - nothing starts my day off worse than dry, tasteless frozen waffles. I recommend something else. Also: Brag blog. + Show Spoiler [source] +Even when messing around girls that a decently attractive I'm just so uninterested in my life and what I am doing .
Blueberry sounds dangerous but ill consider it. Also if i didn't put some some sort of silver lining on my blog everyone would think im just a debbie downer.
go live outside for a while and u won't give a shit if it's boring anymore
Read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. It should cheer you up :D