So apparently, this guy said Manager Cho.. was fired. Shocking fast? He posted it on the 24th. (Translation on Manager Cho)
He also made a lot of other statements. Who knows if the other parts are true~
Translation of the bit that was posted on the 24th
Title: "Hwaseung Manager Out ~ and other news~"
There'll be an article about this soon
I don't know how they'll spin it
Not sure if they'll spin it as a resignation
But he's been fired as of today
Well... doesn't matter if you believe me or not
You'll look at this post later and realize it
Just.... remember what I said
Ah, and the team that'll be disbanding will be Estro... and it's likely to be Korean Air...
And.... CJ already tried to disband last year... they're probably still trying still ~ They did a salary freeze last year or something
If you want to think this is dogshit then go ahead... hehehe, just remember this later and you'll see~~~~
Part 2, posted today/last night
First... the resignation... hrm, we'd have to say "fired"
The reason is that there were a lot of various problems (I hope you guess this yourself, I'm scared. Am I gonna get sued? hehe)....
He got fired because there was an anonymous letter sent to the company... (It arrived anonymously, I don't know the details but it looks like all the bad? things he did during the time were written)
Secondly,,, CJ Disposal was a story that came out before...
I don't know if the Manager's retirement was related to match fixing (If I honestly don't know, I say that I don't know)
But from my guess, I don't think it's related
And I don't personally know what kind of person he is
But I heard he was successful in whatever he did and made a lot of money (I know that he has a villa in Kang Nam and his wife is also well to do)
Yellow Match Fixing...
Well, there isn't anything that has been revealed....
Since there isn't any evidence, there's nothing I can say.
Someone asked if there were other people who match fixed...
There are people who looks like they match fixed but there aren't any evidence so I'm not going to say anything.
But there is someone who is really stubborn kekekeke He said he didnt' match fix to the very end... He's incredible really I'm watching his games and kekekeke
But if he's quick to catch on he'll take care of it himself? (Well it's not like I have real evidence for him but if you look at it it's pretty much... hehehe)
someone asked if the BW industry is ending
Personal opinion but I think it's going into some rather bad places
I want you to think about why the IP negotiations are going on at this timing.
When Starcraft 2 is coming out, when you say you want to play Starcraft 1, what would the company who made SC2 thnk......?
It's not something to just attack KeSPA
People are saying why they're not stopping the Starleague, but if they're stopping the Proleague and just have the Starleague, the Progame teams value of existence will decrease tremendously?
And everything after that... I think you can figure it out even though I don't say anything (I dont know how it'll turn out after this either so i'll tell you guys as i hear it)
Ah, and lastly, I'll tell you a fun story. You know that famous game between Savior and hyvaa match fixing match?
Why I said the acting was so good... Well, honestly, that was a game where Savior was supposed to win.
He knew the build before the match started. So that's why the people involved got the info and bet on Savior...
But Savior hit them on the head and lost lolololol that's why I'm saying that's not acting and it could be real.
But who knows, he and a few other people could have bet on hyvaa and lied to people around him and used a "fake".
But from what I know that's how it went down.
Ah well there's a lot of other things I want to write
I'll wait until the BW industry dies.... i'm scared hehehehehe
About the Yellow question: It was asked by netizens cause his account got hacked, and his original post was edited to say "Yellow match fixed". So he just answers the questions - there's nothing implicating on Yellow in anyway.
Part 3:
The things I've said about the match fixing is not 100% certain. It's true from what I've heard and from the situation. But it could also be the case where it could not be the case ~~~
But there are people who think i'm playing with the public opinion. but that's not why i wrote this~~
I'm hoping you'll just think of it as an entertaining gossip.
Ok bye everyone~
Original Post Part 1, before edit
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Original Korean Part 2
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첫번째 어.. 사퇴... 아니 짤렸다고 해야겠지
이유는 뭐 원래 이런저런 문제가 많았어 (알아서 추측하길바래 나도 무서워 나 고소당하는거아니야? ㅎㅎ)...
회사로 투서가 날라와서 OUT 된거고... (익명으로 날라왔다는데 자세히는 모르겠음 뭐 그동안 했던 안좋은? 것들이 적혀있었을꺼라 봄)
두번째..CJ 매각은원래 나왔던 얘기고....
그 감독 사퇴가 조작하고 관련이있는지는 모르겠음 (난 솔직히 모르는건 모른다고함)
다만 내가 추측하건데 그건 별 관계가 없는것같고
개인적으로 어떤사람인지 나도 잘모르나
다만 하는일마나 족족 잘되서 돈을 많이 모았다는 얘기는 들었음(강남에 뭐 빌라도 있고 부인되시는분도 잘산다고 알고있음)
뭐 밝혀진게 없음..... 증거가 없으니 뭐라 할말이 없음
나머지 조작이 또 있냐고 물었는데
정황상 파악되는 몇명이 있기는 한데 증거가 없으니 딱히 얘기는 안하겠음
다만 아주 좀 역겨운놈이 하나 있긴함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 끝까지 아니라고 했던 그놈
대단하더라 진짜 방송보는데 참내 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뭐 눈치 빠르면 알아서 새기겠지 ? (뭐 이놈도 내가 정확한 물증은 있는건 아니지만.. 정황상 거의 ... ㅎㅎㅎ)
스타판에 망조가 들었네 뭐네 하는데..
개인적 의견인데 아마 좀 안좋은쪽으로 흘러갈것 같다
애초에 지재권 협상 자체를 지금 타이밍에 왜 했을까 생각해보길바래
스타2 나오는 판에 스타1 가지고 놀겠다고 하면 스타2 만든 회사에서 어떻게 생각할까~~~~~~요?
협회만 욕할껀 아니라고 보고...
뭐 스타리그는 왜 안막냐 하는데 프로리그 막아놓고 스타리그만 굴리면 프로게임팀존재 가치가 확 떨어지겠지?
뭐 그다음 수순은 말안해도 알꺼라 생각.. (앞으로 어떻게 전개될지는 나도 모름 들리는데로 알려주겠음)
아 마지막으로 재밌는 얘기 하나 해줄께
마모씨 와 신모씨 조작 동영상 유명한거 있지?
왜 연기가 쩐다 어쩐다 했던거.. 그거 사실은 마씨가 이겼어야 하는 게임이었어
게임전에 이미 빌드를 다 알고있었거든 그래서 관련사람들이 정보듣고 마모씨에 배팅했는데
골때리게 져버린거ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그니까 그건 연기가 아니고 리얼일수도있다는거
근데 또 모르지 본인하고 몇명만 신씨에 배팅하고 주변에는 뻥쳐서 훼이크 쓴걸지도
다만 내가 알고 있는 정보로는 그러 하다는거~
아 뭐 좀 다른거 이것저것 쓰고싶은데
스타판 다 망하면 써야겠어 무서워 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Part 3
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뭐 조작 관련은 100% 확실은 아니야 다만 내가 들은바로 정황상으로 확신한다 하는거니까
정말 아닐수도 있는거고~~~
이상하게 내가 여론몰이 한다고 생각하는 모양인데
난 그럴의도로 쓴건 아니였는데 흐미~~
암튼 그냥 재밌는 가쉽거리? 정도로만 생각했으면 좋겠네
그럼 여러분 안녕~
Translating this cause "one part" of his rumors were true. How true are the others? I don't know.
EDIT: FYI Part was posted on the 24th.
EDIT2: lol the article JUST got deleted. fml i didnt copy the korean
EDIT3: Part 2 translated.
EDIT4: Removed the "edited" portion, it was confirmed by the original IP that it wasn't him
EDIT5: Part 3 added