I was just thinking "I don't know what to think about balance issues in StarCraft 2. I think I better hear littlemikestarcraft's opinion on it first"
All caps thread title is rather obnoxious.
My favorite part about watching your videos is turning on the "subtitle: transcribe audio" option then muting the audio. Oh the silly things you say mikey
United States24494 Posts
I renamed the thread title to make it slightly less abrasive. I dunno why but I found the first video entertaining. Haters are probably hating for the wrong reasons.
On August 30 2010 08:30 micronesia wrote: I renamed the thread title to make it slightly less abrasive. I dunno why but I found the first video entertaining. Haters are probably hating for the wrong reasons.
A guy yellow 80 IQ statements isn't my kind of humor
This video is awesome! I agree with the IdrA part wholeheartedly.
EDIT: where do you live? I want your chicken
Hahaha, another very good video. I love these.
What is your source of income? Just curious.
I agree with the sum up.
Blizzard announced Beta was ending. Blizzard forums lit up like a Christmas tree with comments that went along the lines of : what the fuck, the game is waaaay to early to be releasing this shit, you still need balance changes. In response Blizzard said they felt the game was good enough to release... wow.. now Blizzard has their own foot up their ass, should have listened to the public I guess! Aren't you selling it to us anyway? derrrr
So now what do we have here? A big fucking fire that needs to be put out. What's Blizzard's attitude towards this problem?
![[image loading]](http://www.imagenerd.com/thumbnails/th_that_should_do_the_trick-Msf2W.jpg)
Really Blizzard, you fucked up pretty bad. I have never heard of a game outside Blizzard/Activision that drastically changes so much after release from a patch. No wonder you have kick ass games - because you do them 80 fucking times before you get it right. Well, I for one do not appreciate it. I would rather wait for zelda the extra year, than having to sign in and find out his sword and weapons are all fucked up, even for the better x.x I already played Beta!!! Why the hell am I still playing Beta for 60 fucking dollars?!?!
+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +On August 30 2010 08:30 micronesia wrote: I renamed the thread title to make it slightly less abrasive. I dunno why but I found the first video entertaining. Haters are probably hating for the wrong reasons. Thanks for changing the title-- sometimes I don't even realize what people consider annoying regarding titles/posts. + Show Spoiler +On August 30 2010 09:24 illu wrote:This video is awesome! I agree with the IdrA part wholeheartedly. EDIT: where do you live? I want your chicken  I live in Alberta, Canada. And you can't have any of my chicken, its all gone bro. Maybe next time, might vlog while making steak or something. Before summer is over. + Show Spoiler +On August 30 2010 09:31 hifriend wrote: you played hi friend D: :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O --- > :D + Show Spoiler +On August 30 2010 10:03 Whole wrote: What is your source of income? Just curious. I have a job, just like most people. I was a mechanic since I finished school, then got into a sales position within a dealership-- and then moved into a supervisory position in the service department at one of the local dealerships. It makes it difficult to find time to play video games.. but I still enjoy it!
-- Thanks for all the feedback guys.
When is this patch supposed to go live? If it hasn't already? I still havn't had a chance to actually start playing the game since Thursday. I have been watching the AZ-LAN all day. (Congrats to Psyonic for the KO-victory BTW)
Anyways-- back to watching some streams!! :D:D
nice... u finally made me laugh haha.
United States24494 Posts
It's supposed to be enacted mid-September last I heard.
NOOOOOO Alberta Too far away for chicken.....
On August 30 2010 10:08 Chunkybuddha wrote: Blizzard announced Beta was ending. Blizzard forums lit up like a Christmas tree with comments that went along the lines of : what the fuck, the game is waaaay to early to be releasing this shit, you still need balance changes. In response Blizzard said they felt the game was good enough to release... wow.. now Blizzard has their own foot up their ass, should have listened to the public I guess! Aren't you selling it to us anyway? derrrr
The game is very balanced, if you don't think so check out this SC2Ranks. All the race win %'s are within a percent at almost every level. Yes, this doesn't show individual match ups that is why the tweaks blizzard makes are very small. If that small fraction of a percent is all it takes for people to cry imba/OP, could you imagine what would happen if it was a 2% difference!? By making small changes they won't change the game enough for it to go imbalance.
Yes, I know the statistics from Diamond don't represent the top .05% of the players but majority rules so it is up to the pro's to be creative and discover new ways to play each match up; which is what keeps that scene exciting.
Lastly, patching a game 80 times is not a sign of "we did it wrong". It's them saying just because we already have your money, doesn't mean we won't still care for this game. Every game could use a few patches as people find ways to abuse the code.
On August 30 2010 23:22 Ipp wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2010 10:08 Chunkybuddha wrote: Blizzard announced Beta was ending. Blizzard forums lit up like a Christmas tree with comments that went along the lines of : what the fuck, the game is waaaay to early to be releasing this shit, you still need balance changes. In response Blizzard said they felt the game was good enough to release... wow.. now Blizzard has their own foot up their ass, should have listened to the public I guess! Aren't you selling it to us anyway? derrrr
The game is very balanced, if you don't think so check out this SC2Ranks. All the race win %'s are within a percent at almost every level. Yes, this doesn't show individual match ups that is why the tweaks blizzard makes are very small. If that small fraction of a percent is all it takes for people to cry imba/OP, could you imagine what would happen if it was a 2% difference!? By making small changes they won't change the game enough for it to go imbalance. Yes, I know the statistics from Diamond don't represent the top .05% of the players but majority rules so it is up to the pro's to be creative and discover new ways to play each match up; which is what keeps that scene exciting. Lastly, patching a game 80 times is not a sign of "we did it wrong". It's them saying just because we already have your money, doesn't mean we won't still care for this game. Every game could use a few patches as people find ways to abuse the code. Personally, I agree that the game is balanced. I think the game is way too early and complex to be changing it, but now we will never know. I know we are thinking the same general picture, but our way to arriving to that is different - excluding the reason behind a patch.
You said yourself mob rules, so we both know why the changes are being placed. I hope that doesn't mean I agree with it, because I feel like you thought I was gung-ho for a change. Which is completely opposite of what I want. But if you think these are "small" changes, we shouldn't continue discussing anything, because we just aren't on the same page. A change to SC2 to make the majority of the players change their strategies, mainly terran players, is a big change. I am a neutral player (random), so don't think I am offering some bias here.
Again, I am prone to agree with you, but only to a certain extent. If Blizzard was to release a patch like they have before, "fixing campaign, issue with creep not working, rally points are broken, etc..." these are obligations, and why the system was designed in the first place, most certainly not for redesigning your game. This brings me to why I said Blizzard now has a fire to put out with their foot up their ass. They released a game prematurely, and only 1 month in *wowza!* we are already seeing what Beta was suppose to do In corporate America, you call that a failure, when quality assure (QA - game testing) doesn't do its job. You think this will be the last balance change? What happens when Terran players come together and cry - maybe not, there is no bitch leader. But if that is the case, why not another change? And then another? It'll take a while to meet everyone's demands, which is what they are doing now.
Lastly, patching a game 80 times is a sign of we didn't do it to the best of our abilities, but we'll fix it later. If you think patching a game later is a beneficial attribute that should be common in the video game industry, I am sad. That means there is more than one of you, and with any bad luck, more games will start releasing premature and patching later. I agree, some people abuse the code, and hack the game, but exploit the code for a strategic advantage? That means the game wasn't done right, and should not have been released yet.