So anywho..if you're from toronto and area, you would know how fucking hot it's been lately... Forty-Fucking-Three Degrees Celfuckingcius! That's when I was wishing for a swimming pool really bad!
I had to do a newborn session...OUTDOOR! I had ask my clients if they wanted to do it in their home or somewhere indoor, but they wanted to do it outside..(crazy uh?). So I had no choice but to do it, but I felt really bad for the baby, but thank god it was pretty cool in the shade. Except the part where my feet were getting raped my red ants! Fuck red ants!
Anyway, here's the link to the session: http://icherishyou.ca/blog/2010/07/mya-newborn-baby-portrait-2/
I was also wondering if there's currently any SC2 clans in Toronto? Right now I'm super lonely and have 0 friends in SC2. And what does not help is that none of my real life friends play SC2, if they do play it, they're not competitive, so there's absolutely no point having to play with or against them.
Also, how do i figure out those random numbers that come right after my sc2 id?
I live @ Yonge & finch Chyeeeeeee
Cool! I have a friend who lives in the apartment that's next to YK
Downtown but I don't have SC2 :<
I wish I lived in downtown :| I actually live in Brampton, and there's absolutely nothing to do here, but not as bad as Georgetown.
fOrQQ: but you'll be getting Sc2 when released right?
Depends, I don't have it preordered or anything. Lot of blizz decisions is making me consider waiting a while :/ Maybe the annoying parts will get fixed...
Hey, I'm starting up an sc2 clan. Our members won't be limited to toronto players, but I would like the majority of our players to be based out of the GTA.
Itd be nice to have a lot of members that are located in GTA so we could organize lans and other special events.
We're looking to form a clan culture that is mature, focused and friendly. We want to improve each others gameplay, compete in tournaments, form new friendships and ofcourse have fun.
Web page isn't set up yet, still deciding on a good web server but that should be resolved soon.
As far as my credentials go; I lead a sucessful sc/bw clan back in the day, before pro gaming took off. We won several TWN Starmap tournaments. TWN league disbanded and there were no other leagues around yet so we branched off to different games.
I also lead the WoW division for clan NoHunters, some of u may remember that community.
Anyways, if you are interested in joining us, let me know. Our numbers are still small but we plan to expand upon release of the game.
Email me at bbsx03@msn.com if yer interested.
hostgator.com would be a great one. that's what I currently use to host all my websites. I used to use surpasshosting but their customer service is terrible and so is the weekly server crash
I will send you an email asap.
Yeah its been very hot in the GTA. But there are some people whos got it worse than you, like me for an example. I got no A/C. GG no re.
Well atleast the heatwave is over right?
I don't have SC2 but once it comes out (and once I get a decent computer to run it), Ill get active in the SC2 community.
You don't have an AC? holy shit man! that really blows! no idea how you survived that!