for those who havent read the first part here : http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=133049
TL. I think someone above loves me. I went to that same PC방 and.. there she was. this time playing DotA. my jaw hit the floor as i stammered "어.. 누나!"
she took off her headphones and looked over. Smiled and replied "어 . 너내!"
I smiled and bowed "아.. ㅋㅋ 내이름몰으네여~ 안녕하새여 젼 Sean 이라고해여" she smiled and replied "응 잘만낫다 ㅋㅋㅋ 난민지야~"
So I ordered the computer next to her and we went on for the hour playing our respective games me star and her dota. While her maps would load she'd look over at my games and give me hints. "야 빨이 멀티해." or "리버조심"
After my hour was up i got up ready to go out and said "내일보자!" .
guess what she said .? "기대한다" <3
Can't wait for the translations. Hehe!
Korea (South)17174 Posts
Hahah awesome man...only in Korea.
I can only assume great things until the translations are posted. Even then, I have a good feeling about this!
Really she said that???
CA10824 Posts
lol congrats.
i'd translate but we're on a translator strike right now. (blame roffles imo)
is awesome32268 Posts
according to bachelor frog, this means she wants to fuck you
On June 30 2010 10:39 Rekrul wrote: hahahahahahaha awesome
who needs a translation?
On June 30 2010 10:41 LosingID8 wrote: lol congrats.
i'd translate but we're on a translator strike right now. (blame roffles imo)
The things we suffer through to see roffles dance >_> and it's still worth it.
p.s. + Show Spoiler +
Je dois m'avouer perplexe devant la signification profonde de cet échange.
Translator strike? What!? NOooo... I want to know what it says!
ftw man.
Do it, every day. :p You don't play dota?
United States3241 Posts
On June 30 2010 10:34 DreaM)XeRO wrote:for those who havent read the first part here : http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=133049TL. I think someone above loves me. I went to that same PC방 and.. there she was. this time playing DotA. my jaw hit the floor as i stammered "Oh, noona!!" she took off her headphones and looked over. Smiled and replied "Oh. It's you!" I smiled and bowed "Ah, you don't know my name. Hello, my name is Sean~" she smiled and replied "Nice to meat you keke~ My name is Minji" So I ordered the computer next to her and we went on for the hour playing our respective games me star and her dota. While her maps would load she'd look over at my games and give me hints. "Expand quickly." or "Be careful of reaver" After my hour was up i got up ready to go out and said "See you tomorrow!" . guess what she said .? "I'll look forward to it" <3
Korea (South)17174 Posts
On June 30 2010 10:34 DreaM)XeRO wrote:for those who havent read the first part here : http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=133049TL. I think someone above loves me. I went to that same PC방(room) and.. there she was. this time playing DotA. my jaw hit the floor as i stammered "어.. 누나!"(hey..nuna!) she took off her headphones and looked over. Smiled and replied "어 . 너내!" (oh. it's you!) I smiled and bowed "아.. ㅋㅋ 내이름몰으네여~ 안녕하새여 젼 Sean 이라고해여" (ah...u dunno my name~ hello I am sean u can call me that) she smiled and replied "응 잘만낫다 ㅋㅋㅋ 난민지야~" (ok nice to meet you  i'm Min-Ji) So I ordered the computer next to her and we went on for the hour playing our respective games me star and her dota. While her maps would load she'd look over at my games and give me hints. "야 빨이 멀티해." or "리버조심" (hurry the F up and expand or beware reavers) After my hour was up i got up ready to go out and said "내일보자!" . (see u tomorrow) guess what she said .? "기대한다" (I can't wait) <3
On June 30 2010 10:34 DreaM)XeRO wrote:for those who havent read the first part here : http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=133049TL. I think someone above loves me. I went to that same PC방 and.. there she was. this time playing DotA. my jaw hit the floor as i stammered "Uh .. Lisa!" she took off her headphones and looked over. Smiled and replied "Yeah. Neonae!" I smiled and bowed "Ah .. Yoo ~ ㅋ ㅋ My drive costs more than it was Sean excursions over annyeonghasae" she smiled and replied "Yeah, hopefully better blah blah refugees I. ~" So I ordered the computer next to her and we went on for the hour playing our respective games me star and her dota. While her maps would load she'd look over at my games and give me hints. "Hey ppalyi meoltihae." or "River Watch" After my hour was up i got up ready to go out and said "See you tomorrow!" . guess what she said .? "Expect" <3 Translations according to google translate  Edit: oh nvm Looking forward to part 3
어.. 누나: Uh... nuna (older "sister") 어 . 너내!: Hey, you! 아.. ㅋㅋ 내이름몰으네여~ 안녕하새여 젼 Sean 이라고해여: Ah... keke looks like you don't know my name. My name is Sean. (ㅋㅋ is like lol in korean) 응 잘만낫다 ㅋㅋㅋ 난민지야~: Nice to meet you, kekeke. My name is Min-ji. 야 빨이 멀티해: Hey expand now. 리버조심: Watch out for reaver. 내일보자!: See you tomorrow! 기대한다: I look forward to it.
I have no idea what this translator strike is about, but apparently I have to translate this now.
edit: this isn't google translate.
for those who havent read the first part here : http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?id=133049
TL. I think someone above loves me. I went to that same PC방 and.. there she was. this time playing DotA. my jaw hit the floor as i stammered "HEY SIS (koreans usually call older girls by this title)!"
she took off her headphones and looked over. Smiled and replied "OH ITS YOU!"
I smiled and bowed "Hey, lol, you dont know my name. Hello my name is Sean. she smiled and replied "Oh nice to meet you. Haha. My n ame is Minjee."
So I ordered the computer next to her and we went on for the hour playing our respective games me star and her dota. While her maps would load she'd look over at my games and give me hints. "Quick expand!" or "Watch out for reavers!"
After my hour was up i got up ready to go out and said "Ill see you tomorrow!" .
guess what she said .? "Im looking forward to it." <3
Thats should suffice. 
Edit: Dang I got beat to it by like 3 people. xD Edit2: Fixed some errors.
what happened to translator strike l10f? wait why do i care that is SWEET!!! the hand of god strikes again!, and it looks like its gonna continue...aww shit thats sweet