welll after seeing bb be played on dj wheats stream i thought it was cool so i impulsively went to amazon and ordered it. The game is set to arive today and says that it has been shipped out and is on route but i am dieing in anticipation so did the only logical thing and went to a starcraft forum! Soooooo does anyone play this game and have a psn?
Im gonna need a lot of help to get my hardcore japanese anime fighter career going lol
I think im gonna play arkune (i think thats how you spell it)
ANYWAYS! my psn is bballguard I could really use some help and or just fun matches
just FYI this thread is all but dead since most people here dont really care about CT since CS is out in arcades and people are either already playing it or not bothering with CT until CS drops for console
not sure the exact release date thou. anyway dont mind me and have fun thou ^^
I'll add you to the list anyway. CT is, if nothing else, a way to become somewhat familiar with the characters involved although they changed some of them dramatically in CS, depending on who you play. It's fun, though.
Yeah that's a pretty huge waste of money at this point. Didn't you see CS coming out in a month for a budget price when you searched Amazon for BlazBlue?
I have a question is Blazblue: Continuum Shift going to be released for PC. Calalmity Trigger is a great game, but I really want to play the latest edition, playing the original feels like playing Starcraft without the Broodwar expansion.
Hasn't been much activity here in awhile, I was hoping to resurrect this thread a little bit. With MvC3 coming out, I've been hitting BBCS pretty hard as practice (I main Lambda but I've been trying Makoto, she's supposedly OP in CS2).
To answer a couple of the most recent questions: Unlikely BBCS will ever be released for PC, and no, CS2 will be a DLC pack so you'll probably need to buy CS for it, unless they release an all-new disc with CS2 included. CS2 is more like a huge patch than an actual new game.
So who else plays this? What is your main? Switching to MvC3 soon?
CS2 is out and by out I mean zboz. I got da plat, CS2 game flow is confusing me though. Everyone is low dmg small combos midscreen then in the corner you get hella raped.
I've been a BB fanboy since release, started playin Tao, picked up Hazama and Litchi and now love Mokoto and Platinum. You can buy the 3 chars from the new game off xbox live, but from the videos I've seen CS2 has some different gameplay mechanics, but I've only heard of a new game (disc) release. They also did make CT for the PC and I've heard rumors of CS coming out for it. But BB is the fighter for me, only GG is competition or attention. I tried MvsC3, but really disliked all the characters, which is weird, caused I loved all of em in MvsC2...
So has anyone here been keeping up with the competitive scene? From what I saw in BBCS 2 is that it is unbearable to watch due to that "COUNTER! COUNTER! COUNTER!" all game long.