A tournament consisting of players from the practice partner thread located on www.teamliquid.net. Every US player with a post that plays SC2 at a platinum or lower level may enter! The name “Macro/Micro Tournament” is used as the event title in consideration of learning these basic principles of the game, while also giving a feel of what it is like to play under pressure in a tournament setting. Which overall, is what the practice thread and the event are all about.
Tournament Results:
Note: Virus replaced Goobus in Round 1.
Admin Comments:
An awesome night of platinum level tournament play. Once again we had a great turnout, 16 eager players all lined up to do some damage to each other. Was great to see quite a few new faces in the line-up as well. Overall we had some exciting games with a variety of nice match ups. Congratulations goes out to Yiff for winning first place in a Best of 3 with Rahdek.
Battle Net cooperated for the most part with only some minor hiccups, especially when you consider that most of the games' lobbies were full for every match with the maximum amount of spectators. Would like to also thank BSOS for helping me referee at times and for his stream which you can find at livestream.com/cyberneticpunks.
Next tournament will be this upcoming week. In addition, this will be a larger tournament, 32 players is likely and will be a sign-up event. A thread will be made concerning the details either today or tomorrow. GGs and GLHF.