If I was Savior's PR rep, I would not release an apology but this might as well go out like a hero, outside the gaming world at least:
Family, friends, and most importantly fans who followed me through all the trials and tribulations, please hear me out. When,the rights of men are soiled, the weak oppressed, and the shackles of exploitative power are tightened, action must be taken.
Gamers have the right to live their lives in dignity, free from hunger the fear of losing a job and oppression. These rights are best assured by a representative body, based on the will of people. But when this body is denying the opportunity to manage in a fair manner, those who suffer,who benefit least,who are exploited, Action must be taken.
At first you may criticize me of hypocrisy, burning the very foundation of a structure built by the blood sweat and tears of the previous gamers. But when we are shunned and silenced, threatened to be replaced with a younger and more naive gamer who is willing to work for free, our voices just turn into wind in the midst left to be heard by no one. Our small cries for attention was never heard, and ultimately, this was the only way to get the attention of the masses.
Gamers regardless of status should be respected in all their diversity and differences within and between gamers and Kespa. The governing body should be neither feared nor repressed, but cherised. Prudence must be shown in the case of handling money. Immeasurable riches we inherit from sponsors should not be preserved amongst the few but trickled down to all.
We must spare no effot to free the shackles of exploitative child labor from the scourge of the governing body. We need to remind ourselves why Kespa exists, for what purpose and for who it was built.....
and to at least make this blog a little bit more interesting, how about you guys finish off my thought. Or even write up something totally different if you guys don't agree with me at all. Would be fun to see what everyone else would think.
Best thing the caught progamers can do is to make a movement that pursues better progamer life.
Baltimore, USA22247 Posts
This would be better if it were targeting any gamer BUT Savior. I don't think "fear of hunger or losing his job" was the reason he cheated.
haha yea but like Robin Hood, you're doing it not only for yourself, but for the underdog masses.
I agree with ETT :S After reading "The Reality of Progaming," you can see how and why many of the younger and not-so-famous players resort to this match fixing. sAviOr didn't need the money, and he wasn't afraid of losing his job. Somebody, say, like Type-B would be able to make better use of this.
I don't really like the way you've put it, but I have to say I don't feel sorry for KeSPA or the spirit of competition at all after reading that article either. I knew it was bad for a long time, but that brings it to the forefront of my mind. These young guys are all too scared to form a union, and that's what they really need.
In some ways, you think 'it's an art field, you always have to work really hard and make a name before you even get a dime.' But in other ways, it's 16-19 year olds making decisions they don't seem to be really ready to make. There's a reason child labour laws exist, and this is like some absurd loop hole. What's more important, the spirit of the game, or the spirit of the law?
No wonder parents don't want their kids to go into this. It's not just 'I don't want my kid playing games for a living' it's 'this is an abusive and poorly functioning system.' I think at very least A teamers should have a labour contract, and B teamers should just leave after a year if they haven't moved up. There's a conflict in how many hours a company will pay the progamer for though, since theoretically they could tell them '1 hour' and know that they're going to practice more since they want to win. It's complicated. A union would need to ask for 10 hr days to make sure they're paid for the full time work needed to succeed.
Baltimore, USA22247 Posts
On May 22 2010 14:09 sebu wrote: haha yea but like Robin Hood, you're doing it not only for yourself, but for the underdog masses.
LOL, I somehow doubt that was his motivation.
savior's rolex begs to differ 
Korean netizens wouldn't accept this damage control though, as the majority of them are only swayed by evidence. Rather than listen to emotions or apologies, they will often drive people in the spotlight into self-exile or ostracize them through endless heckling. They would probably only get off of Savior's ass if "Mr. Ma" is in fact referring to some random arse gamer (which it clearly isn't at this point ).
i doubt there is any way you can spin this to be in his favor 
just to deep in the ditch
Truly the American way. Get caught for something unforgivable, the goes on media offensive to claim it was for a greater cause.
On May 22 2010 13:59 EvilTeletubby wrote: This would be better if it were targeting any gamer BUT Savior. I don't think "fear of hunger or losing his job" was the reason he cheated.
Is there any public information on how much Hwasin and Luxury were making? I always assumed they were pretty well payed - Hwasin for being a top player for such a long time and Luxury a starleague winner - but I don't think I've seen any numbers.
"Dear friends, I am retiring from brood war ... and taking up sc2" *cue evil music*.
People can be harsh on him, but he broke the law and betrayed his supporters. I dont think people should harass or insult him necessarily,but to try to justify crime as some kind of noble act.. not so much. I dont begrudge anyone trying to make a living, but if they break laws(social or moral) they need to be ready take the consequences like a man.
9069 Posts
At some point savior will write a book about the dark side of progaming, using his reputation and the match-fixing scandal to sell it well. I can see him becoming the anti-boxer or smth like that
Korea (South)17174 Posts
wow op, if savior wanted to save himself in someway, or go out in glory..saying what you said is definitely not the way to do it lol