Got two friend beta key invites, no idea what to do with them, soooooo.
First two people to upload them attempting to do this dance (an attempt in this context means it has to at least be hilariously funny or surprisingly close to the real thing) will get beta keys.
Here is the dance: (starts at 40 seconds thru video)
upload your entries to youtube, make sure to hold up a teamliquid sign at the end so i know you didnt just steal some other randoms video.
I will check back here every so often, simply post your youtube link in this thread, if no one has attempted this by 19:00KST i will probably change the contest ;P
WOW first i miss one because i cant take proper pics and my phone wont hook to my pc, now i humiliate myself and i got a virus earlier now my browsers are fucked and i cant upload it WTFFFF WHY
1st beta key sent to jonnywhy, but this is the only one i'll send out WITHOUT a teamliquid sign in there somewhere, just puttin it as the title is not enough (but in that case that video was fucking hilarious anyway, so kudos brother )
edit: just to clarify, theres only one more to give out, and rather than make it a who can upload the fastest (incase there is someone else trying to do it as well as this guy thats having trouble) you have until 20:00 KST to upload, then i will judge between all the ones uploaded who gets the last key