TL Beta Key Scavenger Hunt - Page 44
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Zimbabwe5568 Posts
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France2377 Posts
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United States59 Posts
George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" | ||
Zimbabwe5568 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [#1] + On April 10 2010 17:47 IdrA wrote: did i say it was bad mannered? have i EVER bitch about manner? you said "OH HAI THERE" and i said it was obnoxious or annoying or retarded + Show Spoiler [#2] + + Show Spoiler [#3] + + Show Spoiler [#4] + + Show Spoiler [#5] + On April 09 2010 21:00 IdrA wrote: i was going to simply post that you're a retard and you should shut up because your opinions are uninformed bullshit. however i was recently banned and warned that, while it was acceptable for me to tell stupid people that theyre stupid, i must do so in a more indirect manner so that certain moderators with weak stomachs are not offended. as such; good sir, you appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. please refrain from posting until this is remedied, since it renders your opinions slightly less than correct and has a tendency to irritate more informed forum-goers. + Show Spoiler [#6] + + Show Spoiler [#7] + + Show Spoiler [#8] + On March 16 2010 01:32 IdrA wrote: having only skimmed the thread, anyone suggesting a change to blink in order to buff the stalker is missing the point. theyre fine in terms of mobility and micro, even without blink. the problem is they deal 0 damage and die in 2 hits from a broodling. it would become a staple, but thats what protoss is really missing right now. you dont have anything thats solid in all normal scenarios, so you either have to cheat/guess one way or another, or sacrifice army strength in order to cover all your bases. this doesnt really make for good games, as if you try to guess (assuming you cant get full scouting information and you usually cant) it becomes a retarded game of who managed to hard counter who, and if you sac army strength to be able to deal with anything obviously you have a weak army. that works vs t cuz your army is still stronger than theirs, but you cant beat a good z that way. buffing stalkers fixes alot about pvz, though it might require some more fine tuning early game as robo based allins are already quite strong. it'd also fix the terran allin > protoss but protoss freewins if they survive situation in pvt right now. terran would need some kind of mid-late game buff to compensate but they need that anyway. + Show Spoiler [#9] + On March 12 2010 14:35 IdrA wrote: its actually a terrible analogy a more fitting one would be some people wanted to make money so they told you theres this awesome theme park but you cant see it until you buy the tickets and to buy the tickets you have to do whatever they tell you to, no matter how retarded it is. and then once you buy the tickets you die without having led a fulfilling existence because you devoted yourself to a bunch of idiotic bullshit. now THAT was a good analogy. + Show Spoiler [#10] + On January 02 2010 19:10 IdrA wrote: ya lets look at statistics from before muta micro and hive abuse to determine modern balance! that makes perfect sense! zergs used to do badly because their innovators came later than the terran's. nada and oov showed t's relatively modern tvz years before savior/ggplay/jaedong came and fixed zvt. looking at statistics from pre-muta micro and pre-hive abuse games in order to talk about current zvt is fucking retarded. and theres absolutely no reason to assume the metagame will swing back in terrans favor as the improvements in zvt are not something fragile or counterable, theyre solid improvements in general gameplay that will not go away. its like terran going from one base openings to fe. people just got flat out better at the matchup. + Show Spoiler [#11] + On December 26 2009 21:19 IdrA wrote: just when it seemed that foreign fans might not be as retarded as koreans well done 12 On December 15 2009 10:23 IdrA wrote: trying to tame a retard usually doesnt work out that well steve 13 On December 05 2009 18:12 IdrA wrote: are you retarded or something 14 On December 24 2009 20:08 IdrA wrote: but in that case it is causality, not correlation. its not absolute but cheese is, by nature, risky. this makes it a far better choice to cheese someone whos better than you. if you do a coinflip cheese someone who you can hold a 70% win rate vs you're pretty retarded, while taking a 50/50 vs someone you'd normally go 30% vs is a pretty good choice. psychology messes with all that but in general playing vs a better player does cause someone to cheese. 15 16 17 On September 16 2009 04:45 IdrA wrote: octzerg did not win a game vs me are you retarded? zerglings did beat me, but octzerg had no part in that game On June 02 2009 11:04 IdrA wrote: haha ya but the difference is you're fucking retarded and i didnt try to jew you out of a tournament. 18 On May 18 2009 09:22 IdrA wrote: are you fucking retarded? we both agree to reschedule. BUT we're still gonna play our match at a seperate time. just for kicks. fucking pussy. you're a terrible player desperate for a freewin. stop hiding behind the other bullshit. of course wcg has no clue whats going on. they never do. all 4 players agreed to reschedule, and then you show up and take a freewin. go fuck yourself you little piece of shit. 19 On June 27 2009 10:22 IdrA wrote: you havent gotten to see his current performance there have been 2? offline qualifiers since he got back, and he made group finals in at least one of them. theres a bunch of proleague caliber players who didnt make it that far. as for proleague, hes on skt, and theyre in the playoff hunt, no one expected him to come back and outperform best bisu and fantasy. ya, hes not gonna win another starleague, but calling boxer of all people unadaptive is just retarded. he made 2 starleague finals well after the macro revolution. 20 On June 21 2009 00:32 IdrA wrote: are all iccup admins retarded? seems to be a bit of a trend 21 On July 13 2009 23:55 IdrA wrote: which is why its utterly retarded to try to judge anything off stats, especially a 26 game pool its massively z favored. ya if ptak plays against flash its gonna seem pretty tough zvt. not otherwise. 22 23 On June 01 2009 15:46 IdrA wrote: the reason no one plays zotac cups is cuz the admins are fucking retarded and they dont actually pay. they promised the money would be received within 4 weeks, but neither me nor ret has been paid yet and its been 5-6 weeks for us. 24 On June 02 2009 02:50 IdrA wrote: the way people judge things is strongly affected by the culture theyre raised in. western culture has decided that the zombie jew who was born to a virgin and who wants us to eat his body via crackers is rationally acceptable. this makes it much easier for people to accept. but ask any non scientologist and theyre gonna tell you its a load of bullshit. that makes it much harder to get roped into, meaning the followers are much more likely to be retarded. 25 26 27 On April 05 2009 14:06 IdrA wrote: no i mean the worst kind to play against, the most dangerous cuz theyre utterly fucking retarded and know absolutely nothing about the game, that combined with protoss units is a very scary mixture. its like playing vs fenix, except even dumber. 28 On March 19 2009 21:06 IdrA wrote: indeed. everyone is not the same. treating them as such would be retarded. the rule is there to prevent abusing. jf wasnt abusing and obviously does not need help getting through D. 29 On April 02 2009 17:48 IdrA wrote: was a retarded ass ban congrats that guy clearly was illiterate and clearly did need to shut the fuck up 30 On March 31 2009 20:49 IdrA wrote: since when is proxy gate on desti brilliant or unique? its practically the standard and theres nothing brilliant about it, you're just fucking retarded if you dont use it since its pretty much a guaranteed advantage. 31 On March 19 2009 14:01 IdrA wrote: a sci vessel is like a defilers retarded little sister no infinite mana kills one unit instead of killing as many as you want might take away a unit's mana if you guess which way the unit is gonna move and judge relative speeds correctly 32 On March 21 2009 15:41 IdrA wrote: you're clueless starleague success is really good for a team as well and the coaching staff/management is not stupid. or if they are they have oov to explain it to them. fantasy's greatest strength is that hes smart and he prepares well for matches. that style does not serve you well in proleague where you have little preparation and lots of matches vs generic, lesser known players. starleagues are where you can prepare well and where that kind of player truly shines. he does not blow off proleague, he is just not well suited for that. hating him for that while he brings you consecutive silver medals and the recognition that comes with it would be fucking retarded. 33 On March 19 2009 11:31 IdrA wrote: and yes the dark swarm mechanic is retarded however its too late to do anything about it because zerg would be fucked without it. ideally blizzard would have made zergs lair tech units stronger, because as is you fight with them all game on them and switching immediately to ultras costs too much and leaves a timing window, so z has to depend on swarm to survive. but seriously, just look at it from an outside perspective. a spell that guarantees that you cant attack something for however long its duration is? it allows for exceedingly slow, boring games. watch any zvt xiaozi has ever played. 34 On March 19 2009 12:23 IdrA wrote: this is all theoretical, when i dont gg its cuz im pissed i lost however i still believe what i said and that the requirement of saying gg is retarded. 35 36 On February 19 2009 10:52 IdrA wrote: i dont know if theyve explained it but its an acronym for something, the blue guys always write MULEs when they talk about it does sound pretty retarded though actually only cydra caps it like that, karune doesnt who knows 37 On February 26 2009 16:18 IdrA wrote: no its not that theyre sandy vaginas anyone who thinks theyre too far behind cuz of 3 months of beta testing is fucking retarded, and fucking retarded people dont tend to be very valuable for anything. 38 On February 25 2009 13:33 IdrA wrote: i like the new tact "its not my fault im retarded and cant write properly guys" was alot gayer than "fuck you im a retard, deal with it" 39 On February 19 2009 00:50 IdrA wrote: ? 'you cant have bathroom break pauses in kespa sanctioned games" is obviously discredited by someone pausing to do something less significant than go to the bathroom. perhaps i should have added "in a kespa sanctioned game and wasnt disqualified" however i assumed that would be obvious as i didnt know you were retarded. as for your general point, sometimes situations arise, beyond someones control, that would disturb their playing more than having to pause for a minute would disturb yours, so you are a fucking douchebag if you unpause for no reason. 40 41 On December 15 2008 11:19 IdrA wrote: hes gonna 2-0 flash his mutas are sick and the new map+medusa are both fucking retardedly impossible to stop 2 hat muta on. 42 On November 03 2008 15:55 IdrA wrote: gay parenting and gay marriage are different things, you may have a point about gay parenting and it definitely needs to held under close scrutiny, in case it does have an adverse impact on the kids. but what rationale is there for denying gay marriage? it IS a civil rights issue. theyre being denied equal treatment because the idea of 2 men having sex makes you and a bunch of stuffy old politicians feel icky inside. just imagine 2 hot lesbians having sex when you think of gay marriage, that'll make this whole issue go away. ya having read your first post the entire problem is you seem to think raising children and marriage has to go hand in hand. there is nothing that says a married couple (or group) has to be allowed to raise children. we could allow anyone who wants to get married and only allow male/female couples to raise children. although given that we allowed single parenting and underaged girls to have/keep children, plus just generally unqualified parents, i think its kinda retarded to prevent a stable gay couple from raising children. 43 On August 17 2008 23:23 IdrA wrote: no i said a retarded monkey given a computer could pvt on a B level or something along those lines 44 On August 16 2008 19:45 IdrA wrote: no thats the guy he wants to win's retarded fanboy besides being a cheater and whatnot dino isnt so bad. its the east trash stuck to his cock isnt so pleasant. 45 On May 07 2008 13:33 IdrA wrote: it wasnt bad at all, the people who are getting pissy about it are just as dumb as the group i intended to insult in the first place. people directly insult all americans on here all the time just because our president is a retard, people dont get nearly as bent out of shape over that. 46 On January 09 2008 10:57 IdrA wrote: goon heavy armies also do well against ultra ling, especially since they were on an even economic footing. he was playing a goon based army because jaedong was using hydra/lurk, which rapes zeal/archon but gets raped by goon+temp. i guess he didnt anticipate the addition of defilers, which seems really retarded considering who he was playing. he also didnt storm very effectively, multiple battles just ended up hydra lurk vs goon zeal with a few temps sitting idly in the back. bisu just didnt seem very sharp in general after his harass died down. 47 On December 31 2007 17:00 IdrA wrote: i dont get all the hate for fbh, sure he looks kinda retarded doing those ceremonies but it doesnt seem malicious at all. he just seems like a goofy guy messing around and trying to play it up for his fans. 48 On December 23 2007 05:02 IdrA wrote: you're kinda leaving out the fact that he hacked, purposefully, in a competitive game. that nullifies quite a bit. and its not like hes gonna become a permanent outcast. even obnoxious retards who 100% hack in multiple competitive games are given 2nd (and more) chances and haypro still has a decent reputation in most people's eyes. 49 On December 24 2007 01:30 IdrA wrote: yep, and as has been pointed out the scumbag retards who get caught multiple times are still allowed back into the community after a year or less, you really think its gonna take that long for someone most people like? it would be wrong to make him a permanent outcast(without proof that it was an ongoing, malicious thing), but it would be just as wrong to not punish him at all. 50 On December 17 2007 04:52 IdrA wrote: its a keyboard and possibly an ipod just because the whole suspense thing is really retarded | ||
10040 Posts
A Song of Ice and Fire | ||
United States1297 Posts
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United Kingdom748 Posts
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United States2230 Posts
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France2377 Posts
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Zimbabwe5568 Posts
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Czech Republic2908 Posts FUCK YEA! | ||
United States2611 Posts
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Netherlands839 Posts
but I gave up :s | ||
Australia8090 Posts
74b. Name 40 posters with stars (10 more points) - motbob (5 minutes) Wait what? how the hell were those question woth that many points, its a simple search for the thread, 1 minute of work for 15 points? | ||
United States4126 Posts
Abydos1 Aesop Bockit Day[9] GTR heyoka intrigue JWD KizZBG lilsusie LosingID8 MasterOfChaos mnm p4NDemik Pheer semioldguy SonuvBob Tadzio I counted 18 O_o | ||
United States133 Posts
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United States2230 Posts
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