On April 09 2010 11:02 TheComeback wrote: Magneto/Cable/Sentinal Magneto/guile/DR.Doom Jill/sentinal/guile I challenge anyone who thinks they can hang with me PS3ID: Arlock EDIT: "I'm gona take you for a ride"
alright im gonna add you and invite you one of these days. and i am 100% sure my guile is better than yours so dont even bother
On April 09 2010 11:44 BalloonFight wrote: <-- MSP/Santhrax/MSS
Would love to see another marvel come out, as I've wasted MANNNNNNY hours on mvc2. Was anyone here from TL at last years evo?
I live in vegas so I've been to the past 3 evos. I have marvel on ps3 add me: TheEvilTree.
Not actually true about vegas, but I didn't want to fuck up such a beautiful triple post. Im from nawlins and was at the last seasons beatings.
Seriously, get at me. I play santhrax mainly, dabble in cable/bh teams. If yall are serious about this guile shit you either know something I don't or are about to get wrecked ; )
Lawl, failing it up with a triple post. Who does that?
This news excites me. Not that I've ever been good at a single fighting game, ever. Well maybe Fatal Fury 2, when all I did was choose Kim and do his one kick attack from the air. I may have been a button masher all other times, but I knew how to do that move, and for whatever reason, people couldn't stop it; so I abused the hell out of it.
Anyhow, I love the Marvel vs. Capcom series. If this pans out to be true, I'll be one very happy button masher.
Sorry about the triple post lol it happens when I post from my phone.. anyway just got a T.E. for ps3 add me and I will play with yall. Also it just got announced bitchez: http://www.eventhubs.com/
It will be playable at this years e3! I can't wait to see what it looks like! Get HYYYYYPPPPPEEEE!
so long as they put dante in it im all for it also wouldn't doubt it use tvc engine i know EC will be all over it since they all into both marvel and tvc