If you haven't tried any of the games before, please give them a chance.
Edit: ATTENTION: I chose not to put any Western RPG's on this list because they vary from Japanese RPG's so much
10. + Show Spoiler +
Final Fantasy 5
![[image loading]](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/9b5a19bde6.jpg)
This game was not released into the US until later, but gave the user lots of customization.
![[image loading]](http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/b/bc/Finalfantasy5_jobs_mastered.png)
No longer are we forced into rigid character roles
It had a lot of secrets, and even the first super mini bosses that were incorporated later into other Final Fantasy's.
![[image loading]](http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/vPUG2QTRwCE/hqdefault.jpg)
This is often the result of fighting the two optional bosses Shinryuu or Omega Weapon.
![[image loading]](http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/9b5a19bde6.jpg)
This game was not released into the US until later, but gave the user lots of customization.
![[image loading]](http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/b/bc/Finalfantasy5_jobs_mastered.png)
No longer are we forced into rigid character roles
It had a lot of secrets, and even the first super mini bosses that were incorporated later into other Final Fantasy's.
![[image loading]](http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/vPUG2QTRwCE/hqdefault.jpg)
This is often the result of fighting the two optional bosses Shinryuu or Omega Weapon.
9. + Show Spoiler +
Lost Odyssey
![[image loading]](http://www.puolenkuunpelit.com/kauppa/images/x360_lostodyssey_iso.jpg)
Lost Odyssey was released for the 360 and had some great ideas. The main storyline is that you are an immortal, and you are trying to recover your memory. Throughout the story, you experience moments that make you recollect your lost dreams. Some are very emotional, I cried during a couple of them.
It also kept combat kind of fun with the ring system. Basically you had to press the right trigger at the right time to try to get a critical hit. It kept combat a little more fun. Changing rings in battle did become a little bit tedious after a while. That, and a better overall story would have moved this one up.
![[image loading]](http://www.puolenkuunpelit.com/kauppa/images/x360_lostodyssey_iso.jpg)
Lost Odyssey was released for the 360 and had some great ideas. The main storyline is that you are an immortal, and you are trying to recover your memory. Throughout the story, you experience moments that make you recollect your lost dreams. Some are very emotional, I cried during a couple of them.
It also kept combat kind of fun with the ring system. Basically you had to press the right trigger at the right time to try to get a critical hit. It kept combat a little more fun. Changing rings in battle did become a little bit tedious after a while. That, and a better overall story would have moved this one up.
8. + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://revistagames.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/terranigma_box.jpg)
Produced by... Square Enix.
I know most of you probably haven't heard of this game. It was the last game in the Soul Blazer series. It was never released in America because of religious conflicts. This is the only non turn based game on this list. You fight like in Zelda, but you level up, so I included it as an RPG. The storyline is basically you resurrecting everything in the world, plants, animals, people. It starts slow, but once people are resurrected, it really picks up.
![[image loading]](http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7157/terranigma0000.jpg)
The world is your canvas Ark.
The game has one of the best stories I've ever played. It is very philosophical. Almost every name and place is an allusion to the real world. Go out and try this game. Stick through the beginning, and you will be rewarded with a beautiful game.
![[image loading]](http://revistagames.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/terranigma_box.jpg)
Produced by... Square Enix.
I know most of you probably haven't heard of this game. It was the last game in the Soul Blazer series. It was never released in America because of religious conflicts. This is the only non turn based game on this list. You fight like in Zelda, but you level up, so I included it as an RPG. The storyline is basically you resurrecting everything in the world, plants, animals, people. It starts slow, but once people are resurrected, it really picks up.
![[image loading]](http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7157/terranigma0000.jpg)
The world is your canvas Ark.
The game has one of the best stories I've ever played. It is very philosophical. Almost every name and place is an allusion to the real world. Go out and try this game. Stick through the beginning, and you will be rewarded with a beautiful game.
7. + Show Spoiler +
Lufia II
![[image loading]](http://www.burat-online.de/assets/images/lufia2yw2.jpg)
Lufia 2 is a fun SNES RPG that had lots of fun puzzles and battles. It actually is the precursor to the events that take place in Lufia 1. It has one of the best characters of all time.
![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3321/3407811631_a2b17d9e42_m.jpg)
Damn... that is one bad ass mofo
The game also introduced capsule monsters(think pokemon). These monsters grew with you and evolved into more powerful monsters if you fed them enough. Some of the puzzles were very well crafted. Once completed, it felt great!
![[image loading]](http://danielprimed.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/puzzle.jpg)
Dang this one took forever!
Pretty solid game overall. Try it out if you haven't
![[image loading]](http://www.burat-online.de/assets/images/lufia2yw2.jpg)
Lufia 2 is a fun SNES RPG that had lots of fun puzzles and battles. It actually is the precursor to the events that take place in Lufia 1. It has one of the best characters of all time.
![[image loading]](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3321/3407811631_a2b17d9e42_m.jpg)
Damn... that is one bad ass mofo
The game also introduced capsule monsters(think pokemon). These monsters grew with you and evolved into more powerful monsters if you fed them enough. Some of the puzzles were very well crafted. Once completed, it felt great!
![[image loading]](http://danielprimed.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/puzzle.jpg)
Dang this one took forever!
Pretty solid game overall. Try it out if you haven't
6. + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://www.wiinintendo.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/earthbound_box.jpg)
That's right, it's Earthbound. I think you either hate it or love it. This game spawned the sexy characters that are Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. This game is also extremely funny. What other games do you get to fight hippies and blue people?
![[image loading]](http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz45/jso20/EarthboundU063.png)
Run... For the love of God
There are so many corny jokes littered throughout the game. This game was just plain fun. It fulfilled my little kids imagination and I played this forever. If you are going to play this game, you must have an open mind. If you embrace it, the game will love you back.
![[image loading]](http://www.wiinintendo.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/earthbound_box.jpg)
That's right, it's Earthbound. I think you either hate it or love it. This game spawned the sexy characters that are Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. This game is also extremely funny. What other games do you get to fight hippies and blue people?
![[image loading]](http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz45/jso20/EarthboundU063.png)
Run... For the love of God
There are so many corny jokes littered throughout the game. This game was just plain fun. It fulfilled my little kids imagination and I played this forever. If you are going to play this game, you must have an open mind. If you embrace it, the game will love you back.
5. + Show Spoiler +
Super Mario RPG
![[image loading]](http://upload.digiex.net/files/xrql61rfaovmah1oeb78.jpg)
This game is amazing. It introduces two new characters to the Mario Universe, Mallow, an emo "tadpole frog thing" and Geno, the most badass doll come to life I've ever seen. Much like Earthboud, the game is just fun to play. It is very cean, and combat is interactive. You can time the a button to reduce damage or inflict more damage on certain attacks. The story is pretty typical, but Bowser actually fights on your side this time. You also get some of the most memorable enemies ever.
![[image loading]](http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/super-mario-rpg-axem-rangers-screenshot.jpg)
Oh God, it's the Axem Rangers!!!!
Another great thing about this game is the amount of hidden secrets and extra goodies everywhere if you looked hard enough. I'm also going to give everyone a hint that I wish I had when I was a kid. + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://upload.digiex.net/files/xrql61rfaovmah1oeb78.jpg)
This game is amazing. It introduces two new characters to the Mario Universe, Mallow, an emo "tadpole frog thing" and Geno, the most badass doll come to life I've ever seen. Much like Earthboud, the game is just fun to play. It is very cean, and combat is interactive. You can time the a button to reduce damage or inflict more damage on certain attacks. The story is pretty typical, but Bowser actually fights on your side this time. You also get some of the most memorable enemies ever.
![[image loading]](http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/super-mario-rpg-axem-rangers-screenshot.jpg)
Oh God, it's the Axem Rangers!!!!
Another great thing about this game is the amount of hidden secrets and extra goodies everywhere if you looked hard enough. I'm also going to give everyone a hint that I wish I had when I was a kid. + Show Spoiler +
The password is Pearls. I still have nightmares of that damn haunted ship.
4. + Show Spoiler +
Final Fantasy 2/4
![[image loading]](http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/gen152.gif)
This game was amazing. It really captured the Western Audiences and showed us what RPGs could be like. It has such memorable characters, Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Edge, Kain, and Edgar+ Show Spoiler +. It had tons of secrets and hidden summons. In this game, you get to go to the moon! How badass is that???
![[image loading]](http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff4gfx/map-moon.gif)
The moon is a scary place. Enter Bahamuts cave at your own risk
The story was also well done. The characters actually changed throughout the story. There are plenty of plot twists to keep you on your toes as well. In battles, you can control 5!! characters. Sweet!
![[image loading]](http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/gen152.gif)
This game was amazing. It really captured the Western Audiences and showed us what RPGs could be like. It has such memorable characters, Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Edge, Kain, and Edgar+ Show Spoiler +
LOL just kidding no one liked Edgar go play your harp you spoony bard
![[image loading]](http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff4gfx/map-moon.gif)
The moon is a scary place. Enter Bahamuts cave at your own risk
The story was also well done. The characters actually changed throughout the story. There are plenty of plot twists to keep you on your toes as well. In battles, you can control 5!! characters. Sweet!
3. + Show Spoiler +
Chrono Trigger
![[image loading]](http://www.orangeanime.com/main/sites/default/files/users/Hylian%20Blood/Chrono_Trigger%20box.jpg)
Are you guys seeing a trend? Squaresoft is damn good at making RPGs. Chrono Trigger has one of the most dynamic stories, and handles time travel better than any other game I've played. Basically, the world is going to end, so you must go through different time periods to save it.
![[image loading]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_nVGyx975u38/RolCw01KE2I/AAAAAAAAAto/zHXX0lje300/s400/Chrono+Trigger+Epoch+Machine.PNG)
Looks like we got ourselves a time machine
I know a lot of people think this is the best game ever, and I think I would put it there, but I personally didn't like the battle system as much. You could only control 3 characters, and for some reason I didn't like the character combo attacks.
For it's time Chrono Trigger was beautiful. The characters were also very strong. It also had amazing side quests, and a cool New Game+ Feature.
![[image loading]](http://www.orangeanime.com/main/sites/default/files/users/Hylian%20Blood/Chrono_Trigger%20box.jpg)
Are you guys seeing a trend? Squaresoft is damn good at making RPGs. Chrono Trigger has one of the most dynamic stories, and handles time travel better than any other game I've played. Basically, the world is going to end, so you must go through different time periods to save it.
Looks like we got ourselves a time machine
I know a lot of people think this is the best game ever, and I think I would put it there, but I personally didn't like the battle system as much. You could only control 3 characters, and for some reason I didn't like the character combo attacks.
For it's time Chrono Trigger was beautiful. The characters were also very strong. It also had amazing side quests, and a cool New Game+ Feature.
2. + Show Spoiler +
Final Fantasy 7
![[image loading]](http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/7158/ffviibox1zj.jpg)
He must be really strong to carry that sword around
Final Fantasy 7 was the first FF on the playstation, and introduced a ton of new fans to the scene. Many people think this is why they have so many fanboys. However, it isn't. They have fanboys because it a fucking amazing game. The materia system allowed for so much depth and customization between characters. Using the same materia could even eventually, level it up and you can learn new materia.
![[image loading]](http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/25/10820-Materia-01_super.jpg)
The materia system was the best magic system made by Squaresoft.
This game also picked up where FF5 left off and included the Ruby Weapon and the "Oh I just got this cool new submarine, let me go explore a bit in this murky abyss and HOLY SHIT IT'S THE EMERALD WEAPON." + Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/YELxfu-t-Ac/0.jpg)
You picked the wrong fight buddy
You could also spend hours and hours breeding chocobo's to get a gold chocobo. There was the Gold Saucer which has helped spawned the TL Arena. The story is also incredibly deep.
![[image loading]](http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/7158/ffviibox1zj.jpg)
He must be really strong to carry that sword around
Final Fantasy 7 was the first FF on the playstation, and introduced a ton of new fans to the scene. Many people think this is why they have so many fanboys. However, it isn't. They have fanboys because it a fucking amazing game. The materia system allowed for so much depth and customization between characters. Using the same materia could even eventually, level it up and you can learn new materia.
![[image loading]](http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/25/10820-Materia-01_super.jpg)
The materia system was the best magic system made by Squaresoft.
This game also picked up where FF5 left off and included the Ruby Weapon and the "Oh I just got this cool new submarine, let me go explore a bit in this murky abyss and HOLY SHIT IT'S THE EMERALD WEAPON." + Show Spoiler +
Seriously, the first time i got my submarine i was just exploring the water, i turn left and boom, I make contact. I jumped up so fucking scared i ripped my controller out of the PS1, then frantically plugged it back in so I could control my characters for one turn before they died.
![[image loading]](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/YELxfu-t-Ac/0.jpg)
You picked the wrong fight buddy
You could also spend hours and hours breeding chocobo's to get a gold chocobo. There was the Gold Saucer which has helped spawned the TL Arena. The story is also incredibly deep.
1. + Show Spoiler +
Final Fantasy 3/6
![[image loading]](http://www.bigshinyrobot.com/reviews/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/ff3_box.jpg)
Look at that harmless little moogle
This game has one of the best story lines of all time. It also has amazing characters, music, and graphics(for the time).
Each character has a unique ability, and on top of that, can learn magic from magicite. This lets you customize all of your characters, but differentiates them as well. They all have solid back stories. There are even hidden characters! There are 14 character total. I love the story of this game so much. The basic beginning is that there is an empire trying to revive magick to make them extremely powerful. It has the best villian of any game in Kefka.
![[image loading]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FjciXAGe44U/SxPx_bJBA5I/AAAAAAAAAOU/QL1kiPn74Eg/s1600/kefka.png)
Don't drink the kool-aid.
This game has so many side quests and hidden items, it can keep you playing for a long time.
Also, trivia quiz. Can anyone tell me what happened to Banon?
![[image loading]](http://l.yimg.com/jh/content/p/1/876317/final-fantasy-vi-advance-20070215044816259_screen001.jpg)
Does anyone know?
I don't want to spoil any parts of the game because it is so amazing. Please, if you haven't tried it, please do.
![[image loading]](http://www.bigshinyrobot.com/reviews/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/ff3_box.jpg)
Look at that harmless little moogle
This game has one of the best story lines of all time. It also has amazing characters, music, and graphics(for the time).
Each character has a unique ability, and on top of that, can learn magic from magicite. This lets you customize all of your characters, but differentiates them as well. They all have solid back stories. There are even hidden characters! There are 14 character total. I love the story of this game so much. The basic beginning is that there is an empire trying to revive magick to make them extremely powerful. It has the best villian of any game in Kefka.
![[image loading]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FjciXAGe44U/SxPx_bJBA5I/AAAAAAAAAOU/QL1kiPn74Eg/s1600/kefka.png)
Don't drink the kool-aid.
This game has so many side quests and hidden items, it can keep you playing for a long time.
Also, trivia quiz. Can anyone tell me what happened to Banon?
![[image loading]](http://l.yimg.com/jh/content/p/1/876317/final-fantasy-vi-advance-20070215044816259_screen001.jpg)
Does anyone know?
I don't want to spoil any parts of the game because it is so amazing. Please, if you haven't tried it, please do.