So i have no idea where i should post this entry, so i figured i might as well just make a blog and see if i can figure out this whole bloggy system thingy on TL.
Anywho, i've been watching streams from EG, Nony, and Chill as they stream SC2 beta games (and Nony man, practice BW, America needs you to win TSL!)
There it is, practice BW.
Anyway, i've been watching SC2, and i feel like i'm losing iterest in BW.
Like it just doesn't seem nearly as cool anymore, and i was just wondering if anyone else felt this way.
So, that's it for the first blog post. Cheers!
On February 19 2010 03:05 KiLL_ORdeR wrote: So i have no idea where i should post this entry, so i figured i might as well just make a blog and see if i can figure out this whole bloggy system thingy on TL.
Anywho, i've been watching streams from EG, Nony, and Chill as they stream SC2 beta games (and Nony man, practice BW, America needs you to win TSL!)
C:\Users\Gabe\Pictures\Digital Art\Photoshop\Issue 22(back cover) 1680x1050
There it is, practice BW.
Anyway, i've been watching SC2, and i feel like i'm losing iterest in BW. Like it just doesn't seem nearly as cool anymore, and i was just wondering if anyone else felt this way.
So, that's it for the first blog post. Cheers!
How did you get the fridge to look like that in the photo? That's amazing looking. It looks like it could pour endless amounts of food onto the masses and end world hunger.
^^ what are you talking about exactly?
Seeing BW again after watching beta streams, it actually looked old to me. That's the first time that has happened. To me, it has always looked fine until now. Not that I think it looks bad now, just old, which I hadn't seen before. I'll keep playing it though.
I'm just bummed I'm not in beta. I missed out on BW, (re)joining and actually playing MP years late. Now there's a chance to start on a (somewhat) even footing with everyone else and it seems like everyone else is getting the jump on my again by having gone to blizzcon or whatever D:
I've been ready to ditch BW ever since SC2 was announced.
Still no email from blizzard though regarding my blizzcon key.
On February 19 2010 03:11 MamiyaOtaru wrote: Seeing BW again after watching beta streams, it actually looked old to me. That's the first time that has happened. To me, it has always looked fine until now. Not that I think it looks bad now, just old, which I hadn't seen before. I'll keep playing it though.
I'm just bummed I'm not in beta. I missed out on BW, (re)joining and actually playing MP years late. Now there's a chance to start on a (somewhat) even footing with everyone else and it seems like everyone else is getting the jump on my again by having gone to blizzcon or whatever D:
don't worry about people 'getting a jump' i imagine if sc2 works out properly it will naturally go the same as people are now in bw. The skilled will get better because they have what it takes to improve and the understanding already needed. And the baddies will still stay bad cause they're baddies.
it does make bw look pretty old though
After watching the SC2 streams for hours I decided to hop on to BW to play a couple games...
...It felt like playing Pacman Dx
After watchin sc2 streams I went back to sc1 streams and it was MUCH FUCKING BETTER!
sc1 ftw! You sc2 people will regret all the time put into sc2 which is worthless after the fad went over and all your friends will beat the shit out of you in sc1!
On February 19 2010 04:05 Navane wrote: After watchin sc2 streams I went back to sc1 streams and it was MUCH FUCKING BETTER!
sc1 ftw! You sc2 people will regret all the time put into sc2 which is worthless after the fad went over and all your friends will beat the shit out of you in sc1!
yeah my computer can only have one game installed on it too
I felt sooo motivated to start practicing BW like mad for the last two weeks, and it felt like I'm gonna wait forever for the exams to be finished.
Last night I saw that SC2 beta is here, and all that motivation went down the drain after 3 minutes of watching the streams
Im actually not hugely impressed YET. First time I watched someone play SC I fell in love with it within 10 seconds. Played it on n64 then computer and have been hooked ever since. Not the same for SC2 but we'll see how it goes once I get to play it. I want it to be great.
I'm not very impressed with the SC2 streams either. You can't tell what's going on and how the games are going to pan out.
I realize that that's what's fun about playing a new game, but as a spectator I'd much rather watch the tried and true original.
On February 19 2010 04:24 minus_human wrote:I felt sooo motivated to start practicing BW like mad for the last two weeks, and it felt like I'm gonna wait forever for the exams to be finished. Last night I saw that SC2 beta is here, and all that motivation went down the drain after 3 minutes of watching the streams 
the exact same thing happened to me
When the first game of sc1 I played after watching the sc2 streams started up I was like "WTF is this 2D, low res, manually move my scv crap?!" and was bummed out for a little bit. Then I got 5pooled, that woke me up and got me pumped. I'm one of those players that loves micro-intensive cheese and it got me thinking how yawnful and a-moveish all the sc2 gameplay I had watched was. I went on to have some great games, even won a TvP vs carriers (almost never happens for me).
Before I had imagined I would be spending tons of time watching beta streams, but I think I'm over it already.
I too was a bit depressed after watching the SC2 stream... until I got dted on ladder, got pissed and mass gamed.
Watching SC2 makes me want to play SC/BW. My only reaction is that I'm so grateful that I grew up with what I'm now confident will be the best RTS in my life time. I know it's blasphemy to say this here, on TL.net, but I hate the way SC2 looks.
I do not like the unit animations except for a few of the Protoss units.
I do not like the way units move in SC2, and I am not a fan of most of AT LEAST some of its new AI features.
I do not like what I've seen in terms of unit functions in SC2.
I do not think it will be a worthy successor to SC/BW.
That said, I would like to try the game out first-hand to confirm some of my suspicions. Obviously it's really hard to form a good opinion of the game's graphics by just watching streams, and it's obviously hard to get a feel for the balance by just watching streams, especially when the game is in beta. Nonetheless, I don't have the same warm, fuzzy feelings about the current state of SC2 that I did about SC1 at roughly this same stage. Some of that could be that I'm getting old, but I also think the absolute level of talent and motivation within Blizzard seems to have fallen off.
On February 19 2010 05:12 mucker wrote: I'm one of those players that loves micro-intensive cheese and it got me thinking how yawnful and a-moveish all the sc2 gameplay I had watched was.
Yeah seriously, if all the units in SC2 handle the majority of the micro for you, then how will the game ever live up to SC1? Half of the necessary tactics and positioning in SC1 were simply to allow your units to overcome imperfections in the AI or to exploit the imperfections in the enemy units' AI. If the units' AI is way, way better, then so much becomes irrelevant or at least less relevant.
I really don't want to see SC2 have a much, much flatter skill curve than BW. If it does, it will be much more difficult for a competitive scene to exist. BW is hands down the best RTS of all time, and I really don't think that it was successful in spite of having a steep skill curve. Instead, I think that having a steep skill curve was really great for BW. Players were able to have fun at almost every point along the curve, but it was and still is obvious how much farther BW can go. The steep skill curve is essential to the development of a competitive scene.
On February 19 2010 07:39 Failsafe wrote: The steep skill curve is essential to the development of a competitive scene.
This is really just untrue. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo is still played on a nationally competitive level today at SBO in japan and Evo in the US with incredibly deep matches. It's also probably the simplest, most easy to play fighter (or tournament worthy game in general) and it's been played competitively for longer than even starcraft.
Massive execution requirements aren't inherently bad, but they're not essentially good either. They just allow for a different type of gameplay.
On February 19 2010 04:53 distant_voice wrote: I'm not very impressed with the SC2 streams either. You can't tell what's going on and how the games are going to pan out.
I realize that that's what's fun about playing a new game, but as a spectator I'd much rather watch the tried and true original.
No shit you can't understand what is going on, it's a new freaking game!
from what i saw, a lot of the mechanics in SC2 favor early aggressive play, and i have a hard time believing that the unit AI will be good enough so that you don't have to micro. It's impossible currently for ai to be that good, and i still think half to seventy-five percent of the game, and a huge part of the learning curve, will be to learning how to properly manage micro and macro, as is the case in all RTS games.
On February 19 2010 03:05 KiLL_ORdeR wrote:
LOL! That totally sums up how I feel watching these streams. It makes me wanna take up smoking again fuuuuuu!