How not to Bandwagon. A simple guide - Page 2
Blogs > Diggity |
United States495 Posts
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Australia80 Posts
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United States4796 Posts
Great article. | ||
United States2786 Posts
On October 20 2009 10:43 disciple wrote: the point is , why should ppl care if boxer currently sucks. his quality of play is completely irrelevant outside the meaningless artosis style "best of all time" debate, which is all that matter. I completely agree with you. His quality of play is completely irrelevant to the fact that he will always have a place in the heart of every brood war fan. All I'm saying is we don't need to play make-believe. Of course, people who diss old-schoolers just to "rub it in" ought to be banned. | ||
4 Posts
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Canada169 Posts
On October 20 2009 09:57 Diggity wrote: 2) Stick with your player. Yea maybe Nada Savior and Boxer may never take another championship. So what? Stick with them and relish the games they win. If they do rise back to prominence their victories are all the more satisfying. Stork, Bisu and Xellos fans, you know what I am talking about. Agree with this 100% Great article. | ||
United States1476 Posts
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United States867 Posts
Now a Diggity fan. Seems like your roommate story isn't actually an example of a bandwagon fan though. | ||
Ota Solgryn
Denmark2011 Posts
I always like to make parallels to Federer. I'll do it here again. Federer was and is the most dominating tennis player of all time. But it has been a bumpy ride. He dominated everyone until sometime last year. Then he started loosing left and right and imidiatly people said he was too old, figured out, had dominated in an era of weak players. Being a fan of him became very tough because he had been dominating so much and now all these questions started appearing and he lost ALOT. Nevertheless I continued rooting for him, becuase I love his approach to life and his playstyle. Then suddently he beat Nadal in some random event this year on clay, jsut before French open (which he had never won). This was very exciting, simply due to the fact that he had been loosing so much (especially to Nadal). The next 2 months was the best time to be a fan of Federer. He somehow bounced back and won French Open and right after Wimbledon in an epic final. This was so satisfying simply because he had been loosing so much an many other had lost faith in him. As a fan these moments are what we should strive for. Had I simply "bandwagoned" and started rooting for some other guy that was currently winning, I would have felt very emtpy and shallow. So root for your player even though he might lose. Because those few wins will be evenly more statisfying! | ||
United States4329 Posts
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England2167 Posts
![]() | ||
Tom Phoenix
1114 Posts
On October 20 2009 09:57 Diggity wrote: Continuing along the same lines of thought To quote Violetak, I do not know why you quoted VioleTAK, but that comment preety much flies in the face of everything you present in the rest of your post. What exactly makes Boxer so special from other great old-school progamers that he is "StarCraft incarnate"? How is jumping the Boxer bandwagon any more justified then jumping the bandwagon of other progamers? Doesn`t liking Boxer beacuse the majority likes him make someone a "sheep" as well? I mean no disrespect to you or VioleTAK (or even Boxer, for that matter), but I find such statements to be a bit offencive, since it implies that "if you are not a Boxer fan, you are not a StarCraft fan". There are so many (successful) progamers in Brood War now and in it`s progaming history. Why do I have to automatically like Boxer if I want to qualify as a StarCraft fan? Isn`t the beauty of competitive sports precisely in the fact that different people are fans of different players? Other then that, however, your rebuttal to HotBid`s article is quite good. | ||
Brazil1272 Posts
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Ireland1272 Posts
On October 20 2009 09:57 Diggity wrote: This is a quote from later in the article. Sorry to break it to you, but that is disrespecting boxer. You are putting all of his accomplishments in a single isolated time frame and determining your fandom based on that time frame. It’s a very shallow and empty dedication, particularly to someone who brought so much to the game. I dont see how HotBid`s sentence was disrespectful to Boxer. What Boxer did to Broodwar will never fade away because of his current performance, he doesnt deserve any less respect than he did in his prime. But this doesnt change the fact that his play right now is probably below average, or if you want to say it this way, it sucks. I think the point he was trying to make is that why would most people who are relatively new to Starcraft pro scene be dedicated fans of older players if all they saw out of them is mostly bad play. | ||
Canada417 Posts
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United States13910 Posts
On October 20 2009 10:03 TheYango wrote: Wow, this topic has really gotten a lot of attention recently. I think this is really what it all leads up to. Everyone gravitates to the player that's doing well. That's natural. What separates normal fandom from bandwagoning is when they jump OFF. The average, well-respected fan sticks to their player and gives their support even when they're sucking. The bandwagoner jumps off and gets on the bandwagon for the next big thing. You know, JulyZerg is a great example ![]() winning that 3rd osl was such a great moment for a true fan | ||
United States2484 Posts
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United States10774 Posts
lakers fo life | ||
United States3714 Posts
On October 20 2009 10:41 John49ers wrote: Too bad Broodwar isn't decades old then we could be born into rooting for a team by default because of where you live/grew up. I'm a third generation San Francisco 49ers fan. When I was a child I remember rooting for my team with my grandparents and parents at Candlestick Park. Even following them now during these bad years still hoping for a playoff run. I could never hop on a Patriots Bandwagon just because they break breaks records left and right. Being born and raised into a Niner fanbase is something i'm proud of. I hope the SC esports scene lasts long enough to have that kind of impact on some family's life. lol i know how you feel. although you never feel disappointment unless you are a cowboys fan... like me. They are like the pro sc player that used to be awesome and always get super hyped and has epic fails over and over. But, you still stick with them | ||
Brazil642 Posts
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