In my initial blog post I didn't explain why I wanted my students to read a manga. Here are some reasons I came up with:
I think English class should be fun and I am trying to make it into something that I would be interested in.
As I read the requirements listed by the educational governing body, I see more and more that students are to view different types of works. Manga will not be the focus medium of study. It will, however, supplement other novels that the class studies throughout the year.
Students, and all people, learn best when they do something they enjoy. My students are interested in reading manga.
Studying the right manga can allow students to develop good reading habits if properly supported and encouraged. Such as activating prior knowledge, forming images, determining what's important, summarizing/synthesizing, making connections, inferences, predictions, asking questions, setting goals, etc (pedagogy terminology).
All manga that will be read in class will be pre-read by me. I will approach my principal before I introduce the manga to the students and ask her of any pressing concerns. I will also preface the manga before it is read ensuring that the students realize that the school may not support the actions/thoughts/themes of the manga. The class will engage in critical thinking about any harder hitting subjects.
Edit: I just want to say thanks again! I do appreciate all the help! Many of you are way to generous and for that I am fortunate.