(5)Tenosomething by ProTosS4EveR
He usually makes maps with hard to say/pronounce/type Mexican/Aztec names, so I jokingly always call his maps by like the first 4 letters-something: so the name is just an acknowledgement of the joke.
The map was made for my recent competition whose theme was asymmetry. It's likely this map will win, seeing as how it's the only map posted so far which adequetely meets the requirements. Rather than worrying about perfect positional balance, it's focused on relative amounts of balance between any two random positions. In a free for all with five players it's not likely that the map would be fair to everyone, but in a smaller ffa, a 1v1, or even a 2v2 it should be relatively fair in most situations.
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/(5)Terminal Sunset(n).scm
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/(5)Terminal Sunset(o).scm
(5)Terminal Sunset by Nightmarjoo
Yeah I'm shamelessly throwing in my own map. This map was made for the final round of a mapping tournament at sc2gg.com. The tourney's host, a member of bwm as well, just borrowed my competitions rules for the final round, so I had to make this. It works as an example map for my competition, or would have if anyone had bothered to make a map.
It's named after a company which made the game Shadow Wraith, a neat 2d overhead shooter made over 9000 years ago which I played a demo of on a an old mac whose processor ran at like 66 mhz.
Same underlying concept as Tenosomething. The only rules I had in mind when making the map was that the main choke needed to be wallable by a depot over depot over rax wall (the one you can make in destination), and that the nat would be cliffable by an island expo. The main choke is wallable fine for terran at 3, but the doodads don't block the tighter part of it adequetely (for protosses who open with zlots), which I'd fix if I thought anyone would play on the map. I played a 45 minute long zvp vs a noob friend of mine, and had an ffa with some noob teammates on it. Map felt fine except that the mains are a little too big.
(4)Schizophrenia by Freakling
This map will win map of the month for june at bwm if he ever gets around to editing the nats to make them adequetely tight for protoss FE in pvz.
One of the few mappers experimenting with spells and mass neutral use still, Freakling came kind of out of no where to win a couple maps of the month in a row. All of his maps involve crazy ramps. Two of his maps were used in the Ironman beta key tourney here.
eh basically that's it. Activity at bwm has been particuarly slow this summer. There's basically just been one relatively decent map per month, just enough to keep things going by keeping some form of MOTM competition each month. You can see the various MOTMs by looking through the news at broodwarmaps.net. I had hoped my competition would encourage more mapping, it being loose and less strict/serious, but aside from p4ever's map above, only one person made a map, and he edited it for some reason so that it no longer follows the competition's rules -_-
edit: damn, not even close to 100k