Hello. Ain't written here for a while. I've decided to start normally blogging instead of being a fool preaching here.
So over the last few months I've been looking into getting into the ministry of the Church of Scotland. Basically it's becoming a pastor/preacher and you receive your own congregation. Now there's some problems with this.
I'm 17 and I can only apply when I'm 18 to the denomination. :'( I turn 18 in December so I have like 10+ months free.
Not only this but the bible college that I can go to right now to actually take up this year that I have productively, costs £3100. So I can't go there unless I take a lot of money from my parents and I dont wanna do that unless i fail and I'll be really nervous that I would.
Not only this but I had 2 missionaries come over from OM boats offering to take me on board this christian boat thing where they go from port to port all over the world 350 missionaries on board the ship living there. they were going from the UK to the Caribbean........until they found out I WAS 18.........................
NOOOOOOOT only this but my preacher said I should perhaps become a street pastor, who are basically these people who go out into the nightclubs/bars area at weekends (really bad here in scotland) and make sure people get home safely, share the gospel etc... etc...
Entry requirement : 18 :@
So what can I do? I could get a job....if there wasn't a recession in this country with literally no jobs on offer for me for the last few months.
I'm already in a college course for I.T. but thats in...literally 1 day a week now that's 6 day's free.
This kind of a lifestyle used to be a dream to me in high school, 6 days a week off? but in practice....ahhh i'd rather nothing more than giving my time away for money or Christian ministry.
I never thought I would have cared about the recession because I sit in the house all day and don't have a job but im starting to hate it now.
any suggestions on how to spend my time that may not require me to be 18 :'(?
take care, God bless.
...Go to uni and live a decadent lifestyle like most teenagers.
- Play more starcraft - Learn how to play the glockenspiel. - Live like a Victorian gentleman for a couple of days. - Watch Y tu mama tambien. Twice. - Read Ullysses. - Attempt to read Finnegans Wake. - Give up reading Finnegans Wake. - Make yourself a sandwich. - Throw away your copy of Finnegans Wake. - Make yourself another sandwich while trying not to think about artificial insemination. - Root through your rubbish to find and try and read Finnegans Wake again. - Meet Elvis and remember that you shouldn't mix your drinks. - Read to a man in a coma. - Play Saxophone. - Visit a Jazz bar. - Wonder if Lou Reed could remember what instruments he played when he recorded Metal Machine Music. - Spend an hour trying to watch 1.15 replays on 1.16 without them glitching. - Stop going to church and instead go spend time with an old person you don't see much anymore. - Learn Korean. - Read Peter Kropotkin essays and become an anarchist. - Give blood. - See how many times you can blink in a minute. - See how few times you can blink in a minute. - Stop wasting electricity. - Become one of those people who collects glass jars and recycles them. - Cultivate an ant farm. - Make Strawberry Sourbet. - Spend a minute intensely hating Adam Sandler. - Spend a minute contemplating rain. - Periodically wish it was summer. - Miss observer mode, the old one from ADVLoader. - Hope Savior beats Upmagic.
The end.
Oh and listen to Neutral Milk Hotel
i have like 50 atheist jokes right now, but will shut up.
the 18 years rule is totally stupid. do what Piy said, get laid and enjoy being 17.
ahhhhhhh i couldn't imagine that playing starcraft and having 6 days off could be so boring. :'(
emo time
On February 13 2009 09:13 Piy wrote: Oh and listen to Neutral Milk Hotel Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
what do you normally do in the summer? Do that, just minus the swimming and other outdoor activities. Even thats only for a month or so, considering the weather is getting better. And considering im in Canada, your weather is probably coming a long way better than mine is by this point. Plenty you can do.
United States41644 Posts
Guitar + Christian rock band.
w00t. It makes me happy to know I'm not the only UK TL nerd to be on at 1 in the morning.
On February 13 2009 10:00 Kwark wrote: Guitar + Christian rock band.
do absolutely nothing you should get used to wasting your life if you intend on becoming a priest
Argue with people at indie bars u can do that 8 days a week ez
get exercise. it's so much fun when you don't have a care in the world and the only thing you do is exercise every day to build up your body. Go hiking, run, bike, pushups, etch.
As opposed to playing computer games all day...ooh burn.
perhaps but i dont spend my life encouraging others to waste theirs as well
Be more active in church. Youth groups, Bible studies, devotionals, knock yourself out. I only wish I had your time =\.
On February 13 2009 10:43 Piy wrote: As opposed to playing computer games all day...ooh burn. Whats the difference between being, for example, a professional athlete and a professional gamer?
It isn't like playing sports is really much different from playing video games in concept. You can play for fun or for a living.
I would say that playing football professional is a lot more wasteful for your life anyway, I would much rather be well off and smart as opposed to rich and stupid. Getting knocked in the head all day isn't very productive.
Edit: and this thread is really teetering on the edge of a flame war, it's pretty interesting just for that reason. I will stay tuned for any further developments
If God existed, he would be proud.
United States5784 Posts
read christopher hitchens