I can't afford a TV right now.
My room is way too small to fit a TV anyway, my computer bearly fits in here.
So the first way I've heard of is just directly plugging in the video and audio cords to the matching input slots in the back of your monitor but mine does not have them.
So the other way I've heard of is getting a VGA/DVI adapter that you plug into your monitor and you plug the video and audio cords from your console(my Wii in this case)into the other end of the adapter. I would like to try doing this, so does anyone have any experience with this kind of way or where I can get this adapter? If I need to get it online I will just get my brother to get it for me with his VISA then pay him the cash as we have done before.
My computer connects to my monitor via the VGA slot so I was hoping to get an adapter for the DVI slot instead, that way I won't have to disconnect my computer monitor every time to play wii on it. Advice/how this works anyone?
EDIT: The only reason I want to play my Wii so bad is because I got ToS: DotNW this weekend and I am so psyccccccccccced to play it =D
I'll let you know how it is on my next blog.