And it was all made possible by the hard work of the staff members of TeamLiquid. From coders to news writers, the Razer TeamLiquid StarLeague owes thanks to many.
But just as importantly, the Razer TSL owes thanks to the graphics team of TeamLiquid as well. From start to finish, the graphics team has produced multiple images for the Razer TSL; from the uncovering, the hype, the qualifiers, the round of sixteen, and the finals, the graphics team has been producing image upon image to supplement the Razer TSL each and every step of the way.
And so, I create this thread to showcase the beautiful work produced by the graphics team over the course of the entire Razer TSL. This is a dedication to each member whose art has touched upon and changed the Razer TSL in every way imaginable, giving it the spice and uniqueness that now resides in our memories.
![[image loading]](
The Art of Razer TSL
(Images are in links to prevent long loading times)
Art by alffla
Ambition Beta 01
Ambition Beta 02
TL Comic Marine
TL Comic China
TL Comic Mutalisk
Probe Orthographic Drawing
TSL IefNaij Portrait
TSL Brat_OK Portrait
TSL Gosia Portrait
Art by d.arkive
TL Comic Dragoon
TL Comic High Templar
TL Comic Valkyrie
TSL Dinot Portrait
TSL Strelok Portrait
TSL Haypro Portrait
TSL Grand Finals
Art by Last Romantic
TSL Nony Portrait
Art by Sigrun
TL Comic Zerg Base
TSL Marines
Infested Kerrigan
Siege Tank
TSL Incontrol Portrait
TSL )ToT( Portrait
TSL Draco Portrait
TSL Idra Portrait
TSL Dreiven Portrait
TSL Ret Portrait
TSL Players Portrait
Aeon of Strife
Art by Xeofreestyler
TSL Rondo Portrait
TSL White-Ra Portrait
TSL KR Portrait
Art by Yubee
+ Show Spoiler +
As always, a big thanks to everyone who made the Razer TSL possible:
Hot_Bid, FakeSteve[TPR], Kennigit, Manifesto7, R1CH, Carnac, Daigomi, Plexa, pachi, KizZBG, Yannis_Ziakas, Bockit, SonuvBob, PoP, Liquid`Nazgul, Klogon, FrozenArbiter, GTR-2-Go, Chill, Artosis, all the above mentioned artists, GhostClaws for help with the banner, and anyone else involved that I might have missed.
Another big thanks to Razer, whose sponsorship and support for the TSL brought it into fruition.
And lastly, a big thanks for the support and viewership of everyone who tuned in and made the Razer TSL into the big hit it was.
Additional Links:
Yannis_Ziakas' TSL Intro
Pachi's Wallpapers