So I'm finally about to enter my last year of my undergrad for a chemistry degree. After toiling and boiling, thinking I wouldn't be able to graduate within 4 years, I managed to pull my weight during the summer to catch up and I'm now on pace to graduate by May 2017.
Some quick updates lately are since my last couple of blog posts, I've been taking up Olympic weightlifting as a hobby, but by no means, am I pulling heavy weights. My max clean is about 95 kg, max clean & jerk is about 85 kg, and snatch is about 70 kg. I've been practicing the movements for about 10 weeks now, and I'm hoping I can get a 100 kg clean before school starts on August 22nd, though my progress has definitely stalled out a bit. Running is still going somewhat okay. Cardio is always an issue, despite my somewhat cleaned up diet, I always find myself gasping for air after several minutes, and I find myself having to push through for an "x" amount of minutes before I lie on the ground, heaving oxygen. I've been doing some sprint training as well, just simple "sprint 100m and walk 100m and repeat". I heard this can help increase metabolism since repeating explosive movements like sprints are healthy for you.
Along with all of that, my other max lifts are about 150 kg squat, 150 kg deadlift, and 80 kg bench press. I'm so bad for how long I've been doing this... Maybe I just need to try harder.
Work has been going great as well. I recently left my previous job (on good terms) for a job that pays very well. The atmosphere is great, co-workers seem to be very easygoing and accepting of the fact that I'm new and still somewhat learning the kinks around the pharmacy and its specific system.
To close it off, for the past two days, I found myself doing something very odd...
I found myself missing the game of Brood War. Obviously, people that play the game at a very young age will always feel nostalgic, but it really is different how the game brought people together, cooperation was involved, and whatnot. I went back to Liquipedia and watched old games, not only games with pros, but also for TLS, the old TSL's, and beginner leagues, such as D-rank leagues. There's also some tourneys I hosted as well, and that was always fun thinking back on it. I wish I can come back to play, but I hardly have time to sit in front of the computer for an extended amount of time anymore (though I'm doing the very thing right now, haha).
Ultimately, this is more or less just an update post that I can go back and look at myself, and also for anyone that maybe cares, to know that I'm still alive.
Oh, and go South Korea! We beat Mexico in the Olympics, and we should be playing Honduras tomorrow... Hopefully, we can pull out the win. Also, #freewonderboy.
I watched One Punch Man recently as well. And I'd have to say, it was extremely funny and very well done. The animation was simple, yet very modernized. Although, I'd still have to say Seitokai Yakuindomo is the best anime for me by far. That and GTO.