Russian Federation1890 Posts
I've got a message from Victor today. Translation here:
_______________ I salute you, my dear enemies fans!
As I have already said, I had never been a maphacker as I am accused. Nevertheless, I had Oblivion installed (only for training purposes, but still it's a hack); I let down my team, I made admins waste their time to reveal the maphack and not do more important things... I admit that I must take punishment...
I know how hard it is for the team to just throw me out. I always considered myself a manner player, and in this case I have to gather my courage and leave the team myself instead of hiding behind friends' backs. I am not going to quit SC. You will see me again on LANs (Yeah, right! So many hackers in offlines, it is just scary, right?). Until then I am gone. I hope that one day you will forgive me. I am indeed very sorry that this has happened :'(
Farewell, Victor Lopatin, Ex-player of RoX - localhost. _______________
Russian Federation1890 Posts
Whatever you say, it's a big loss for our team.  But local done a very smart thing.
Peace, brother
I liked him... :[
At least he did the right thing and didn't deny everything and shit.
but he didn't hack...
United States41641 Posts
On April 22 2008 10:43 HamerD wrote:but he didn't hack...  He played serious games of bw in sponsored tournaments with Oblivion (a hack) open, loaded up and active. This much is proved. According to him although he was in game with a maphack running he had set it to not show the map. Exactly what more do you want?
At least he admitted it and apologized, and didnt try some lame excuse.
Russian Federation1890 Posts
Exactly. He confessed, he had Oblivion opened. Tho it was in sleeping mode (well, let's trust him here), and made no help for him, it was A HACK LOADED. And he understands it
he just said he didn't turned it on, that he is not a map hacker.
Russian Federation1890 Posts
Why should not I trust him? But it's the same with HayprO situation.
I hope he can gain his respect back in the future and continue on the bw scene.
Austin10831 Posts
On April 22 2008 11:05 useLess wrote: At least he admitted it and apologized, and didnt try some lame excuse.
Isn't that exactly what this is, an excuse?
On April 22 2008 11:05 Rus_Brain wrote: Exactly. He confessed, he had Oblivion opened. Tho it was in sleeping mode (well, let's trust him here), and made no help for him, it was A HACK LOADED. And he understands it
Well, he didn't confess, he was caught. What I don't understand is, if RoX players use maphack for their in-house training, wouldn't you know about it? It seems weird that you, as a manager, wouldn't be aware of this, or if you were, wouldn't mention it in your release when he was first accused.
A murky situation in my opinion. I liked watching him in ascension however. He seems like a good guy, after reading his apology.
Whether he really DID hack or not, the consequences still stick. If he continues to do well in LANs, like he says, how can ppl not give him another chance, despite these accusations?
USA29055 Posts
nobody dl's a hack just for practice or just for "sleep mode." How many athletes do you know keep steroids at home but dont use them? 0
He's a nice guy and a great player. But he is stupid if he thinks anyone buys that logic. And stupider if it is somehow true.
wtf would you have oblivion on "sleep mode" in the first place???
I really don't give a shit about his excuse, it may or may not be bullshit, either way it does not matter. He accepts that he was caught with it running, and he left the team for that reason.
Didn't he hack in all ascension and MOTC games? It's easy to go back and watch some of those games. See if there's any questionable moves.
It's possible he's telling the truth... but I highly doubt it. Even then, map hacking in practice games is pretty murky. Kinda unfair to all those other players who practice legit w/out hack.
Manner. It takes a pair to leave like that, regardless of whether or not it's an excuse or not. You have my respect, localhost.
Austin10831 Posts
lol some of you guys have a pretty low threshold for your respect.
Well steroids is different. If an athlete uses steroids only in practice, the steroids directly affect actual games. On the other hand, using mh for practice, only helps someone get better, while the mh has no direct affect on a game.
But still, is using mh to practice looked down upon? To me, it seems like a viable way to get better--actually work on timing.
The bottom line is, he COULD be telling the truth. It doesn't matter though, he's accepted the consequences of even HAVING a mh on his computer, and he's paid the price. He's been seemingly forthright and hasn't complained.
If others can come back from hack accusations, I'm sure, if he's legit and if he wants to, he can too.
United States63 Posts
When I was teaching a friend to play Starcraft I would play the game while sharing vision. The major drawback to this was that he didn't need detectors for stealth, but someone said that map hacks don't reveal cloaked units. If that is true, I would definitely have my friend play me with a map hack on for the learning experience, as opposed to sharing vision.
I dont know how applicable this is for practicing on a competitive level however. Also, I don't have an opinion on whether or not this was the case with localhost.