We are happy to officially announce YOUMACON StarCraft II DETROIT 2015 at the Renaissance Center!
This will be the third year in a row that our team will be producing and bringing you this great event.
Have a sample of Youmacon SC2 2014
Youmacon 2013 Bracket
Youmacon 2014 Bracket
For Youmacon SC2 2015 we will be having an even larger prize pool, consisting of more than $1000 as well as hardware prizes paid out to the top 6 finalists. In addition to the base prize pool, an additional pot bonus of $10 per tournament entry will be split equally between the top 6.
The tournament will be played in Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. In addition, we will be having a LoTV Archon Mode match between the top 4 players prior to the Grand final. The winners of which will go home with $20 and some hardware!
<=====T O U R N A M E N T S T A F F======>
Tim "Bubbarowley" Rowley
Jeff "FuzzyWaffles" Ballard
Tim and Jeff have loved the SCII scene since the early Wings of Liberty beta. Their love for Starcraft has grown more and more since his discovery of eSports and like to be a part of the community for the greatest game on the planet. They have years of experience running and attending Michigan LAN parties and their passion makes them a good fit for running a smooth and exciting tournament.
Ehren "WingnutSC" Benson
Nick "Gallagation" Gallagher
WingnutSC and Gallagation have been a fixture in Midwest eSports for years, casting, commentating and producing StarCraft 2 streams at most regional events including Youmacon 2013, 2014, and other large LAN events. They were the primary casting duo of the Starcraft 2 Community Team League for two seasons consisting of some of the best professional and amateur teams in the EU and NA regions. For a full sampling of WingnutSC and Gallagations work check out the youtube archive!
<=====T O U R N A M E N T S P O N S O R======>
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KImqzCk.png)
MYTHLOGIC :: Custom Performance Computers
<=====T O U R N A M E N T S T R E A M======>
<=====R E G I S T R A T I O N======>
Register for Youmacon early to secure discounted rates:
You can purchase a badge for access to the full Con if you are interested or a badge for access to only the video gaming area. Tournament entry is $10 in addition to the Youmacon Badge, of which 100% goes to the prize pot. Upon arrival in the gaming area you will register for the tournament. We reccomend getting registered for the tournament as soon as you arrive. We have been told that online tournament pre-registration may be available, if/when it is we will let you know!
Tournament registration times onsite at the video gaming area are:
Thursday Oct 30th @ 8am - 12am
Friday Oct 31st @ 8am - 12am
Saturday Nov 1st @ 8am - 10am
All players should be present for bracket and match announcements at 10:30am on Saturday at the SC2 area, the tournament matches will begin at PROMPTLY at 11am. We will be using a google hangout or some other method to announce matches and for general player coordination. If you plan to participate PM me your google info and we can add you into it.
If you intend to come and participate, please let us know in the comments/replies. This is not a requirement but helpful
<=====T O U R N A M E N T R U L E S======>
Saturday Oct 31st - Sunday Nov 1st
We will play out the bracket until the semifinals on the 31st .
On the 1st we will play Semifinals (Winner Final, Loser Final) and Grand Final.
We will also be having a LoTV Archon Mode match between the top 4 players prior to the Grand Final!
Double Elimination.
Best of 3 up to Grand Final.
Best of 5 for Grand Finals.
Best of 3 for Archon Mode Match
Total prize pool of $1000 + pot bonus of $10/entrant as well as additional hardware prizes TBD.
HotS Main Tournament Prize Distribution:
- 1st Place - $400 + (0.16 * $10 * #entrants)
- 2nd Place - $220 + (0.16 * $10 * #entrants)
- 3rd Place - $140 + (0.16 * $10 * #entrants)
- 4th Place - $80 + (0.16 * $10 * #entrants)
- 5th/6th Place - $60 + (0.16 * $10 * #entrants).
LotV top 4 Archon Mode Prize:
Each member of winning team will receive $20 and likely a hardware prize TBD
Pot bonus EXAMPLE: If 20 Entrants, 1st - 4th would be as follows: $432, $252, $172 and $112 respectively, and 5th/6th would be $92.
The map pool will be the current Blizzard Ladder Pool:
- Bridgehead LE (2)
- Coda LE (2)
- Dash and Terminal LE (2)
- Moonlight Madness LE (2)
- Terraform LE (2)
- Cactus Valley LE (4)
- Iron Fortress LE (4)
- Streamed matches will utilize GameHeart
Map picks will be veto based. The two players will flip a coin, winner gets to veto first.
Players will veto maps until one map is left, after which loser picks next map
- Every player must set their online status to Busy when playing a tournament game.
- All players must turn off toast notifications.
- Should a player be less than 15 minutes late for the start of a tournament match, the player will forfeit the first game of the match.
- Should the player be more than 15 minutes late for the start of a tournament match, the player will forfeit the match.
- The players are allowed a 5 minute break between the games in a tournament match.
- Administrators reserve the right to change these timings if circumstances require it.
- Players may change settings in the game client, but must not change the graphic settings to Ultra, or change any window settings. Including sound.
- All players playing on stage for a streamed match will be required to wear sound blocking headphones. To have PC audio you will be required to have Earbuds.
- All games must be played on the North American Battle.net server
- No macro functions on keyboards/mice are allowed to be used in any tournament games
- If a game is interrupted by a computer, network or software failure the game will be resumed using the Recover Game function. The game time is set 5 ingame seconds before the disconnect. Neither player is allowed to view the replay of the game before it is fully finished
- No observers are allowed in any tournament games, except for approved streamers and administrators
- Players may not watch or listen to any streams of the tournament while playing
- If a player must pause the game due to technical difficulties the player must if possible tell the opponent about this before pausing. If a game is paused without a reasonable explanation such as a technical difficulty the game might result in a forfeit
- If a player deliberately plays for a stalemate, administrators hold the right to decide the outcome of the game
If there is a natural stalemate the game will be replayed - Each game must be played in Faster mode, with Locked Alliances set to Yes, and Game Privacy set to Normal or No Build Order
- Players may switch races during the tournament, but only in-between rounds. What race you start a round with, is what you finish that round with
Rules subject to change