Hero League 101 - Page 6
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United States3104 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
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France633 Posts
helped me ALOT ! thanks ! im new to the game and currently lvl 20 but im sure once i am able to play rank ill do great! will start working on all the concepts carefully Just try to not get frustrated by players who don't understand the game as much as you do. As long as you play better than the others, you'll keep up climbing, even if there are trash games (people who disconnect, who feed, who play poorly and insult...). Keep improving and you'll keep climbing. This guide helped me get to rank 12 to 3. Now I'm aiming for rank 1. | ||
Sweden3427 Posts
If you can’t pull off Uther’s triple stun combo at will Sry if this has been asked but what is uthers triple stun combo? | ||
Netherlands77 Posts
On November 27 2015 23:29 Foxxan wrote: Sry if this has been asked but what is uthers triple stun combo? I believe it's Benediction into double Hammer of Justice into Divine Storm. Maybe the 2nd Hammer comes after Divine Storm, not sure. | ||
United States17988 Posts
On November 27 2015 23:40 Funq wrote: I believe it's Benediction into double Hammer of Justice into Divine Storm. Maybe the 2nd Hammer comes after Divine Storm, not sure. It's just locking down someone with two hammers (through benediction) and divine storm. It's a maneuver that has fallen out of favor since beta following the nerfs to divine storm and buffs to divine shield. | ||
France4120 Posts
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France633 Posts
Again, thanks for this guide, it really helped me improve a lot. Nova and Thrall for the win! | ||
United States17988 Posts
On February 05 2016 23:24 Leolio wrote: I've finally reached rank 1 on my main account ! :-) Again, thanks for this guide, it really helped me improve a lot. Nova and Thrall for the win! Congratulations! But I gotta ask: did you seriously reach Rank 1 relying on the new Nova? If so, how are you playing her? | ||
France633 Posts
About Nova, I can't say I played a lot of games since patch, but I still pick her the way I did before (20% of the time roughly), in 4th or 5th picks, on good maps (dragon,spider,pirate) and/or vs 3 squishies. About the BO (I didn't mention terrible talents, or most snipe talents as it's not a reliable way to play imo): 1. picked > Tactical espionage > for mana regen. Now I tp for mana once or twice per game so it's a great improvement. This is the "selfish Nova" talent. 1. good too > Longshot > you'll use pinning shot a lot, giving it a good range is useful. This is the "teamfriendly Nova" talent as it's way better for teamfights. 4. picked > rapid projection > lower CD on clone is only useful if you go Lethal Decoy at 16 but the mana cost reduction makes it the best talent here. This tier is garbage so at least the mana reduction is kinda ok. 7. picked > one in the chamber > you use your spells a lot more than before, snipe has a lowered CD, 2 pinning shots at lvl 13, other talents allow CD reductions on clone, snipe. And thanks to the new display for critical you can notice when you use an ability and when you get a critical AA (before it was hard to tell with Nova). 7. good > AA Shells > but it has less damage for sure, just makes your burst shorter. Bad trade if you want to be useful in teamfights, which the new Nova does pretty well. 7. average > Snipe master > no snipe on mercs and minions anymore so it's a stupid talent. But it does a lot of damage if you can even get 3 or 4 stacks. 10. picked > precision strike > don't make me talk about the nuke, it could take hours. I love it. 10. good > triple tap > nothing changed here, but the fact your burst is less efficient and that you go to teamfights more makes this talent a little better than before. 13. picked > double tap > 2 pinning shots is good with one in the chamber. Then, with crippling shot it's awesome. 16. picked > crippling shot > this was my go-to even before the patch. Making an enemy vulnerable is always good, and having 2 charges of it makes you as efficient as Tyrande. You'll have 2 shots, 2 critical AA and 2 vulnerabilities, but a 12 secs CD. 16. good > Lethal decoy. It has been buffed (40% damage instead of 25% before) and it's always effective. But crippling shot is way better imo. 20. picked > Precision barrage > a second nuke, yay ! Before that I would go Bolt but it's over. 20. good > Rewind > still very usefull, even more with One in the Chamber. I just feel that cycling through all your CSs once is risky enough, attemping it twice is suicide. 20. good > Fast reload > even better now that you actually help in teamfights. 20. WTF > Ghost protocol > worse escape than bolt, worse "engage" than bolt, less safety as you still take damage and die like a ghost. I'm curious to see if it can be used to burst someone while staying cloaked, or mid-combo for example. But man, 2 nukes! I feel they did a good work in removing the all-in/OP talents (Gathering Power, 4 clones...) and in making pinning shot good. They also made Nova less team dependent by making her more team friendly which is interesting. But they failed in making her more diverse. She still has 1 build, not more. The popular build on reddit and heroesfire is all pinning shots talents (longshot, double tap, crippling shot), nukes at 10 and 20 and rapid projection at 4. edit: just played another one as Nova, and the numbers were quite nice, even though Jaina was a bit underwhelming: At level 16 with double crippling shot we melted Chen (who wrecked us until then). He wasn't expecting double vulnerability so he died fast, and so did Anub. We were behind all game and at 16 we crushed them. My friend was Diablo. ![]() | ||
France633 Posts
I won a few games, lost a few too. Didn't lose my rank. Won 3 in a row today, didn't receive a free mount from Blizzard (joking). Apart from the "get quality games", which is a great perk, are there other things I need to know ? How do I lose my rank ? Like, if I win 10 in a row then lose 5 in a row do I lose it although my WR is very good ? Do I have a non-hotslog way to track my progress ? TBH I'm glad to just get good games, good partners, it's another world compared to my rank 13 smurf. | ||
1974 Posts
Although if you run out of points you will de-rank to 2. | ||
United States1529 Posts
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United States509 Posts
On March 17 2016 04:35 MotherFox wrote: Rank 1 players gain a unique trait where they can start talking in public forums about how rank 1 is no big deal and how it means nothing, even though a significant number of people can't get rank 1. ^^ | ||
Finland1934 Posts
On March 17 2016 04:35 MotherFox wrote: Rank 1 players gain a unique trait where they can start talking in public forums about how rank 1 is no big deal and how it means nothing, even though a significant number of people can't get rank 1. Well it's all relative. If you started with low knowledge and grinded your way up with hundreds or thousands of games, I'm sure at that point it's very much an achievement. For higher level players that initially got placed very close / got to Rank 1 without much effort and are skilled enough to do it over again on any account thrown at them, it really doesn't mean anything. | ||
France633 Posts
On March 17 2016 02:10 Wuster wrote: You get points at Rank 1 still. Some people obsess over those because I guess you gotta have something else to grind / build. Although if you run out of points you will de-rank to 2. It may sound stupid but how do I check these points ? Is it +1 per victory and -1 per defeat ? (if so I have 2 points, but I guess not since I won all 3 games yesterday, it'd mean I was -1 before that ?) Motherfox: TBH I won't try to act cool like it's no big deal. ;-) I did my best to climb since the reset and had so much trouble, I thought I'd never win THAT game to get rank 1, just like everyone in the "normal player crowd", and I feel it's an achievement like Cephiro said. I'm probably not as good as most rank 1 guys here but I love to play at this level and I'll do my best to keep my rank. | ||
1974 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On March 18 2016 01:48 Wuster wrote: I'm not rank 1, but I believe you can just hover over your rank icon on the score screen to see how many points you have (it uses the same fill around the border as when you level up, except nothing happens when it's filled and I think the amount needed to fill is absurd). No, you don't get any visual indicator when you're about to de-rank. And I'm pretty sure that there's a cap on the number of points that you can accumulate given how so many high MMR players de-rank when they hit a losing streak. | ||
France633 Posts
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