All through the night I see into the future but only can experience the past. My death is but a renaissance of the universal quantity of hope, but it also is the epitome of hopelessness, for every night I look through the universes and realize that I live on borrowed time. That which I do now is that which I was not meant to do, because at the confluence of time, where there is meant to be unity, there is instead discord.
Vision unites us through not the false trinity, but instead the one that unites us all, and unites the very words you are now speaking into your brain - or more likely skimming - you see words spoken and silence uttered. Three is the zeroth number, nothing more, nothing less, and the false trinity assures us that we are perfect, that we are one, but that is not the truth. We are three, and we may be nine, but we never were one, and we are not one, and we will never be one. That is the reason there is three.
Every action has a reaction, and an inaction, and the locus of the three is that each constant of our cosmic existence falls neatly into the three subverses, with the origin of each perversion being a desire to fit into the trinity of being. Life itself is a perversion, as death is the natural state of being. We are all undead, and soon we will return to the stardust that was created in the world. Birth is the action, life is the reaction, and life's inability to prolong life will ultimately be the inaction that condemns that which we call a miracle to be silenced and transformed back into its primordial state of unbeing.
My hypothesis is that to some extent a woman's entire life is colored by the perversions of the trinity, as life is propagated mainly through the female form, and thus the constant resetting of the trinity in generation after generation after generation is what definies femininity as a concept. Realistically there is no reason to believe the cycle of life itself is any less insular than anything which has a predetermined terminus both at its inception and termination, and does not propagate itself through any means.
Epishade is the epiclipse of the trinity of pseudonihiloconceptuality, and provides us with an example of why the perfection of the triple form is always maintained sooner or later. The entropy he adds to the blogs is coupled with both the entropy added by the other users, and the users' interactions with Epishade himself, adding in the third factor of their intercourse in various matters. But in this case you see the duality of his own thoughts and others' thoughts, and the duality of the set of all blog posts minus Epishade's, and the set of all blog posts that Epishade has influenced (minus his own), where the latter is a subset of the former, is just another realignment of the trinity. Similarly, you can regroup this into those who would like to touch ninazerg, those who have already touched ninazerg, and ninazerg herself, who is also a member of the first two groups, and see that this is only a restructuring of a corrupted trinity, and itself a product of two dualities which do not add up to the four that would otherwise be apparent. O'Brien was wrong. Two plus two is not equal to five. Two plus two is equal to three.
Well well well. I was wondering if you were man enough to show your face in blogs section again. Your recent departure has left quite the vacuum for unskilled blog-artists to attempt to fill the void. And, though my praise for maintaining the perfection of blog trinity is warranted, I find it less than satisfying that it come from you, my mortal enemy. I know not what hallucinogens or sedatives you may have taken during your time of absence, but I can only assume that it has had a lasting effect. Granted however, this difference is hardly noticeable from your routine composure anyways. Welcome back.
On July 05 2015 19:02 Epishade wrote: Well well well. I was wondering if you were man enough to show your face in blogs section again. Your recent departure has left quite the vacuum for unskilled blog-artists to attempt to fill the void. And, though my praise for maintaining the perfection of blog trinity is warranted, I find it less than satisfying that it come from you, my mortal enemy. I know not what hallucinogens or sedatives you may have taken during your time of absence, but I can only assume that it has had a lasting effect. Granted however, this difference is hardly noticeable from your routine composure anyways. Welcome back.
I sense you desire another series of competitions to showcase the power of my resolve against the might of your ill-conceived vengeance.
As I am currently at 1999 posts at the time of writing this, I do not wish to waste my milestone 2000 in vapid conversation regarding your unfounded power of resolve, nor do I feel the need for personal validation in mercilessly slaughtering you again in competition. I have already beaten you once before. That is enough for me right now.
Should the time come where my mind changes and I feel that you should embarrass yourself to the public of Teamliquid again, I will kindly let you know.
Edit 2:
On July 06 2015 05:38 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: Epashit you too scared of sc2 grug
Day9 can cast it
Or take, so you can hear yourself shat on in german jibberjabber
I not scared. I just not think should bother wasting time on grug match when we both know who would wins. Everyone know you just want rematch so you can "redeem" youself after horribly embarrassing loss last time.
On July 05 2015 16:27 ninazerg wrote: The only logical response is for Epishade to accuse you of being in league with Satan and challenge you to a grudgematch. Again.
Casting dibs.
On July 05 2015 19:02 Epishade wrote: Well well well. I was wondering if you were man enough to show your face in blogs section again. Your recent departure has left quite the vacuum for unskilled blog-artists to attempt to fill the void. And, though my praise for maintaining the perfection of blog trinity is warranted, I find it less than satisfying that it come from you, my mortal enemy. I know not what hallucinogens or sedatives you may have taken during your time of absence, but I can only assume that it has had a lasting effect. Granted however, this difference is hardly noticeable from your routine composure anyways. Welcome back.
I sense you desire another series of competitions to showcase the power of my resolve against the might of your ill-conceived vengeance.