![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Vr6B6hB.jpg)
That actually took really long. I havent posted in the last few months almost nothing. I think it goes hand to hand with how less SC2 tournaments I watch these days. For long time I have only watched finnish players and and now as Welmu and Serral is out these is much less to watch

#elfiisgod, yes. More Godlier than Flash
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/4F0kVxO.jpg)
+ Show Spoiler +
I tried to play mafia but...its just too hard. My experience from the last 2 games is not great. Scum reading seems so hard. Also people were scumhunting wrong people all the time when mafia was actually the active guys. People scumhunted me coz I couldn't scumhunt anybody

And yeah, fucking nazi mods keep banning me

/no hate

Okey now to next part of this shitty blog.
We all love finnish accent dont we? Finnish accent AKA rallienglanti (rally english) can be heard everytime finn tries to speak english. Welmu, elfi, Naama and Serral all speak it. Welmu might be the best one speaking it out of them 4.
Finnish accent is also called in finland tankero englanti and änkerö englanti
Rally english got its name from rally. That is where finnish people first got famous.
Rally english is sounds so good and you understand everything they say ( mostly). It doesn't have difficult or complicated words. I would like to say that I don't have such a strong rallienglanti as Welmu but...I can't judge that

Finnish people are just really shamed of speaking english. Even tho many people could speak with better accent its just safer to speak rally english. People might looks weirdly at you if you try too hard and then fail to speak with better accent.
This is actually really weird. I think I have really good accent when speaking alone or to family but when I skype with other people suddenly I just start speaking rally english....
Most of the people in the Finland can speak english. Finland is one of the most well english speaking countries in the Europe.
![[image loading]](http://jakubmarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/english-eu.jpg)
That is quite good when you think that english is totaly different language. Finland is part of the Finno-Ugric language and the biggest languages of that are Finnish, Hungarian and Estonian. Indoeuropean and Finno-ugric languages work very differently. Basically english and russian are more closer than finnish and russian.
Finno-ugric languages are basically dead except Finnish, Estonian, Sami and Hungary. Soviet union and russia nowadays try to make everybody speak russia in russia and to forget their native language.
As finnish and english are so different, most of the time in the schools go to learning english, not to speak it.
Finno-Ugric languages
![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Lenguas_finougrias.png/1024px-Lenguas_finougrias.png)
Indo-European languages
![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Indo-European_branches_map.png)
Too many times I hear what are ä and ö. Lets make this quick. Written english language doesnt have those you still still say them.
For example word action. How do you say it? If it were finnish, it would be written like this: äksön. (or maybe you could say xön. x is pronounced äks)
Finnish language is actually quite cool:
![[image loading]](http://www.listenandlearnusa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/finnish.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Finnish+language+arrogant_8554dc_4912108.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QFm6SCE.png)
![[image loading]](http://lolsnaps.com/upload_pic/AnoteabouttheFinnishlanguage-9908.jpg)
And now to the best part of this blog.
Rallienglanti videos. Just listen and masturbate to this accent.
I hope you actually readed this all as it took quite long. Im sorry for my horrible english.
Thanks for reading and I hope it was good read/ you enjoyed.