Germany2896 Posts
On February 14 2008 07:05 HotZhot wrote: So doesn't work or can't play with it on iccup? ICCup is not compatible with AdvLoader. I don't know if it ever will be.
That the other plugins don't work is a simple bug in AdvLoader which probably will be fixed soon. (They seem to work for SmK)
Anyone having the problem of the AdvLoader.exe not being created?
awesome! glad the rally thing was fixed
he should release the code :D for the programmers to se whats up
OMG <3 these new features =D.
I dl'd earlier and got my clan to do the same. most members love it a few have problems. the lat changer only works for some. works for me tho :D THX !
Russian Federation6 Posts
hi, all. I`am Co-author AdvLoader. dear people my english so bad , sorry first if admins read or users who know admins and connect with they, plz say it: can write news about it on you SC ortal TL.net , GG.net or Fighterforum.com or any SC:BW site. I have so little translate. on ICCUP no-ban!!! u can use it, but Antyhack:Off and for Win u have just 100pts on MOTW or Any map! APM-live
Hotkeys both players automatic in one game Alweys! Just select and see 1234567890
After game in chat u can use ./last -command and /savelog -save chat msg
Obs mode!
Color corrector
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RepWithTEXT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STAT-INFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---newcomer :D use <i> Button and <ESC> for close in rep
MultyKill !!! <---newcomer Statistic Die PRob?scv/Dron AFter HARAS = HeadShoT, ok?
LatencyChanger (by MasterOfChaos(thx)) <---newcomer BnetGAme=LAN game Features: Reduces latency on bnet. It is enabled for games which end on #LL or #L1 ... #L5. All players in such a game have to have the plugin enabled, or a disconnect occurs direcly on beginning of the game. Example: MyGame#LL => Latency=LowLatency=2 like on LAN MyGame#L3 => Latency=3
Normal Latencies: 1 Singleplayer 2 LAN 5 Battle.net All Korea play with it on West and so we have?: AdvLoader 2.1 It's launcher which allows to load plugins intro StarCraft. Supported plugins: bwp (AdvLoader plugins), bwl (BWLauncher plugins) Supported SC versions: 1.15.1 - 1.15.2 Supported BattleNet servers: Blizzard servers and probably any other. Plugin undepended features AdvLoader: + Zerg Mineral hack detection + Always Fastest speed in single player Plugins: APMLive Show your APM(Actions Per Minute) in the game. + high APM accuracy + shows APM in replays + compatibility with ObsMode plugin + alarm sound if Alarm enabled and APM (after 2 min) fall below Low level APM. (sound SIREN.wav by default, you can change) RepWithText + save game messages in replay(chat and other messages) So, if repaly was saved with RepWithText plugin, you can watch all text messages which were in game. + replay autosaver Replay name format: RepNo_RvR_PlrName1_PlrName2.rep + don't autosave replay <2 min + you can change autosave folder (replays\autoreplay by default) StatInfo + shows information about builded units\buildings (in replays) In replay press key I to show statistical panels (Esc – hide them) + 2 new parameters RPM - Resource Per Minute UPM - Unit Per Minute (macro) Both parameters are dynamic and calculated per last minute. + shows multikill workers (if > 5) ObsMode Observer mode activates after 20 second if you have at most 1 unit(building). + shows: mineral, gas, limit, progress bulding units, structures, upgrades; content of bunker and dropships and more... + allow to select group of enemy units + shows APM of selected player if plugin APMLive activated AdvBNet Additional BattleNet functions in channels. + Command /last - last replay info (APM,EAPM,MAXAPM,MINAPM). + F3 - search player (in channel) by fist letters. + F5- autosubstitution high-usage commands. + /savelog - Save BNet Log. + /cls - Clear chat window. HotKey Selector Allow to watch hotkeys any selected player in replays. ColorCorrector Plugin allow to change in game brightness, contrast and hue.
Also AdvLoader installer include bwl plugin LatencyChanger,that allows to play in BattleNet with LAN ping ! (respect to author MasterOfChaos ).
AdvLoader 2.1 DOWNLOAD HERE, for YOU: http://star-soft.ru/forum/index.php?topic=2.0
PLZ Information about it all u friends or Make news on main Page! I hope too u! THX FOR ATENTION! GL&bb
That multikill thing scared the shit out of me
I'm just sitting there chilling watching a rep and this text pops up in the middle of my screen
Also, it's bugged: Came up with my name instead of the player in the replay I was watching.
Using this on ICCUP even without AH on will get you banned as far as I know.
Germany2896 Posts
Without antihack it is forbidden but probably not detectable.
Russian Federation6 Posts
use f12 for find player in replay!
hjkhjkhjk, thanks to you and team for your hard work.. but i cant get the replay auto save to work. Dont know what might be wrong... running vista (english), brood war (english)
any hints? thanks in advance...
That is soooo great.
I'll try it out soon.
That stat-info thing looks sexy as hell! Great work hjkhjkhjk, thanks a lot for your work.
Wow Hkj, that's sweet man!
Belgium9942 Posts
are they aware of the bugs or not?
i have to mention. this loader saved me 20 mins yesterday bc it detected a zerg min hacker 
Latency Changer doesn't work, i've tried whit a friend and i keep crashing when the game start's, has someone resolve the problem?