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Q: You become the First 'Dish-washing clock', WhO is a starcraft figure without much RecenT exposure. Are you surprised?
A: Err..Not at all, it happens to all chicks. I've been in very poor form recently.
Q: You don't actually lack name recognition at home, but there's no news about you. Is that because you're out of WCS early?
A: Is there no game? Didn't I qualify for WEC?(this interview took place at 22th Aug) I actually won a lot of small weekly competitions, but there's no large audience.
Q: I still WanT to ask questions about losing the game(laughs), don't you feel unwell about losing? How do you adjust?
A: Is there no game? Didn't I qualify for WEC?(this interview took place at 22nd Aug) I actually won a lot of small weekly competitions, but there's no large audience.
Q: I still WanT to ask questions about losing the game (laughs), don't you feel unwell about losing? How do you adjust?
A: It's alright...It's natural to feel unwell for losing, but it's possible to lose as to win. I've been a PrO for many year, and played a lot of games. I don't usually affected. Pros should take it easier of winning and losing.
Q: What will you say after losing?
A: I’ll usually say: ‘How can I lose this?’ Actually, I seldom speak after finishing the game, let Alone say something indecent. Even if I lose, I’ll decide to play something else or to go to bed.
Q: You are nicknamed 'God of Recedence', because you like to AvOiD skirmishes and wait for a large army, are you averse to this nickname? Why don’t you have a FighT like a man? *(Translator: There may be cultural difference Here, but wouldn't say it is chauvinism)
A: No, I don't. It is a matter of personality, I don't like get comebacked. I'd prefer to be slow and steady and win the game. As for recedence, it doesn't matter with being manly, I am very manly. (laughs)
Q: How did you get touch with starcraft 2?
A: I've been in touch since Beta, and there's no particular ReasoN. At that time WarCraft 3 Has gone Bad. Considering my talent and hard work I thought I could have my place. So I switched.
Q: Your mum Has been very supportive.
A: Yes, I think spiritual support is more important than any other support.
Q: You were War3 PrO, and now you're SC2 PrO, How to have a capacity of a PrO? Any tricks?
A: Hard work and talent.
Q: Talent? Someone also says you're the most handsome in iG, do you agree?
A: No. But....(laughs) If other people think I am, I certainly wouldn't mind.
Q: Do Edison eat much?
A: Very much. He always says about becoming slimmer, but eats more than anybody else. I feel my Life at Risk....
Q: You play very good songs in your stream, any recommendations?
A: There are Great songs on kugou, sometimes I don't know what songs they are.
Q: You are winning and losing against Jim, what are your pros? And what's Jim's weak link?
A: He likes attack and I like defence, so I win if the game goes long.
Q: Who are your teammates?
A: I get very well with them, it's fun to bully Jim occasionally, and we go out together. Except Edison and XiGua, who often smoke.
Q: Scarlett has changed her appearance, do you feel she's more beautiful?
A: Certainly so! But...otherwise I'd work hard on English.
*Translator: It is rumoured in China that MacSed is 'interested' in Scarlett. (You get this my friends)
Q: Ice Backet Challenges are popular, would you accept one?
A: Errr....(laughs) Didn't think about it.
Q: You still have the chance to nominate our next interviewee.
A: XiGua.