So what did we do on said Olive farm? We helped people pick the olives, they would use rakes to scrape the olives off the trees and into these big shade cloth net things and then we would pick them up and empty them into a tub. I got incredibly filthy from the work and ended up falling out of a tree and getting the biggest bruise ever on my leg because I was wearing shorts... We also painted the floor of the shed with a sealer which took four people about three hours so that wasn't too bad. We went shooting at night which was super fun! I have shot cans and stuff before but never a kangaroo or anything. I got first go and I hit myself in the head with the recoil. I had the biggest egg on my forehead for about a week.
We went home Sunday and I vowed never to go again... Just kidding the work was fun and I met some French back packers and a cool dude who also liked starcraft. The girl from work was annoying so I didn't go back again this weekend :3 Below are some photos from the weekend, I didn't take many because I was usually busy but you get the idea

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This weekend was a sad weekend... I went outside and one of my poor budgies had died during the night. I was ok up until I had to pick the poor thing up and bury him. I was so sad

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The one on the right is the one who passed away

And because I feel like I should end with happy news I am going to be studying again! I am super excited :D My first two units which start on the 2nd of June are Ancient History type subjects so if you guys like Ancient History I will be sure to post some interesting facts and stories that I find. Also next weekend is a long weekend

Ok byeee for now!