[Patch 4.4] CUDDLY INCOMING! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ - Page 152
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United States12679 Posts
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United Kingdom2600 Posts
Took us 2 whole heals each to get back to full heath once they and the tower were dead. | ||
United States3529 Posts
SoTD HAS A 12 second cd on this mode and is back basically after one kill. Seems like it would be really good on graves. | ||
Finland8662 Posts
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United States1036 Posts
multiple BT + LW seems to be the best build for most of them. The exceptions are IE + LW for Trist and BT + Void Staff for Corki. | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
Thinkin some next level GSG fast push proxy strat is probably best if you want to tryhard this with Olaf Soraka Pick1: Ezreal/Lucian/Nidalee/Jayce Pick2: TF/Lulu/Soraka/Sona/Blitzcrank Also this is perfect mode for gunblade olaf with spellvamp off of the damage refund on his E means you can E every minion in every wave and basically never die. | ||
United States2566 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States6994 Posts
People think they can run away? TAUNTS FOR DAYS! | ||
14521 Posts
That soroka,sona,malzahar + anyone else team comp is super powerful. I assume I'll end up facing it more tomorrow. I think you can add in fiddle in there just to triple silence. It will be really painful to play against. | ||
United States875 Posts
On April 02 2014 16:34 Disengaged wrote: Dude, Shen is pretty god damn fun lol People think they can run away? TAUNTS FOR DAYS! 3s cooldown is amazing. I was so startled when I first played against it. I think all the energy champs are pretty strong since it seems like their CDs are balanced around being Energy gated. Lee Sin's Safeguard is a 2s cooldown if you use Iron Will immediately. | ||
14521 Posts
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Bearded Elder29902 Posts
Edit : Also, is there any possibility to buy Riot/TPA skins from somewhere/someone? I'm looking for Riot Graves, can't seem to find that :\ i'd pay good. | ||
United States1036 Posts
On April 02 2014 17:00 739 wrote: I'm just wondering, how Riot could possibly buff Graves to see him in competetive? Buff his autoattack range? I feel like he has the shortest range out of all ADC. Jinx ult is like a way better version of his ult, dash gives AS boost, smokescreen can be pretty confusing if placed correctly. Edit : Also, is there any possibility to buy Riot/TPA skins from somewhere/someone? I'm looking for Riot Graves, can't seem to find that :\ i'd pay good. Shortest range is Sivir. Jinx can't use her skill as a burst combo because of all the windups. Graves just need some number tweaks. He should be tankier and faster for his range and how Riot designed him. | ||
Finland102 Posts
I heard Revive is banned now, but Teleport is very useful. Maybe ignite is good with TP for 1v1 killing speed. Item Build: Trinity Force (Sheen first item). Sunfire Cape Banshee's Veil Randuin's Omen Boots of Mobility - Homeguard Spirit Visage Skill ups by level: 1. Q - for first level last hitting. 2. E - for possible early dueling. 3. W - for very good defensive spam. 4E, 5E, 6R --> Maximum E --> Maximum W --> Maximum Q. Idea #1: Spam maximum level E (1.6 second CD). It taunts enemies "for 1.5 sec" and gives you PERMANENT damage reduction buff. This allows you to actually tank the enemy spammers. For example you win "broken" Riven easily and you catch up to almost anything in the game with Dashes. Most spellcasters are just perma-locked into your taunting and have one flash to do a futile attempt at escaping. Idea #2: Spam maximum level W at turret with Trinity Force and at least one ally (just for extra dps & #2b). This allows you to tank turrets without taking damage and you can destroy them for FREE. Idea #2b Instantly use taunt for killing single enemies who are defending turret if opportunity arises. Best case scenario: Someone teleports to turret and you can get them taunted immediately. | ||
United States11390 Posts
On April 02 2014 16:55 ketchup wrote: Have people played against sion in these URF games? I met one, and he just spammed his stun all game. It lasts 1.5 seconds, so it's ridiculously painful. Bjergsen was raped by taric/sion stuns earlier today. He basically couldnt do anything and fed hard as AP Xin. | ||
United States6994 Posts
On April 02 2014 17:00 739 wrote: I'm just wondering, how Riot could possibly buff Graves to see him in competetive? Buff his autoattack range? I feel like he has the shortest range out of all ADC. Jinx ult is like a way better version of his ult, dash gives AS boost, smokescreen can be pretty confusing if placed correctly. Edit : Also, is there any possibility to buy Riot/TPA skins from somewhere/someone? I'm looking for Riot Graves, can't seem to find that :\ i'd pay good. Well, you can buy mystery gifts for yourself(if Riot is allowing that like they did last time) and you can have a chance to get any skin. Its like gambling. I got Riot Nasus from my second mystery gift months ago. | ||
Bearded Elder29902 Posts
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United States6994 Posts
On April 02 2014 17:19 739 wrote: Oh come on, I won't spent hundreds of Euros just to gamble the shit out of some Riot skin :D I'm just wondering if there is possibility to buy a code for Riot Graves. I've already bought 3. Got Frejlord Ashe (bleh), TPA Nunu(yeah) and Hired Gun Graves. There probably is but hey if all else fails then gamble away ![]() | ||
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