On January 28 2014 23:21 Monsen wrote:
I'm not reading much of that "discussion" so I'm curious- what exactly are the arguments of Sc2 elitists? I've never come across any.
Usually what I've seen was "Bw is a much better game/ Sc2 sucks!" vs "Nonono you're just oldfag elitists!".
I'm not reading much of that "discussion" so I'm curious- what exactly are the arguments of Sc2 elitists? I've never come across any.
Usually what I've seen was "Bw is a much better game/ Sc2 sucks!" vs "Nonono you're just oldfag elitists!".
Usually somewhere along the lines of "let an actually dead game die it's popularity is going to hurt sc2 even more." I suppose it might not ACTUALY be elitism but yeah it's making all sorts of inferences.