I used to play blood bath. A lot. Then I got a job.
I also used to post on this site. A lot. Then I got banned.
Anyways, Ive discovered some things too:
Terran the best race? Terran in theory is the best race, but if you pick T - the opponent will pick P and it can be hard vs someone DECENT.
He will 2gate+photon you! 2gate+photon rush is hard to stop if executed well.
You might think, that 1 gate + cannons is faster, but a good terran player will move around his quarter of the map in order to find the cannons. In addition, 1 gate wont give you enough zealots (he is likely to build a bunker if you succeed in making the pylon).
Moreover, you can even survive to tanks and lose to the rush (happened to me few times), because if the protoss is smart, he
A smart protoss doesnt want to end the game RIGHT NOW, but he just rushes you in order to kill as many scvs as possible and too slow you down as possible (eg. destroy depots/prevent from building new, destroy the gas). He isnt cutting his probes production, unless necessarry.
After the rush, the protoss will go for expo+DTs in order to grab "center" - and you will have around 3 scans when you come out (I assume you go mnm). You need to build a turret in order to see his ninjas.
If you somehow managed to go 2fact and have vultures, you need to abuse mines or die- but he is likely to use a mixture of zealots and DTs to stop the vultures, but it should be easy. Noone ever managed to get 2fact tanks vs me, because I would just abuse goon range+zealots vs his single bunker (perhaps he would build more, so I could expand)
PvT PvT is basically about choking the terran - when he comes out, you need to have the other expo (some people take an "inland" expo, but I never understood it, just as I didnt understand "inland empire". althouth the first works pretty well. the latter sucked)
then you go carriers. warning, mnm can own your carriers :-) anyway, then you go HT + perhaps carriers
He will come out and mnm blurbs are TOUGH without storm, even when you go 3gate zeal+range goon.
Zeal + range goon however, can work if you us the simple 2 gate. While using this build, you are tryng to destroy his addon in the factory. He (she? lol, never) is screwed without siege.
Ive tried some reaver builds PvT, but they dont work too well still very hard - when you have the reaver he is likely to have tanks - and tanks +mnm will stop your reavers cold
TvP what about TvP?
all my strats begin either with 8 rax, or 8 depot (9/10 rax didnt seem to work for some strange reason, although I never liked it).
You can place your buildings at the choke - in order to make a "wall", to which you later add a bunker (always make the bunker the furthest to thy opponent, because ranged goons will kill a depot easy). The wall consists of 1 bunker, 1 rax and one depot - the problem is, that he might run through it any day. The question is, WHEN. If he is smart, he will attack when he has 3-4 zealots - that's why you need to block the hot gates with your precious scvs. He can still get through (for aiuuurrr!). If you are good at micro you should survive with minimal losses and pretty nice block vs goons and DTs (not to mention a potential counter with firebats)
The "wall" also helps vs zeal+goon and is the best option vs 2gate+photons, since he cant build the photons (and you dont need that many MnM - and can get the tanks faster, so your expo will be faster. Dont forget to build some Mnm though. They are necessary, if he goes zeal+goon frenzy)
The alternative is the standard 8rax, depot, bunker,rax. I dont recommend skipping the bunker, but some people manage to do it (I dont know, Nada or something). If you see him skip his bunker (assuming you play P) dont be stupid. Wait till you have enough zealots, take half of your probes.. anyway, just take your zealots and kill as much as you can. (first attack with 2-3, not a single one - because it will get surrounded and owned, then 4-6 zealots)
If the protoss is mega stupid, you can bunker rush him. (sometimes works wonders in Z+T vs P+P)
Anyway, if you go bio - you add medics. The protoss will either go zeal+goon, or zeal+cannon, because at one point firebats/marines with medics tear through pure zealots
If you somehow scout him going cannons, try to catch him, while he is building the pylons at the choke - he has to invest some money in them (while you nonstop build your forces) and you have a chance of breaking his defense (firebats ftw). Or you just piss him off. Anyway, there is a small time window, when you can get him, if he doesnt have many goons or lacks cannons (he is probably waiting for DTs). If you decide to attack - your firebats (make them!) should stim and run into his probes.. if possible
So you go your 2 rax, medics, +1 armor route - what now? DTs might be coming. Reaver if he is stupid. Goon+zeal (add 3rd rax vs it) and you go 1fact tank (dont build that many medics - the gas will be needed later for the vessel/tanks). You should try to secure an expo. Perhaps bunker it. Perhaps your +1 just ended so fly with the ebay, so your tanks at least secure the choke and kill his probe(s) - who are trying to get there.
There is a problem, he made his dts and is working on his expo - while you have like 3 scanns. A "timing rush" to vessel definitely wont work. You just should push out and use the 3-4 scans to secure a choke and place turrets there. He will furiously counter. It's his only chance.
What else can I write - everyone can play terran, just try to secure another choke and abuse tank range 8 tanks + mnm group (spread due to storm) and he cant touch you - while you slowly tech.
Attacking will be hard (storm!), but you should win
1rax I have never seen anyone go 1rax and survive vs 2gate+photon
not terran? so random? So, if we cant pick terran (beacause protoss own them), what do we do? We pick RANDOM.
Random is a funny race. Koreans hate it and leave the game (instant win), you always get the worst spot and matchup, your opponent cant have a "general build order" (eg. bunker rush vs zerg on Lt, 3 years ago was standard, with a dropship follow up, wonder why it doesnt work now). He has to get a "general" BO, which is predictable, or he gets screwed.
We have ZvP, ZvT, ZvZ, PvZ, PvP and TvZ to go (I think Ive written enough on PvT/TvP)
what happens when we get rP
Basically, if the opponent went random too, we go 9/10gate (or even 9/9) - the odds say he is zerg. If he is a good zerg, he will micro LIKE HELL. You cant lose probes. You can lose mining time, but you cant afford to lose your probes. I dont have the time to provide you with proper screenshots, but you have to plan your base tight. After around 5-6 zealots you add cannons. IMO you NEED them vs a good zerg, otherwise, he will micro so well, that he will destroy one of your gateways. After 2 cannons are up and the +1 is research you should add the third gate and tech to DTs. In the meantime you pressure him. Try to block his ramp and run around the map (odds say he will have hydras with speed - so you need a 3rd cannon (smart placement - 1 in minerals, one to stop hydras)) - perhaps try cannoning your enterance, his entrance (you will lose it) or an exp.
Basically (try to) prevent him from exping. Zeal+dt with goons later vs lurkers/hydras should fight all the time. Prepare for FIERCE battles. Upgrade armor just after the attack - upgrades are very important (I know it is bloodbath). Prepare to run out of minerals (!) if the game is tough - because neighter of you will exp.
Anyway, mix an archon if he doesnt make that many hydras - these bubbles are good vs lurkers (muta ofc) and lings However, your precious bubbles have to survive though to be efficient. Zealots live for aiur.
the zerg will have 4 aims 1) to expand 2) to not let you expand 3) to get lurkers at the center (you need obs) 4) to get that fierce ling upgrade which will make his lings shred everything in seconds
That's why you expand with cannons. Dont be too greedy, you cant have two expands. He will expand too. You will make more goons and more HTs. Try to camp a bit (or rather you will have to, because 100 lings can come in) - he will send EVERYTHING he has in order to get you. 5 cannons per choke are nothing! but I recommend to build them (probably you will your whole army each battler - yet the will cannons survive) You just need to survive, he will run out of steam soon.
To end the game just mass zeal+goon+ht (and the ocassional obs, which should come "in the right time" - which depends on the game)
So we have started with our 9/10 (9/11? 9/12 if you feel ballsy) We dont scout (very, very important - if he went P - you need the mining time, if he went z - it wont help that you see the lings comming - you just need the minerals/zealots; if he went T - he is likely to scout). We scout with the zealot (same as RvR)
The first zealot is used to kill the enemy probes. Or at least try to do so. PvP is basically zealot micro vs zealot micro + a gamble with builds. 3rd gate is a nice strat. Good players can do pretty well with 2 gate goon, but a 3 gate can catch them at one point. kamikaze go for 4gate all-in and cut their probes production (never knew how to execute it, but it works wonders)
Reavers are nice - but on LT, however I try to add them later (not too early).
Dont forget about cannons - many games have ended due to the irritating DTs.
Never underinvest in forces, but dont tech too slow either (I think this advice is so useful.. that I kept it during rereading, due to it's blunt stupidity)
ZvR At the beginning you scout with lord. How to scout properly? If you start at bottom left (for example), send the lord at the top and a bit right, so you can adjust his way. Try to make them not see you. You should see them first anyway. Then leave your ovie at the "dead spot". The dead spots allow you to see his marines - and they cant shoot you. However if he is good, he can manage to get you (especially when he gets range)
Anyway in RzvR you are afraid of the 5pool. 8 pool stops it dead. 9 pool sometimes (not always)
ZvZ you start with your 8pool and proceed for a 10/9 then ovie/hatch
I dont make gas that fast, I like to have the drones - you dont need ling speed that much at the beginning, but it's recommended later. Basically it's like mass lings, vs mass lings. If he techs too fast, you can kill him with 3 (2) hatch ling. Dont make sunkens - they arent too good, but you can make one and it will allow you for a fast 3hatch.
Then you follow with hydras. hydras? wtf? Yes, hydras. They are nice. Especially with +1 carapace. They are like some strange sort of mnm and in big groups they tear through sunkens and lings in the same way. The idea of hydras, is to prevent him from exping (!) - while you tech to your precious lurkers.
He will micro his mutas well - so you need spores near drones perhaps and the hydras stand over the lurkers (pure muta wont stop them). You just camp at the center of the map. Dont be too greedy. Dont exp too fast. Remember that he will try to get your drones. After some time, you can even make some scourge, or muta of your own, to kill some of his drones.
2hatch muta
2hatch muta has one big problem - not enough gas, mutas are cool etc -but he will mimic you and it will either go scourge/ling or hydra/ling. Scourge/ling vs scourge/ling is like standard and bloody. Just get this 1-2 drones advantage. But what if he goes hydras? Slowly tech to lurkers.
1hatch muta is the worst strat ever, you will get ling+sunken rushed. btw ling+sunken rush the newbs who 12 pool.
If you ever decide to 12pool, you need a sunken and it needs to be placed in a smart way, so that it covers your whole creep (expect an offensive sunken otherwise)
ZvrP we start with our 8 pool. 10/9 follow up and some initial ling harrass here and there - but just with 6 lings. A sunken at one point, because the zerg can try to go low on lings (warning - when he has like 5 zealots he could take all the probes +2new zealots and own you - but it can also happen if you dont make that many lings). And you simply tech to lurkers. Or hydras. Just prevent him from exping at all costs. Expect heavy losses at center and dont chase him back into his base - cannons wait there.
Place your lurkers at the center and slowly grab an expansion. Beware of DTs (and those irritating corairs - yes, I build them sometimes). Also expect him to throw a hard offense consisiting of +1/+1 army of zealots+goons.
ZvP If he picks P, you are in heaven.
You can: 7pool-> attack the pylon and kill it (dont expect to win the game here) -> proceed to harrass him -> go SPEED hydra (he cant get speed zealots fast, while speed hydras are easy to get!) Just make him build cannons and try to get lurkers asap to grab the center (or kill his probes). Then you can exp (even two times). Despite the heavy losses at the beginning, he will break in the center (you simply dont have enough lurkers due to low gas - and slow mining since the beginning, it's not ZvT, where you start mining with 3 drones asap) - so prepare sunkens in main and the expansion(s) perhaps.
12pool. You need a sunken. Proceed as usual.
9pool/hatch. Typical.
9pool speed - harras, harras, harras. If you are good you win straight way. He needs cannons. Mass lings, not drones (but dont underinvest, because he is playing to survive - and constantly making probes). Never stand still - you have to harras. However DONT lose your lings or exchange them for zealots (only zealot). Every ling lost - means that you have to build more of them, instead of drones - you dont have enough larvae for both army and drones. If you lose too many lings, he will come out. They usually come out when there are 6-7 zealots and can take few probes - and you need 1 more sunken!
That's where I lose. I used to win, but it was more like 50/50. With the initial 6 lings try to get the scv building the depot. If you decide to get speed, or more than 6 lings (I dont like it, but it works well.. vs me) you can kill more scvs here and there (especially the ones building the rafinnery).
Attack here and there, but dont get near the bunker - you shouldnt waste your lings, because at some point (after 2nd hatch, gas), he will be able to move out with scvs + marines. You are like "omg 8 lings", so perhaps remain greedy but have a sunken. If you spawned on top left, you're fucked, because you cant make the sunken defeand both the drones (if he is smart he will go behind minerals) and the gas/hatch.
In ZvT, you are teching to your lurkers. Mass lings have always failed for me, but Ive heard it can work.
I just try to use ling+lurker (from early gas, 3 drones at gas, at the cost of the economy).
I invented my strat called the "wall of death". In the past, you could use 3 lurkers and 8 lings to kill some marines. Now you need at least 6 lurkers. These fucking slay_my_boxer's are everywhere. They kill 3 lurkers easy, but they cant kill 6 (7 is optimal, but you wont have the gas according to my "move-out" calculations).
Basically you try to get to the center and then grab the exp asap - because soon he will have the tanks. First send the lings, then the wall of death (form a line of lurkers). Run them near the marines and burrow. It should work. With some losses.
Move your army to the center. Expect BLOODY battles of lurker/ling vs mnm. And a tank. Move the wounded lurkers back and form a crescent. He cant attack all of them, with his single tanks.
At some point try to get his tanks perhaps, when he tries to get you (basically you formed a trap after all). Tanks are your main opponents (I expect some lurkers will survive to stop the MnM). Perhaps send kamikaze ling squads?
Wen I was good, I used to win such battles, but then I got old and my hands are made of wood now.
Later you might need defilers to enter his base. Plague is better. And 120 guardians etc
TvZ 2barracks and win Somewhere on this forum (this thread?) someone has showed nearly the same ways I use, while building my base (except of the bottom right, where I put the depot on the place of the pylon and top left, where I put both depots north)
TvZ is simple. You just make two barracks (preferably, 8rax, depot, bunker, barracks because you expect early pool) and at some point another bunker at your choke, just to be safe.
You should win, just play safe (but not cowardly) and try not to lose your tanks. There are a lot of ways of fucking him up, if you have good micro.
If he has a bad location - aka top left, just run your army after his minerals). If he is at bottom right, the odds say, he build two hatcheries next to each other - or even three. When I play zerg I do the same and I build sunkens to the hatcheries, but you can always attack the buildings from the left side/bottom.
Boxer tricks (aka boxer vs yellow - bunker rush on island map) work pretty well. Ok, not the bunker rushes, but scv+marine rushes.
Especially when the zerg goes 0 sunkens (or doesnt have speed)
my secret strat:
depot near choke, barracks, bunker if needed (probably needed, many people go 2 rax) - 2 marines is enough for a long time, but later you need 4 if he pumps marines nonstop. Tech to tanks like mad man. Two fact tanks. Then two port cattlebruisers. Yes, first you try to secure the center with tanks, then piss him off with your 2-4 wraiths (basically grab the center and an expo) then piss him off even more with cattlebruisers. works wonders, if they dont expect it and it's so incredibly funny