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Well, yeah.
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I think the spike at age 25 is an error. It's possible that people over the age of 25 chose to answer that they were 25 because they did not know there was a 2nd age poll. If you compare the number of responses to the gender poll to the number of responses to the age polls, this theory becomes more likely.
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You can vote in polls without an account.
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I wonder what the "other" respondents identify as.
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It's unreal to me that most people on TL aren't from the USA.
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60%! But far less than 60% of respondents indicated that they'd never spent money on eSports stuff. Money doesn't equal contribution?
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A little over a third of respondents adblock TL's ads.
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Here are some of the "other" responses: + Show Spoiler +
write for BW staff
TL has been my internet home for years son
[CC]StealthBlue threads, offsite groups, some starcraft news
Sense of community
For the community
I mod stuff.
Good general forum, discussion, and sometimes blogs
No idea, really.
NaDa's body
I like to update Liquipedia
Been here since for fucking ever.
Picture Thread!
I watched BW/sc in the past, now I only use TL for the health and fitness subforum.
For that sexy man Kennigit
Read General Forum Threads
I like reading general discussion threads.
I enjoy ¤reading¤ TL threads
I love TLADT
ADT mostly
I support the Team Liquid SC and Dota teams
BLOGS and girl blogs =D
Blogs and ex-BW player
flamewheel is a qtie
I read Blogs!
Funny pictures thread

Korean Music Discussion thread
< TL
Planetside TL Outfit / Diablo
TL is a great hub when searching for other teams for clanwars.
I enjoy lurking social/political/philosophical threads and laughing heartily about self-perceived intellect of TL-Posters.
Used to follow starcraft, dont watch or play anymore but I dont mind staying up to date.
+ Its my homepage
Hotbid's polls :D
[SFW] Random Pics That Make You Laugh
Good moderation, sometimes too relaxed

It's awesome
to shitpost like none ever has
tech support; general world news
Teamliquid Health and Fitness and blog section
I read General Discussion
Sports forum
Health and Fitness subforum
General Discussion forums tend to be very up to date with news
Girl Blogs
Misc. news
Read random General Threads for News and sometimes Game Threads to see peoples opinions about the game
I love the community here.
SFW pictures thread
I participate in TL threads but don't enjoy doing so. =)
read blogs
The MtG thread.
some select threads i still follow
i watch stream here
Fantasy leagues.
Played lots of Broodwar and Sc so found TL through that, these days mostly dota.
Been here a long time
Girl Blogs!
Hot bid interviews
Getting news, debating politics
Reading threads about other games
i love team liquid!!
Liquibet + FantasyProleague
Reading forums
Nada's Body
girl blogs lol
Some nice threads in the general sections/discussing games (such as EU)
Girl Blogs
Interesting to see everybody's viewpoints.
Anime Discussion Thread
To Watch SC die the slow death it deserves while you run around in circles like headless chicken. #WCS is killing SC and you are afraid to talk about it.
Custom maps
I like the community
I enjoy reading some threads
Other Games
General Forum
Blogs section
recruiting (had a sponsored thread)
Blog section
came for SC:BW, now i just read some threads here and there
I enjoy the SC custom map scene
League of Legends
TLHF (Team Liquid Health/Fitness)
I'm a Mapmaker and i post my maps here
I'm a Mapmaker and i post my maps here
Finding news from all over the world.
Girl Blogs
KMD for life
tladt, kmd
I contribute to Liquipedia
It's Great!
Stalking pro-gamers
Following WCS
used to play SC
Forums are a good read.
I just really like the site/communities that congregate here.
reading General Forums
LR Threads
I used to enjoy BW, but now mostly stick aruond for General / Blogs / Sports & Games-parts.
korean music thread
Read random threads.
tl is a terrible place with overzealous mods. you cant speak your mind
The Automated Ban List Thread
Korean Music Discussion
I appreciate the general intelligence of the TL community and the General posts, as well as SC-related posts.
I would use TLPD if it was up to date.
follow progaming (SC)
Fantasy and Liquibet!
Girl Blogs.
Live Report Threads
General // Sports Topics
it's great!
I read some threads.. and reminisce about pro bw
I visit to stalk Scarlett
I used to be a more active member and play BW and SCand now I visit TL occasionally for updates on the esports scene.
Used to play sc A LOT, now play LOL some..
Replay packs from players
MLP thread! :D
Don't know anymore
because: ESPORTS hell yeah!
a haiku outlet; those are few and far between; shoutout to the lounge
I am SirJolt & I love you, poor census reader <
Girl Blogs
I enjoy the feel of motbobs face between my knees
to launch TS lolol
mostly using General / Sports & Games forums
General Forum
sports section
read blog posts
Browse General threads and other games than what is listed above
The General Forum.
there are actual discussions going on here, unlike other places....
TSL is the best tournament series ever.
Enjoying general and blog forum
I don't visit TL
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Welcome to the 2013 edition of the TL Census! I was apparently too lazy to make a thread all last year, but that's all in the past now. After about a week, I'll take the data from these polls and make some fancy graphs.
2011 Census
Female (82)
For me, it's not that simple (40)
3199 total votes
Your vote: What is your gender?
(Vote): Male
(Vote): Female
(Vote): For me, it's not that simple
23 (291)
22 (289)
21 (279)
24 (260)
20 (231)
19 (197)
18 (175)
17 (121)
16 (61)
13-15 (41)
10-12 (12)
2268 total votes
Your vote: How old are you? (Pt. 1)
(Vote): 10-12
(Vote): 13-15
(Vote): 16
(Vote): 17
(Vote): 18
(Vote): 19
(Vote): 20
(Vote): 21
(Vote): 22
(Vote): 23
(Vote): 24
(Vote): 25
27 (199)
31-35 (185)
28 (137)
29 (112)
30 (75)
36-40 (35)
41-50 (23)
>50 (8)
1005 total votes
Your vote: How old are you? (Pt. 2)
(Vote): 26
(Vote): 27
(Vote): 28
(Vote): 29
(Vote): 30
(Vote): 31-35
(Vote): 36-40
(Vote): 41-50
(Vote): >50
High school (685)
Some undergrad (619)
Post-grad degree (law, medicine, doctorate) (350)
Haven't yet finished high school (206)
2929 total votes
Your vote: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
(Vote): Post-grad degree (law, medicine, doctorate)
(Vote): Undergrad degree
(Vote): Some undergrad
(Vote): High school
(Vote): Haven't yet finished high school
0-5 (1053)
11-20 (476)
21-40 (205)
40+ (103)
2920 total votes
Your vote: On average, how many hours do you spend browsing TL per week?
(Vote): 0-5
(Vote): 6-10
(Vote): 11-20
(Vote): 21-40
(Vote): 40+
I have an account and post a moderate amount (521)
I have an account but I don't have any posts (442)
I don't have an account (298)
I have an account and post a lot (125)
3017 total votes
Your vote: Are you a forum lurker?
(Vote): I have an account but I don't have any posts
(Vote): I have an account and post quite rarely
(Vote): I have an account and post a moderate amount
(Vote): I have an account and post a lot
(Vote): I don't have an account
Asian (474)
Hispanic/Latino (107)
Other (60)
Middle Eastern (Persian or Arab) (25)
African American/Black (14)
Native American (13)
Pacific Islander (7)
2982 total votes
Your vote: Ethnicity/Race?
(Vote): Caucasian/White
(Vote): Asian
(Vote): Hispanic/Latino
(Vote): African American/Black
(Vote): Middle Eastern (Persian or Arab)
(Vote): Pacific Islander
(Vote): Native American
(Vote): Other
USA (1025)
Canada (303)
Australia/NZ (198)
Eastern Europe (including Russia) (152)
South America (85)
Southeast Asia (46)
Other (Post in thread!) (36)
East Asia (China/Japan/Korea) (31)
South Asia (9)
3008 total votes
Your vote: Geographical Location?
(Vote): USA
(Vote): Western Europe
(Vote): Canada
(Vote): Australia/NZ
(Vote): Eastern Europe (including Russia)
(Vote): South America
(Vote): Southeast Asia
(Vote): East Asia (China/Japan/Korea)
(Vote): South Asia
(Vote): Other (Post in thread!)
Below average (690)
Average (305)
Above average (138)
Top contributor (58)
2926 total votes
Your vote: How much do you feel you contribute to the community?
(Vote): Nothing
(Vote): Below average
(Vote): Average
(Vote): Above average
(Vote): Top contributor
Yes, but not on TL (993)
No / What is Adblock? (884)
2934 total votes
Your vote: Do you Adblock?
(Vote): Yes
(Vote): Yes, but not on TL
(Vote): No / What is Adblock?
+ Show Spoiler +