On June 07 2013 23:37 Disengaged wrote: Hmm, I never start with W first. I always start with either Q or E and max Q or E depending upon the lane. I always get W when I hit lvl 3 but I max it last depending on how I feel the game is going.
I always start with 1 Dorans and rush Bloodthirster then boots then PD then IE then LW and either GA or something else. I don't see the need for a Shiv because Varus has pretty good waveclear as it is and is just a waste of space in general in my opinon. Sometimes I go with BOTRK but not always. I prefer BT.
I just love Varus because he can be either very aggressive or very safe in lane. I like W first because outside of invade fights, auto attacks are at a premiuim for harassing early, and Varus has the hardest hitting autos in botlane sans Draven, I think. Though I am exploring Q or E first currently.
I could see PD being worth it if I was getting IE as my 3rd item, but I delay it for my last offensive item. I put a very high premium on pushing with Varus and usuing max Q and 1 auto to clear a wave is the fastest, most mana efficient way I've found.
There's a reason I suggest 2x Butcher and Destruction over 3x Havoc.
if you don't put your first point into W i gotta think taking it level 2 to be able to do a combo, whether you took Q or E level 1, is better than waiting until 3 to be able to detonate blight stacks.
Long overdue, will update this weekend.
I max Q, rush BT, then doubleswords followed by LW. You get free attack speed from the passive and with LW your Q's hit so hard.
I've fallen in love with the more caster centric varus build, very similar to jayce's pokebuild of brutaliser>tear> bloodthirster/LW/manamune, running full arpen reds and quints.
level E>Q>W with a point in W at level 2. Start maxing Q when E hits level 3, since E is the better lane trading tool and Q is the better late game poke and lane clear.
Basic strategy is chip poking with W and Q against cait and ashe who can trade easily with you, against anyone else auto>E so they're in the leading 3rd of the E circle. If they come in to trade, back out, if they try and run through the slow, chase and add another auto or two. I don't think I've ever come off the worse doing that trade, even against someone fed.
If you get ahead in lane it's game over. Just nail them with Q and E on cooldown and CS with your ridiculously beefy autos. If they stay in lane flash-ult-auto-E-charge Q and ping them when they flash or if you get a CC chain going on the spot
Caster varus can hold botlane 1v2 once he has bruta+tear and not miss much CS since his Q E combo clears a whole wave from like 750 range and trying to zone him will just lead to you losing half your health to a combo. It's hands down the best for fighting in lane too, since your damage is so frontloaded, if you pick a fight with the enemy carry at less than 2/3 health, they'll die within a 1.5 second stun or root from 1 auto+E+Q+R. normal carry builds might do slightly more damage, but over a lot longer time, and when you unleash all your damage on them they'll mostly panic and fail to trade effectively (or just be dead outright if you're ahead)
He snowballs monstrously, is incredibly hard to shut down, is super safe and does reliable damage. It's basically like playing lux as an ADC. what more could you want.
On July 22 2013 10:48 Thereisnosaurus wrote: I've fallen in love with the more caster centric varus build, very similar to jayce's pokebuild of brutaliser>tear> bloodthirster/LW/manamune, running full arpen reds and quints.
level E>Q>W with a point in W at level 2. Start maxing Q when E hits level 3, since E is the better lane trading tool and Q is the better late game poke and lane clear.
Basic strategy is chip poking with W and Q against cait and ashe who can trade easily with you, against anyone else auto>E so they're in the leading 3rd of the E circle. If they come in to trade, back out, if they try and run through the slow, chase and add another auto or two. I don't think I've ever come off the worse doing that trade, even against someone fed.
If you get ahead in lane it's game over. Just nail them with Q and E on cooldown and CS with your ridiculously beefy autos. If they stay in lane flash-ult-auto-E-charge Q and ping them when they flash or if you get a CC chain going on the spot
Caster varus can hold botlane 1v2 once he has bruta+tear and not miss much CS since his Q E combo clears a whole wave from like 750 range and trying to zone him will just lead to you losing half your health to a combo. It's hands down the best for fighting in lane too, since your damage is so frontloaded, if you pick a fight with the enemy carry at less than 2/3 health, they'll die within a 1.5 second stun or root from 1 auto+E+Q+R. normal carry builds might do slightly more damage, but over a lot longer time, and when you unleash all your damage on them they'll mostly panic and fail to trade effectively (or just be dead outright if you're ahead)
He snowballs monstrously, is incredibly hard to shut down, is super safe and does reliable damage. It's basically like playing lux as an ADC. what more could you want.
40% CD reduction = 4.8 second Q's.
Gotta love em :D
On July 29 2013 09:05 Disengaged wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2013 10:48 Thereisnosaurus wrote: I've fallen in love with the more caster centric varus build, very similar to jayce's pokebuild of brutaliser>tear> bloodthirster/LW/manamune, running full arpen reds and quints.
level E>Q>W with a point in W at level 2. Start maxing Q when E hits level 3, since E is the better lane trading tool and Q is the better late game poke and lane clear.
Basic strategy is chip poking with W and Q against cait and ashe who can trade easily with you, against anyone else auto>E so they're in the leading 3rd of the E circle. If they come in to trade, back out, if they try and run through the slow, chase and add another auto or two. I don't think I've ever come off the worse doing that trade, even against someone fed.
If you get ahead in lane it's game over. Just nail them with Q and E on cooldown and CS with your ridiculously beefy autos. If they stay in lane flash-ult-auto-E-charge Q and ping them when they flash or if you get a CC chain going on the spot
Caster varus can hold botlane 1v2 once he has bruta+tear and not miss much CS since his Q E combo clears a whole wave from like 750 range and trying to zone him will just lead to you losing half your health to a combo. It's hands down the best for fighting in lane too, since your damage is so frontloaded, if you pick a fight with the enemy carry at less than 2/3 health, they'll die within a 1.5 second stun or root from 1 auto+E+Q+R. normal carry builds might do slightly more damage, but over a lot longer time, and when you unleash all your damage on them they'll mostly panic and fail to trade effectively (or just be dead outright if you're ahead)
He snowballs monstrously, is incredibly hard to shut down, is super safe and does reliable damage. It's basically like playing lux as an ADC. what more could you want.
40% CD reduction = 4.8 second Q's. Gotta love em :D But it doesn't reduce the charge up time on Q :p. (Eg if you have full cd you need to use 2 of every 8 seconds charging Q, but with 40% cdr you need to spend 2 of every 4.8 seconds charging Q to get the most out of your Q and CDR. That doesn't leave much time for autos.
And his W has no direct effect from cdr. Doesn't seem like the best champ to get CDR on.
On July 29 2013 13:06 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2013 09:05 Disengaged wrote:On July 22 2013 10:48 Thereisnosaurus wrote: I've fallen in love with the more caster centric varus build, very similar to jayce's pokebuild of brutaliser>tear> bloodthirster/LW/manamune, running full arpen reds and quints.
level E>Q>W with a point in W at level 2. Start maxing Q when E hits level 3, since E is the better lane trading tool and Q is the better late game poke and lane clear.
Basic strategy is chip poking with W and Q against cait and ashe who can trade easily with you, against anyone else auto>E so they're in the leading 3rd of the E circle. If they come in to trade, back out, if they try and run through the slow, chase and add another auto or two. I don't think I've ever come off the worse doing that trade, even against someone fed.
If you get ahead in lane it's game over. Just nail them with Q and E on cooldown and CS with your ridiculously beefy autos. If they stay in lane flash-ult-auto-E-charge Q and ping them when they flash or if you get a CC chain going on the spot
Caster varus can hold botlane 1v2 once he has bruta+tear and not miss much CS since his Q E combo clears a whole wave from like 750 range and trying to zone him will just lead to you losing half your health to a combo. It's hands down the best for fighting in lane too, since your damage is so frontloaded, if you pick a fight with the enemy carry at less than 2/3 health, they'll die within a 1.5 second stun or root from 1 auto+E+Q+R. normal carry builds might do slightly more damage, but over a lot longer time, and when you unleash all your damage on them they'll mostly panic and fail to trade effectively (or just be dead outright if you're ahead)
He snowballs monstrously, is incredibly hard to shut down, is super safe and does reliable damage. It's basically like playing lux as an ADC. what more could you want.
40% CD reduction = 4.8 second Q's. Gotta love em :D But it doesn't reduce the charge up time on Q :p. (Eg if you have full cd you need to use 2 of every 8 seconds charging Q, but with 40% cdr you need to spend 2 of every 4.8 seconds charging Q to get the most out of your Q and CDR. That doesn't leave much time for autos. And his W has no direct effect from cdr. Doesn't seem like the best champ to get CDR on.
Sure it is. Also, that 4.8 cd Q is mainly for poking and even when you get into a fight you can basically hit Q then instantly get it off so the wind up time doesn't really matter. You'd still be auto attacking in the fight with the somewhat frequent Q's. Still, it also depends on your positioning in the fight. Having 40% CD is still great for his Q, E, and R.
What I'm trying to say is that it works if things work out in your favor. If the game isn't going your way then getting 40% CD probably isn't what you wanna go for
On July 29 2013 09:05 Disengaged wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2013 10:48 Thereisnosaurus wrote: I've fallen in love with the more caster centric varus build, very similar to jayce's pokebuild of brutaliser>tear> bloodthirster/LW/manamune, running full arpen reds and quints.
level E>Q>W with a point in W at level 2. Start maxing Q when E hits level 3, since E is the better lane trading tool and Q is the better late game poke and lane clear.
Basic strategy is chip poking with W and Q against cait and ashe who can trade easily with you, against anyone else auto>E so they're in the leading 3rd of the E circle. If they come in to trade, back out, if they try and run through the slow, chase and add another auto or two. I don't think I've ever come off the worse doing that trade, even against someone fed.
If you get ahead in lane it's game over. Just nail them with Q and E on cooldown and CS with your ridiculously beefy autos. If they stay in lane flash-ult-auto-E-charge Q and ping them when they flash or if you get a CC chain going on the spot
Caster varus can hold botlane 1v2 once he has bruta+tear and not miss much CS since his Q E combo clears a whole wave from like 750 range and trying to zone him will just lead to you losing half your health to a combo. It's hands down the best for fighting in lane too, since your damage is so frontloaded, if you pick a fight with the enemy carry at less than 2/3 health, they'll die within a 1.5 second stun or root from 1 auto+E+Q+R. normal carry builds might do slightly more damage, but over a lot longer time, and when you unleash all your damage on them they'll mostly panic and fail to trade effectively (or just be dead outright if you're ahead)
He snowballs monstrously, is incredibly hard to shut down, is super safe and does reliable damage. It's basically like playing lux as an ADC. what more could you want.
40% CD reduction = 4.8 second Q's. Gotta love em :D
Could you post an example of a 30-40% CDR build that doesnt sacrifice a ton of damage?
CDR boots, Black Cleaver, 4% offense mastery gives 29% and is pretty unobtrusive.
On July 29 2013 14:08 TheHumanSensation wrote: CDR boots, Black Cleaver, 4% offense mastery gives 29% and is pretty unobtrusive. It's still a lot of damage lost especially if you get more cdr items eg ghostblade.
Also you won't use your Q to its max potential if you just shoot it off as soon as you get it. I think most Varus tend to charge it up to snipe fleeing champs.
Zephyr is a potentially interesting item for Varus. It recently came up in General about how cost efficient the item is if you can make use of all the stats. For someone with no built in escape like Varus, the extra movement speed and tenacity are fantastic (It's provides the highest % movement speed in the game). He makes good use of CDR, as pointed out above. Unfortunately if you get it early you're probably losing out on some crit, but against certain teams it may be worthwhile.
Tried it last game, opening with 2 dorans and boots, into BT like I usually do on Varus, and followed this up with Zephyr. It felt really good (their team had a lot of cc and things to dodge). It might be worth considering as a CDR item, or a good Varus item in general. I personally intend to experiment significantly with Zephyr on ADC's and I feel that Varus makes some of the best use of the item of any ADC.
On July 30 2013 19:41 Wetty wrote: Zephyr is a potentially interesting item for Varus. It recently came up in General about how cost efficient the item is if you can make use of all the stats. For someone with no built in escape like Varus, the extra movement speed and tenacity are fantastic (It's provides the highest % movement speed in the game). He makes good use of CDR, as pointed out above. Unfortunately if you get it early you're probably losing out on some crit, but against certain teams it may be worthwhile.
Tried it last game, opening with 2 dorans and boots, into BT like I usually do on Varus, and followed this up with Zephyr. It felt really good (their team had a lot of cc and things to dodge). It might be worth considering as a CDR item, or a good Varus item in general. I personally intend to experiment significantly with Zephyr on ADC's and I feel that Varus makes some of the best use of the item of any ADC. I love Zephy in a vacuum, but on Marksmen not building out of a zeal is painful.
I am playing amumu now. he's one of the best junglers among the champions. Item build need to be good.
On August 05 2013 20:05 wielkiwojownik wrote:I am playing amumu now. he's one of the best junglers among the champions. Item build need to be good. I think you have the wrong thread.
I have troubles deciding when it's a good idea to pick BotRK over BT, any advice ? I usually pick it when they have 2 tanky champs and/or many CCs, but I feel like it's the case in every game :/
On November 20 2013 08:09 Sakray wrote: I have troubles deciding when it's a good idea to pick BotRK over BT, any advice ? I usually pick it when they have 2 tanky champs and/or many CCs, but I feel like it's the case in every game :/ Always bt.Get bork only if they have udyr/shyvana or some champ like that with bork.Most of the time as varus you just poke and initiate fights he sucks as an actual adc.
BT 100%. I'll admit that I have let this guide get a little out of date. When Riot decided to alter Varus, and then BotRK afterwards, they made whatever gap there was between BT and BotRK widen to the point where BotRK is outdated on him.
On November 20 2013 08:09 Sakray wrote: I have troubles deciding when it's a good idea to pick BotRK over BT, any advice ? I usually pick it when they have 2 tanky champs and/or many CCs, but I feel like it's the case in every game :/
For Varus first item should be BT all the way. He has ridiculous AD scaling due to his passive (bonus attack speed after the first creep/champion goes down makes AD more valuable and attack speed much less valuable), Q and E (2.2 to 1.6 AD scaling depending on when you shoot). Varus does not get much from BotRK's active because he will be within its range so little and because Varus isn't auto attack focused (rather he auto attacks to get his W procs up) the bonus physical damage on hit is not particularly strong.
Generally when I play Varus i go BT->LW->Shiv/PD
Once i have BT, LW is the best tank busting item hands down. (Cleaver is right behind it but decently far). If the enemy is really tanky and you still haven't completed BT its ok to get LW first.
From there you're going to tranistion into a standard ADC or stack more AD. At this point it might make sense to get BotRK. Because you can use the attack speed, lifesteal, and the bonus damage isn't bad at all. But you're probably better off getting a Shiv to get more AOE damage(also cheaper) and move speed, or an IE to get more single target damage, or even a Zephyr if you need some tenacity.
Usually I go doran => vamp => BF/berzerk depending on my money and the lane => BT => berzerk if not finished => PD => IE => LW => GA
GA might be earlier if needed, but I feel that BT/LW is strong if you score kills early and can land 90% of your max range Q.
If I go botrk I do doran => cutlass => berserk => botrk, then either PD/IE or Zeal/IE/PD