I welcome all feedback and constructive criticism. Just know that I am fully aware that my mixing/mastering end of production is quite lacking, as I am very much still learning. I've also had zero musical training and can't name a single note by name. I hope that, regardless of the technicalities, my music can speak for itself and please some ears. Thank you for your time, as always.
The music:
This piece is a pretty standard video game bout of music. It's an action segment and more geared around a "boss battle" kind of atmosphere.
This one was a lot of fun for me, as it was something new. It's less fast-paced and geared more around a mystical kind of feeling. It's also inspired by classic Donkey Kong Country tunes, which I think will be quite obvious to those that have played. The little tribal sounds are recordings of myself. ^^;
While quirky music tends to be my thing, this one is probably the quirkiest I've done. It's very energetic, whacky, and playful.
Another slower piece and, again, something different for me. It's very laid-back and maintains a "cool" kind of vibe. It's reminiscent of more classic video game music (especially with the opening lead sound) and is very bass-driven.
More on the minimalist end of the spectrum, this one was made to be music for an underwater/aquatic type of game level. It's very atmospheric and gentle.
While this one isn't necessarily music for a video game, it does maintain a very heavy influence of the genre. I'm not really sure what I would describe or categorize it as, but I quite like it, personally, so I figured I'd put it up.
A fun little piece I felt inspired to write after watching Adventure Time. It's very simple and melody-driven.
An additional two pieces I'll share. These are two of my first entries into the orchestra-based area of music. It's completely new to me and I'm definitely a noob, but I find it to be quite fun exploring the different sounds and structures. Writing only electronic game music can get old if it's all you do.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy at least some of my work!