Dear Teamliquid,
I recently posted a blog about acquiring females. A big piece of advice that you guys recommended me was to lower my standards. I've been going about this goal through an innovative training strategy. I have forced myself to masturbate to pictures of all my female facebook friends, alphabetically. The aim of this endeavor is to lower the standards of arousal. So far, it is working very well. My brain is so deprived that I can get horny just by looking at vegetables and trees now. I'll keep you guys updated on how my training goes.
omg that made me laugh! :D
Why are there people thinking that their penis is interesting to anybody on the internet?
Hormones I guess?
rofl, hopefully you don't have obese female friends
I guess vegetables are easier to acquire than females, good for you.
I thought you could only use your laptop on weekends.
Canada5155 Posts
We need a separate section for Penis training in TL
It seems to occur a lot these days
Interesting response to what went down in that blog. I like it ROFL
I can imagine how a conversation might go between fatfail and his new girlfriend.
girl says: Don't you think I'm attractive?
fatfail says: Of course I do. I'll have you know, I masterbated to all my female friends' pictures.
girl says: Ew.
fatfail says: It was hard, especially when I got to the ugly ones. I have finally achieved the lowest standards of arousal possible.
In all seriousness, if your goal is to become a better person, I don't think masterbating to pictures of your friends is a great way to do it.
That really is a big big piece of wood.
How about a quality threesome of cherries?
+ Show Spoiler +
good call OP, guys who jerk off to their friendlist in alphabetical order get all the chicks
how is this even dismounting a high horse, this is like dismounting it and then digging your way to the core of the earth
Lol, this is one of the few times I hope you're a troll.
If he is a troll, I don't care cause it's made me laugh pretty damned hard.
Well played good sir! You get a 5.
Russian Federation823 Posts
Disturbing but entertaining. Good luck with your endeavors...
On January 09 2013 20:11 Frits wrote: how is this even dismounting a high horse, this is like dismounting it and then digging your way to the core of the earth And shoveling the dirt in our faces.