@Malinor, goddamn. I continue to be amazed no matter how many times I see those images. I'm more impressed by the forarms than by the biceps/triceps, but that might just be because my forarms don't seem to respond to ANYTHING that I do in the gym. They get a better workout stacking and splitting wood at home than they do lifting weights =(
Are you getting skin removal surgery? If not, how do you plan to get rid of the extra?
@uhh negative, I'm not sure if it's the pose, the abs, the paleness or the vascularity but your second pic really reminds me of Martin Berkhan (the leangains dude). That's a good thing.
Papua New Guinea1054 Posts
Malinor looks like a marvel villain now with all that skin hanging out. Kickass reduction tho, gratz.
Yes, I plan to have surgery for that, but it won't be soon. I think mid 2013 is realistic. Of course you will get updated pics then.
And yeah, I am actually quite surprised by forarms (and biceps) too. Honestly, before those pictures I never realized how those looked. The way I trained it makes a lot of sense though. I trained Chin-Ups (assisted/ band assisted/negatives, jumping, just hanging on the bar) for so long and at ridiculous high weights. And since I can do them they still have been my number one priority. So basically what chance did my body have besides adapting to the massive stress on those arms.
I am quite sure that grip strength is not gonna be a problem tuntil I hit like 250kg deadlifts or so.
epic shit, malinor youre an inspiration!
On December 21 2012 03:11 Malinor wrote: I am quite sure that grip strength is not gonna be a problem tuntil I hit like 250kg deadlifts or so. I think you have longer than that before you have to worry about it =p
i have been training since 2007 2008,
i started with 50 kg with height 180 15 years old
now im on a little diet with 67 kilo
2008(already trained for ~5month,~54 kilo):
+ Show Spoiler + 2008 already trained ~8 month
+ Show Spoiler +
2009 60 kilo + Show Spoiler +
end of 2011 68kilo
+ Show Spoiler +
now 67 kilo and height of 183
+ Show Spoiler +
my back is very weak... bad genetics i guess, my back stayed the same for 1 year and its not gettin bigger... T.T picture was taken summer 2012:
+ Show Spoiler +
havent been training all the time, had to pause for 6 months 1 time and lost 8 kilo , but gained it back fast
i know its not a good result for 4-5 years training but i dont have the best genetics, i think cauz im asian? 
p.s im only usin whey/dextrose right now, i tried all sorts of creatin but it doesnt affect me, didnt get any stronger and etc, im kinda immun to it
What is your diet and work out program?
im doin a 3 split programm
maximum 50 minute training
tuesday: back/biceps/ leg raise on dips machine thursday: shoulder /legs/ machine crunches high weight sunday: chest/tricep/ machine crunches high weight
right now im eatin around 5-6 times a day 3 times with carbonhydrates and 2 times (10pm, 1 am before sleepin) only protein my breakfast is oatmeal with low fat curd and low fat yoghurt
its actually not a real diet, i only try to eat healthy stuff and before i ate 4 times carbonhydrates a day and now im eating 3 times a day carbonhydrates 
i eat around 120-150 gramm protein a day btw im not eating any sweet stuff and i try to eat chickn fish only, sometimes pork and beef
On December 21 2012 05:09 Zafrumi wrote:epic shit, malinor  youre an inspiration!
And you've been absent for too long, what's going on with you?
On December 21 2012 07:40 Killmouse wrote:im doin a 3 split programm maximum 50 minute training tuesday: back/biceps/ leg raise on dips machine thursday: shoulder /legs/ machine crunches high weight sunday: chest/tricep/ machine crunches high weight right now im eatin around 5-6 times a day 3 times with carbonhydrates and 2 times (10pm, 1 am before sleepin) only protein my breakfast is oatmeal with low fat curd and low fat yoghurt its actually not a real diet, i only try to eat healthy stuff and before i ate 4 times carbonhydrates a day and now im eating 3 times a day carbonhydrates  i eat around 120-150 gramm protein a day btw im not eating any sweet stuff and i try to eat chickn fish only, sometimes pork and beef I'd stop worry about what you're eating and start eating more calories. More fat. More squats and deadlifts. You still have a LOT of weight to out on if you want to fill out your body frame. I'm only 3cm taller and over 30kg heavier lol. You could definitely use at least 15-20kg
yeah actually i would be right now in a bulking phase(fall-spring) but my gf said she likes 6 packs more so i went for this programm with : eat alot caloriern carbon hydrates at training day and normal at non training days, next year fall im gonna start to bulk again and eat like a madman
i just started to do that diet(like 1 week ago) (beginn to read at "the solution") "http://www.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.team-andro.com%2Fwie-man-opimal-muskeln-aufbaut-und-fett-verliert.html"
its in german and i google translated it in english for you
mayb it will work for me for this year and summer until my next bulking phase in fall 
but well i agree, i need to deathlift and squat higher, i only deathlift 90 kg and its super hard for me cauz i loose the grip and its very hard to hold it
Post more in the progress/lifting threads if you need help! And she won't be mad when all you muscles grow exponentially and you're way stronger even if you put on a bit of fat.
On December 21 2012 13:27 decafchicken wrote: Post more in the progress/lifting threads if you need help! And she won't be mad when all you muscles grow exponentially and you're way stronger even if you put on a bit of fat.
She'll like whatever you like - confidence is WAY more sexy than any single body type or muscle group. If you want to stay skinny like that, it's up to you, not her.
But this forum is a little bit skewed towards the whole "fuck yeah big squats" school of thought.
^squats for the fucking win
there are no 'small' asians, only asians who don't squat
Back contrast, from probably 16 months ago.
On December 21 2012 20:14 Cambium wrote: ^squats for the fucking win
there are no 'small' asians, only asians who don't squat truer words have never been spoken
My back is about the only thing impresssive on me :p Legs are pretty big but not defined. abs are present but not super noticeable. chest...non existent lol + Show Spoiler +
some seriously amazing progress from ppl here but Malinor is the bomb. Dat muscle mass. Once reduction surgery is done you will be one of the guys at the gym that people admire from afar and wish they will one day look like (and think man he probably had it easy, good genetics etc). Little do they know you probably came from a dark dark place and you got where you are with hardcore determination and strength of will.