So, I just woke up, put on some metal (here's the link if you are interested), and decided to finally write a blog that I was thinking about for few days now.
First of all, I'm Sakray (I'm not gonna give my real name hehe ), also known as Einheri and Randy on different forums and games, a 21 years old french and I study Android applications's development. I consider myself as an hardcore gamer, and by this I mean I don't play many video games, but I spend countless hours on BW, sc2 and LoL atm, constantly trying to improve (as an exemple, to me sc2 is way more funnier and entertaining when you reach a good level). I love extreme metal music (mostly Black and Death metal, and their variations), and I'm a drummer.
That being said, let's jump into the topic of this blog.
Few days ago (during DH Valencia to be exact), I got banned for 2 days because of some player bashing, 1 month before it was 2 days for balance whining, in the end of July it was 1 week for balance whining, and 2 days in March also for balance whining. Also in August 2011, got banned 2 days probably for balance whining. And I don't count those where I'm almost balance whining but didn't got any ban or warn.
But after the the last one, I realized that, well, I might have some anger issue. And imo the cause might be some "favouritism", or that my pov is biased. For exemple, I'm a Protoss player (I played Z a bit before and I didn't like it, for someone who played alot of BW iCCup games at a good level, it was too easy to win), and to me the PvZ match-up is completely broken. I won't explain in-depth because that's not the subject, but because of this and the experience I had with them, I almost hate this race.
Yes, I really don't like the Zerg race.
But as a french (and that's where I'm kinda biased), I like watching Stephano's play. I guess it's because he's french too (some people might say TEAM USA, but well ), but the way he plays is untertaining too. For exemple, the way he engages fight is just incredible, and even tho I don't like Zerg, I like watching him. Is it because he's french ? Probably.
So if I watch : - a PvZ match-up - a ZvX where X is a player I like I'll get probably tilted if the Z wins the game, because I'm biased. I won't explain exactly why because I don't want to bring balance stuff here.
The fact is that the last ban made me realized, as I said, that I've some anger issues about this. But the most important thing is that I'm now aware of it, and I want to improve at this. Some people will say that constantly listening to extreme metal music (and by this I mean most of them are kinda violent, like Nile, Behemoth, Dying Fetus, Origin,...), but to me it's not true. In fact when I listen to it I'm pretty relaxed, yeah it's strange, but that's how it works for me.
I'm not someone that gets easily angry in real life (in fact it never happens), as a proof you can ask almost every mods of NonY's stream, they will tell you that I'm very friendly, always joking, etc...
To me, realizing that you have a problem is the first step to correct it, so from now on I'll take a good care of it.
Thx for reading 
It's ok to have incandescent rage towards zergs. I, too, hate zergs. The importance is to channel this into monstrous PvZ skills, so that alien scum can be purged from the ladder and grant you a measure of peace.
Or find some P friends (maybe even some T!) that you can joke around with in private and voice your 'man, fuck zerg' woes.
I know that a zerg that plays the ultra-lategame properly in PvZ is almost unbeatable, but is there a similarly bad situation TvZ?
On September 30 2012 01:49 Dfgj wrote: It's ok to have incandescent rage towards zergs. I, too, hate zergs. The importance is to channel this into monstrous PvZ skills, so that alien scum can be purged from the ladder and grant you a measure of peace.
That's true but sometimes, anger makes you play extremely bad :p But atm I just watch tournaments and streams, I just play some LoL and Borderlands 2, but once HotS will be out I'll play again.
On September 30 2012 02:07 AnachronisticAnarchy wrote: I know that a zerg that plays the ultra-lategame properly in PvZ is almost unbeatable, but is there a similarly bad situation TvZ?
In fact I was refering at the game that earned me my last ban, which was Targa vs Taeja. The huge ling/bling bust that Targa tried at the 1st game iirc tilted me quite a lot (and probably also because he won against HerO before because of a little mistake HerO did). But as I said I won't extend too much about it
For some reason, SC2 brings a lot of anger out of people.
I guess it should be fine if you're not having anger problems in real life.
On September 30 2012 05:36 K3Nyy wrote: For some reason, SC2 brings a lot of anger out of people.
I guess it should be fine if you're not having anger problems in real life.
I think its because the amount of effort everyone puts into one game to win. I know i can start of a game with some friendly talk which turns into cursing 40minutes into the game lol
Dude, seeing zergs win is sometimes so frustrating t.t
Since this is a rage thread, I feel the need to vent my rage now. I was watching MLG and I remember someone saying "If you buy MLG gold now you get the rest of the MLG's in hd for free!!" This was on the stream, so I figured "Sure, why not I love sc and MLG seems good." So I bought MLG gold membership. What happens? You f** know what. That sh** was a complete and utter lie!!! A big, stinkin' lie. I wasn't gonna watch GSL cause of the time difference and MLG was the only option for me cause I wanted to watch the really big names in big tournaments. Sure you have your DH's and the other minor shows but still... So when I got lied to on the god damn show it pissed me off so much. I would have liked to post my exact thoughts, but I fear the language I would have used would be offensive to someone. Now I love E-Sports and I'm trying to get as many people interested in it as possible, but I fear that MLG has moved too far too soon, cause e-sports hasn't really been established at a global level with mature viewers (we are still outnumbered by so many stupid sports) yet. I hope that someday, someone influential have the balls to say what i'm thinking which is" f** you MLG!! f** you!!!" Sure you have your barcrafts with MLG's and GSL's, but I wish that they just wouldn't say: "With us, if you buy this and that you get a lot of stuff free!!" and then a couple of weeks later go all pay-per-view on our ass.
also.. this might be the wrong place to post this, but I didn't want to make a new thread about this cause nobody probably cares, but i felt the need to vent my rage and this seemed like the place to do so. Another thing: My spelling seems fine considering I've been drinking and english is not my first language.. Another thing is I might have a rage problem as I rage over most things. People driving slow, cycling, breathing with a nose whistle etc.. Idk what to do about that.. I have my ups and downs like everyone else..
Weell yeah, it might be the wrong place since I wanted to post something about my raging problem and that I wanted to improve at keeping my self control (to be honnest atm I'm kinda drunk too). As the title said, it's more about raging about sc2 and balance stuff, but if you have a raging problem about almost everything, well, it might be a more important issue (even thought we all rage about something irl)