I have nothing against strictly Terran players, because I play Terran too, just not like picking Terran.
Like I choose Terran for 0 games in a row and then don't switch, and keep picking Random.
But the reason why I disagree a ton with playing 1 race is;
Just think, maybe not every random player sucks. Maybe not every random player cheeses. Maybe we do enjoy playing the macro ZvT or PvZ. Maybe we do like the whole idea of "metagame". Maybe we also just like playing random. Maybe if you're a Zerg player. You need to have an opening for ZvP, ZvT, ZvZ AND!!!! WAIT FOR IT!! WAIT FOR IT!!! ZvR!
If you still don't understand, lemme try again;
First of all random has sweet ass portraits.
It makes playing SC (for the randos), exciting, on the edge of both(me and you) of our seats cause who knows what the hell is going to happen next.
Did you ever think that by playing vs a random player could be making you a better player? Now I have ZERO proof of this theory but maybe that constant thought of "I'm about to get cheesed! OH NOS PROXY" Is keeping you on your guard. Your checking that mini map, you're scouting like a pro, your making sure that depo is getting dropped right when it needs to because if it doesn't this asshole random player is about to come flooding in with 6 lings.
Maybe not all of us want to play the "standard" and sit and gather minerals/gas for the next 25 mins and then have a 9 second battle that decides the game.
Maybe I want to throw 2 reapers at you, because why? because why not?
Maybe the next game I want to 3hatch before pool because I fucking want to. And then maybe the next game I'll open up FFE and play out a nice standard macro game.
The fact of the matter is if I played 50 games of ladder, I'd maybe encounter 5-10 randoms. Those 5-10 games out of 50 are not ruining your ladder experience. They are not making you a worse player, they are not completely throwing off your entire practice session.
Just because you got rolled up by 1-2 randoms and it was more than likely your own fault doesn't mean that you need complain to the internet that RANDOM IS SO UNFAIR and come up with all these bullshit theory's about why random shouldn't be on the ladder.
So what if it's not allowing us to be the best players possible.. So what if it makes your ladder experience 0.9% less fun because now you have to plan 1 more safe opening.
In closing...
You can play random if you want to have fun but not when you want to win. Random doesnt make you more unpredictable, just many low level people think naiv about random.
Edit: I still dont get this blog, does the thread writer suffer because people blame random player? Very Confusing.
On August 24 2012 09:10 D4V3Z02 wrote: You can play random if you want to have fun but not when you want to win. I play random, have fun, and win.
On August 24 2012 09:10 D4V3Z02 wrote: Edit: I still dont get this blog, does the thread writer suffer because people blame random player? Very Confusing.
Thread writer is mostly just annoyed by the recent trend of TL threads and opponents crying about random.
I like how the idea behind this post is random players wanting to play a macro game when literally playing random forces the opponent to either play incredibly safe or non-standard. I thought the popular concensus was that way considering all the posts that agree with that statement. You can't just make a contrarion opinion based solely on that as a random player compared to the people playing random who have issues with the idea of Random as a race choice since it gives the opponent an obvious knowledge disadvantage that forces them to either cheese or play wayyyy too safe. Just my 2 cents.
The fact that you say:
"The fact of the matter is if I played 50 games of ladder, I'd maybe encounter 5-10 randoms. Those 5-10 games out of 50 are not ruining your ladder experience. They are not making you a worse player, they are not completely throwing off your entire practice session. "
ruins your whole arguement. You start off by saying why it shouldn't be a hassle to play random players and then you proceed to admit that it is a hassle, but not a big one. Try to stay focused on your point.
My personal opinion is that random players should have their race announced when the game starts. There's absolutely no good reason why this shouldn't be done.
On August 24 2012 10:48 AegonC wrote:
My personal opinion is that random players should have their race announced when the game starts. There's absolutely no good reason why this shouldn't be done.
Because that would defeat the purpose of playing Random in general. If anything, it would just place an unnecessary disadvantage to the random player with absolutely no positive compensation to account for the fact that we'd have to learn 9 match-ups instead of 3. It is the way it is because at the cost of having to learn 9 match-ups (Entirely different match-ups as well) we are compensated by having a slight element of surprise which ends the moment we're scouted. The only real match-up this effects somewhat drastically is the PvZ match up in which case Protoss have grown accustomed to simply doing their FFE and it would seem based on a lot of players input into these recent random threads, that appears to be the only way they know how to open vs Zerg.
I don't speak for all toss players mind you, a lot of have said "1 gate expo?", but there are a great deal who complain that it's not valid and then go on to say that randoms only know how to cheese, just a bit of a rant on my part about the hypocrites.:3
Since I started playing random my perspective of all of the matchups has changed drastically, and I personally see the game as incredibly balanced. I play macro games and I all in games too. It's nice experiencing all the aspects of the game.