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As human beings, we tend to scare ourselves. A lot! I know that I let fear take over my every being in certain situations; like during school and with relationships. Something just happens and then the anxiety kicks in and BOOM! I’ve just scared myself into a category three anxiety attack.
A lot of the emails I get from people talk about being afraid of failing and the fear of the unknown. Those are the two most common fears people seem to have. We tend to be scared of the things that we cannot control, and that’s completely natural. When we’re asked to step out of our comfort zone or when we are required to do something that we’re just not good at, we tend to fear the outcome.
In its simplest form, we are scared of failing. We’re afraid that we wont be good enough, or that we won’t be strong enough, or that we just flat out aren’t capable of doing it.
Last year in college I failed a class for the first time in my life. As an all “A” and “B” student, I was completely devastated. And instead of saying, “Alright Jack, you messed up. Here’s what you did wrong, here’s what you need to change, now let’s go into the next semester ready to do better,” I let the fear take over. I was constantly worrying about not being good enough and I talked myself into that belief by saying, “Well you did it once didn’t you? What’s to say you won’t do it again? You’re not good enough. You can’t handle this type of work load. GIVE UP!” And because of that, I almost failed two more classes the following semester. Luckily I working my butt off and pulled out “C’s” but still; I let the fear of failing take over and that’s NOT ok.
On Monday the 27th, I’ll be starting yet another semester of University and I’ve got the same thoughts running through my head. Maybe I’m not good enough. Maybe college just isn’t for me. But guess what’s different this time: I’m NOT going to let the fear of failing allow me to fail. I AM smart enough. I AM strong enough. And I AM capable of getting “A’s” and “B’s.”
The mind is an extremely powerful tool. You can choose to use it for good or you can choose to let yourself be controlled my negative thoughts. It’s completely up to YOU to decide which to use it for.
What are you going through that you’re letting fear control you? Are you scared of asking for a promotion? Worried that the beautiful girl in your math lab won’t say yes if you ask her out? Lose the fear, my love. Take that step and trust yourself because you CAN do it. Leave a comment below and let’s talk!