Okay so first I'm going to talk about what I didn't expect. Focused practice for 11-12 hours a day is HARD. At home I've played for the same amount of time but I didn't realise how many breaks I took to check facebook, Watch a video on youtube, Go upstairs to talk to my dad or brother, etc. After a few hours of hard practice I seem to slump. Make silly desicions, Play slowly, etc. I respect professional players a hell of a lot more. It's not as easy as it sounds. Here at the MoW we are taken well care of and have very good accomidations. Korean pro houses breed some of the best players because of the intense practice. It's not for everyone, but if you can fight it out you will become good at the game.
The schedule. I use to just wake up whenever and play till whenever, ate when I got hungry, mixed up customs and ladder. Now we have a schedule to focus on certain aspects of practice and gameplay. It's much more efficient and I think leaving here I'll be a more valuable player since my practice will be more refined.
The privacy. I knew I wouldn't have any, and I'm personally not that private, but when talking to family on skype, or writing emails, checking facebook, you don't have much to keep people from looking. It's apart of living here and it's the least of my worries but it's still something that should be noted.
There are more but I can't think about it all right now. So now into the things I really like about the house!
The improvement! Matiz is an amazing coach, He works really hard to make sure we're practising efficiently. If we are interested in a build he will research it, write it down, give it to us, and find us practice partners to play the build against. It's amazing and makes practice much more directed. I can feel a good amount of improvement and I've only been playing here for about 1 week.
The people I live with are awesome. I've spent the most time with Cyto and Snute outside the house, and working out with them and such but I've known Wilko online for the past 4-5 months and we sit beside eachother and he's my roommate. Breathe is pretty funny, He rages over ladder games but it gives us stuff to joke about. Our management staff are really easy going and helpful, If we need to go the store they don't mind driving us, Or walking.
Living with other players so dedicated makes me want to play so much more and improve to be as good as them. When Snute won the IPL5 qualifier I was so motivated I played another 5hours after an already long day of practice. I want to improve so bad that I go to bed wanting more but am to exhausted to continue.
The Ministry of WiN itself is amazing. We have everything we need to focus on practice. Cook, cleaner, driver, A gym in the basement, 4 bathrooms with showers so there is no waiting to get ready in the morning. The house is really well located. A 10 min walk to the store. About 5 mins to the Tram/bus stops. Our back year is a forest. It's pretty insane =P. There is a fairly large Pond about 30 feet past our fence, It's very amazing. So far living in a Pro house is much more efficient than practising at home. I'm able to find practice matches instantly with players in the house, Analyse my replays with them beside me to point out mistakes and be able to talk more indepth about how I played, A coaching staff that works really hard to make sure we're improving as efficently and easy as possible, And all around very nice people to live with.
I'm hoping to be able to find time to do weekly blogs about my improvement and general things that I get to do while In Poland, but for now I'll cut this blog since I've already posted a fairly large wall of text =P
P.S. Shout-out to my team for being awesome =] Team Legion and our sponsors for supporting us.
Razer @cultofrazer
Maxfrag @maxfrag
Imgur @imgur
Also follow my stream! It helps me a lot. www.twitch.tv/LgNkarmy is my personal one I'll continue to use after my time here in MoW and http://www.own3d.tv/live/320598 to watch me live from the house. To know when I go live and on which channel follow my twitter @LgNkarmy