So recently my girl friend and I of two years decided to take a break . It wasn't meant to be forever just for 5 weeks as she went to study in Quebec . We both needed space and she has a really overbearing an protective mother ( she is pakastani ) I am white . Always working aroud her mother was quite exhausting and it didnt seem fair for her to continually choose between me and her mother i felt like I wasnt making her happy and I wanted to let he experience life while she was away from home without all the trappings of a relationship and while doing so allow me to get my shit together .
3 weeks later and I now feel ready to start the relationship against from square one . I got a job I am soon starting my second year at university I am overall just in a better place and I feel like I can now provide her the attention and love she needs and deserves .
Problem is she seems to be alot more bitter of the break up even though it wasn't angry and we both decided to go our separate ways for a bit . I was kinda talking to this other girl and my ex asked me If I was seeing someone I told her about this other girl and told her we haven't done anything sexual or anything like that . I asked her te same question and her response was similar about this guy . Fast forward a week and she sends me this long text about how she is happy in Quebec and she has all these guys t o make her happy. I am not a jealous guy but I was not happy I didn't shout at her or anything just kinda felt blue you know ?
I have some personal issues, I have aspergers syndrome though I am quite high functioning for someone with this syndrome I have some issues I need to deal with on a daily basis . She is well aware of this and I jus need some space someomes an I feel like I didn't make my expectations with the break clear and the la I of communication is biting me in the ass now .
How should I approach this ?
well you know her better than anyone here. Only you know what will make her happy.
To be brutally honest, when a woman tells me how "she has all these guys t o make her happy", I run. GOod luck friend, make the wise decision. My opinion tells me get over it!
Thanks guys , I feel though that she says these things I cause hurt not cause she actually feels it .
Trade her for #girlproblems. Which bag to bring hmmmm..
Best choice if my life.
It's always best to be honest, and most people know this rationally, but feelings are not rational. After hearing you were talking to another girl, she may wonder how you could get interested in someone else so easily (even if you obviously weren't that interested cause nothing happened). She may feel worried about the relationship and how strong your feelings for her are.
I would honestly interpret her text about 'all these other guys' as insecurity about your feelings for her. Whether she's concious of her intent or not, I would think she's trying to illicit some kind of reaction from you to confirm or disuade her insecurities. If you respond casually, you will probably confirm her (irrational) assumption that you don't care for her that much since you a) were talking to some other girl and b) aren't that upset when she mentions other guys.
The thing to do is to tell her exactly what you wrote in this blog. It's sweet, it's honest, and it's mature. Tell her if she really is into the other guys she has met, you will respect her decision, but you really care for her and are ready to jump back into things if she is.
She's fiery, all that curry powda in her veins... nice!
Yaya what RedJustice said
I feel bad for you son,i got 99 problems but a b!tch aint one.Sorry had to say it,but on a serious note forget her.Being in a relationship for 2 years you probably have some good memories,and some bad ones.But don't over think them.She most likely moved on by now and you should too.GL in uni.
On June 07 2012 08:41 NaZa wrote: I feel bad for you son,i got 99 problems but a b!tch aint one.Sorry had to say it,but on a serious note forget her.Being in a relationship for 2 years you probably have some good memories,and some bad ones.But don't over think them.She most likely moved on by now and you should too.GL in uni. Let me correct that:
If you're having girl troubles I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 problems + Show Spoiler +and girls account for pretty much half of those 
Move on, you don't need her drama or especially an overbearing mother. Those problems will only magnify over the years. There are too many women out there to bother dealing with nonsense. If I had know the things I know now when I was young, I would of made radically different decisions.
"how she is happy in Quebec and she has all these guys t o make her happy."
Either way, do not enter her premises.
She's probably just bluffing, trying to piss you off or spark some emotion. Women do that all the time. With that being said, I would definitely not drop it, and ask her wtf she means by that, and that it was a retarded thing to say if she ever wants to get back together.
On June 07 2012 08:03 RedJustice wrote: It's always best to be honest, and most people know this rationally, but feelings are not rational. After hearing you were talking to another girl, she may wonder how you could get interested in someone else so easily (even if you obviously weren't that interested cause nothing happened). She may feel worried about the relationship and how strong your feelings for her are.
I would honestly interpret her text about 'all these other guys' as insecurity about your feelings for her. Whether she's concious of her intent or not, I would think she's trying to illicit some kind of reaction from you to confirm or disuade her insecurities. If you respond casually, you will probably confirm her (irrational) assumption that you don't care for her that much since you a) were talking to some other girl and b) aren't that upset when she mentions other guys.
The thing to do is to tell her exactly what you wrote in this blog. It's sweet, it's honest, and it's mature. Tell her if she really is into the other guys she has met, you will respect her decision, but you really care for her and are ready to jump back into things if she is.
i agree with this guy, pretty sure she is trying to get your attention
Solid advice so far. <3
What I'm curious about, is this going to be a long distance relationship from now on or did she just move to Quebec for 5 weeks and will come back?
On June 07 2012 08:16 tehemperorer wrote: She's fiery, all that curry powda in her veins... nice!
Stereotyping and inappropriate timing for a joke, nice
She went to Quebec for 5 weeks of schooling , sh didn't move there she is living in residence .
It's nothing to worry about, she was worried about you moving on, and you gave her the impression that you had.
"....and she has all these guys t o make her happy." That should be big red flag number one.
On June 07 2012 08:16 tehemperorer wrote: She's fiery, all that curry powda in her veins... nice!
Yaya what RedJustice said
Pakistani's eat curry?