Time for another om nom nom nom Food Porn Recipe! This week: Stuffed Bell Peppers!
![[image loading]](http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/429245_3035576801901_1037370161_32323256_425520907_n.jpg)
- Salt
- Pepper
- Olive Oil
- Oregano
- Crushed Garlic
- 1/2 lb of Ground Turkey
- 2 Red Peppers
- 1/2 Red Onion
- 1 Leek
- 1/4 cup of Mushrooms
- 1/2 can of Diced Tomatoes
- 2 Tablespoons of Marinara Sauce
- 1/4 cup of Mozzarella Cheese (NOTE: I used soy cheese, so it's not as melty as regular cheese!)
- Wash and chop your onion, mushrooms and leek.
- Sautee in a hot pan with teaspoon of olive oil.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Remove vegetables from pan.
- Add back a teaspoon of olive oil and brown your turkey.
- Add back in your vegetables.
- Add in your 1/2 can of tomatoes.
- Cook until turkey is done.
- Fill a pot with water, set to boil. (Water should be enough to barely cover the height of the peppers)
- Cut off the top of your bell peppers.
- Remove the seeds and white membrane from inside the pepper.
- When water has boiled, place peppers inside the boiling water. You will need to fill the pepper with water to prevent it from floating.
- Let peppers cook for about 5 minutes. Remove peppers and run them under cold water (this will prevent them from cooking any further).
- Set your oven to 375° F.
- Place peppers in a baking dish.
- Begin filling your peppers with the turkey and vegetable mixture.
- Place a tablespoon of Marinara sauce on top of each pepper.
- Cover peppers with Mozarella cheese.
- Bake for about 5 minutes or until cheese begins to brown.
- Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes, then proceed to om nom nom nom.
And you're done!
For more pictures and recipes, visit my blog! Read this recipe on my blog here: http://kierpanda.blogspot.com/2012/03/planetary-fortress-peppers.html full blog: http://kierpanda.blogspot.com/
Goddamn it, now I have to go cook. Looks and sounds awesome. Thanks.
more vegetarian food porn!
I can't see any of your pictures...
oh god yes I want to try this.
i neeeed this in MY BELLY *rubs belly vigorously*
fantastic title lol. I think I will definitely try this!
Blah, I despise bell peppers. Do you think this would be fine with a tomato/large mushroom shell instead?
Wow that looks delicious, I'll have to make it for my vegetarian girlfriend, minus the turkey of course.
Looks delicious. Stuffed peppers is one of my favorites. I should try a new variation like this instead of the usual rice/beef.
very nice, i always like to use ground turkey for stuffing recipes as it has much less fat that renders off during cooking.
United States9940 Posts
that looks delicious, except i dont like cheese -.-
stuffed peppers is delicious though, and pretty healthy.
On March 06 2012 09:32 UniversalSnip wrote: more vegetarian food porn!
Turkey is not a vegetable.
Hmmm.... interesting.
My only question is: why would you use turkey, when you can use chicken, which has been scientifically proven to be better than turkey in both taste and compatibility with peppers?
Or beef. Beef kicks turkey butt. Also scientifically proven.
On March 06 2012 13:32 liberal wrote: Hmmm.... interesting.
My only question is: why would you use turkey, when you can use chicken, which has been scientifically proven to be better than turkey in both taste and compatibility with peppers?
Or beef. Beef kicks turkey butt. Also scientifically proven. D: I actually like turkey better than chicken.
But I typically choose turkey just because it's a bit healthier since it's a bit leaner than beef.
On March 06 2012 11:02 KhAmun wrote: Wow that looks delicious, I'll have to make it for my vegetarian girlfriend, minus the turkey of course.
Tofu would sound kind of awesome in this. Hmm....
I'm totally going to make this, but without the cheese (I eat too much cheese) and without the leek (frankly, leeks creep me out).
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrkkkk goddamnit
Why do you do this to me.
Never had a stuffed pepper before... how do you eat that thing?
It's like killing a cute dog...