The most absolute of truths must be the fact that time ruins what little chance we would have of knowing life objectively. Even if we were to disregard all the other aspects of the limitations to our subjective viewpoint, disregard how much weight feelings actually have in our rational thought and how we are basically hardwired flesh-robots; time would still stand as the impenetrable shield between us and hard undisputed truth.
So, really, my first point is moot. There's no way to know that absolutely. This whole deal of "relativity is relative and so is this sentence" grows absurdly frustrating and tedious the longer I spend regurgitating it regarding all subjects.
The reason why I think time is such an absolute anti-thesis to reason is simply that in retrospect we are always stupid or ignorant in some way. It still baffles me how some people can hold to any notion of being right, because whenever I look back in time I see someone who did not truly understand what he was talking about. All convictions grow lax and obscure as time rolls unyieldingly forward(does time really have a direction?).
I am so poor at the moment. Life has taken one of those completely unexpected turns and I have for the first time burst through some previously impenetrable barrier and wound up in a place where I literally have no money to eat. The realisation is so profoundly real that it just demolishes everything else. I'm not at rock bottom yet, but fuck me if it's not moving at super sonic towards my face(frozen in a look of stupified horror, like a deer in the headlights). Hence, I think about time. Because if shit can turn to the worse like this, then logically it should be able to do the opposite right?
Can someone just throw some inspirational shit my way? Tell me a story of how something amazing happened to you or someone you know? Because if I spend another second contemplating just how uncertain the future and in extension time is, I think that I may very well start destroying what little possessions I have left.
things will work out. they always do if you stay positive. i can to a large extend say that im in the same boat as you are. i was doing pretty well, happy, money wasnt a problem and i was enjoying life. Then some dick stole the equivalent of about 1200 euros out of my cash box at work which basically means that Every month for a year im paying more than 15% of my basic salary back to the company i work for every month for a year, which basically was my cash for food. the other 85% pays for my internet, rent, debt and all that other bullshit. I would party with any commission i made because i firmly believe that you have to treat yourself at least once a month no matter what. So now that i dont have that extra cash, if i dont make commision, i dont eat for the month. and because i dont have any family in the town i live in i cant go to them for support. It gets really hard sometimes, but i never let the stress get me down.
the thing is, even though shit never really gets any easier, things always have a way of working themselves out. dont let yourself fall into a helpless state because you will be blind to the opportunities that come your way every day. Look at the bigger picture, re-evaluate your goals and most importantly never give up. life is hard. there is no getting around that, but life wouldnt be life if it wasnt for the struggles we all go through everyday. Some are worse than others, but at the end of the day, youre still alive! It may not be easy, but life is still worth living even if it is just to experience the small and insignificantly pointless things that make us smile.
in life, there is no such thing as a roadblock, only detours. Its up to you where you want it to go from there though. it sounds cliché but that old saying "what doesnt kill you makes you stronger" is 100% true. Be the master of your own happiness, and dont be the worlds bitch.
keep pushing forward, never stand still. you know you can do it
On January 27 2012 00:56 CutieBK wrote: Can someone just throw some inspirational shit my way? Tell me a story of how something amazing happened to you or someone you know?
Don't start diluting yourself with false hopes based on people's stories of winning the lottery or saving a town from destruction, or "insert further cliche here". Life is a bitch and the only way you are going to be successful is by keeping your head down and running at it full force. You cannot give up your resolve to succeed, even for a moment; or you may lose out on a great opportunity.
There was a time when I felt really depressed and down, and it seemed like my future was ruined. This hit me the hardest in high school when I was a bit of a loser and then again when I graduated from college with no job. College graduation was the worst as all my friends were so happy but I felt my life was over. But eventually I found a job that I love, and now have a wife and kids with plenty of spare time to browse TL. I don't think my story is inspirational, mostly luck. But like you said, the future is unpredictable and just as things can turn for the worse they can turn for the better. Keeps your spirits up, things will hopefully turn around.
You write beautiful English, I love your writing style. How I wish I can write with such elegant uses of words and draw it to something that I would have never related life to, "relativity".
I think a person like you, these up and down moments only will enriches your life experience and you will grow up stronger and better.
While personally I don't really have any amazing story to share, I have a line from Rocky that really helps me to get through dark times:
You don't need sappy stories. You need a plan that makes logical sense. Man up, sit down, and figure out what you can do with yourself.
I'll ask a couple questions to get you started in the right direction: How old are you? What skills do you have? What is your lifestyle like? Do you use intoxicating or mind-altering substances? Do you have a relationship currently/recently?
And most importantly, what do you think you should do to get out of this rut?
After such swift support I almost feel silly writing anything at all now. I really needed a pick me up and you delivered big time. It's just crazy how hard breathing can be sometimes, you know?
I'm so sorry to hear about that :S What a fucking dick move of whoever stole from you. Thank you so much for your inspiring words. Hope you keep the same amazing vibe that you shared here!
Yeah, all too true. But I'm not looking for lottery tales here, just wanted to hear some inspirational "down and out and got through it"-stories. It's like saying aspirin doesn't help, I think. Sure, it won't cure that tumor eating up your brain, but it does take away the pain for awhile. Thanks for your earnest words!
Your story is totally inspirational! Glad to hear you're doing good. I don't believe in luck, I think that if you are an awesome person there's a higher chance good things will happen!
That really means alot to hear, I'm pretty self-conscious about my writing and always feel like I'm "over"-writing everything. Means alot to hear that like it <3 Also, you made me remember how awesome Rocky is for inspiration! Thanks a ton, mate!!!
your existential confusion is caused by your implicit insistence on the existence of a notion of "real truth" (i.e. the "hard undisputed truth"). as decision-making individuals we get around this by assuming personal realities that are valid by construction: the fact that you see the world this way is the worthwhile proof that can be provided for the fact that the world is this way.
(coincidence of different personal realities is irrelevant to individual decision making. invariance across propositions or time or whatever is challenging but also doesn't really matter unless you're into politics)
and about bad things happening; ask yourself a question: what do you value? summon the power to decide that question for yourself. everyone has it in them to say in every moment: exactly what happens is the *best* thing that could have *possibly* happened in this moment. why? there are two avenues to make this statement impenetrably valid: 1) kill the subjunctive wondering in you and convince yourself that exactly what happened is itself the totality of what could have happened (define could in this way) 2) choose the metric on which you judge the good-or-bad value of any event to a metric which validates exactly what happens
in other words, look on the bright side, because it's always there
On January 27 2012 02:06 EternaLLegacy wrote: You don't need sappy stories. You need a plan that makes logical sense. Man up, sit down, and figure out what you can do with yourself.
I'll ask a couple questions to get you started in the right direction: How old are you? What skills do you have? What is your lifestyle like? Do you use intoxicating or mind-altering substances? Do you have a relationship currently/recently?
And most importantly, what do you think you should do to get out of this rut?
I feel like my request for inspiration got taken the wrong way. I'm not looking for recluse from responsiblity for my own happiness or some magic fairy tale, I just felt that I wanted to hear how people got through their tough times.
I am actually doing what I can about my situation and I am certain that it will turn out ok(especially after so much awesome inspiration!). I am 25 and a pretty decent musician so at the bare minimum I'm getting some tail in the near future. Haha.
No but really, I do agree that having a plan is the way out of harsh times. But sometimes a man just needs to vent in public to well meaning strangers :p
your existential confusion is caused by your implicit insistence on the existence of a notion of "real truth" (i.e. the "hard undisputed truth"). as decision-making individuals we get around this by assuming personal realities that are valid by construction: the fact that you see the world this way is the worthwhile proof that can be provided for the fact that the world is this way.
(coincidence of different personal realities is irrelevant to individual decision making. invariance across propositions or time or whatever is challenging but also doesn't really matter unless you're into politics)
and about bad things happening; ask yourself a question: what do you value? summon the power to decide that question for yourself. everyone has it in them to say in every moment: exactly what happens is the *best* thing that could have *possibly* happened in this moment. why? there are two avenues to make this statement impenetrably valid: 1) kill the subjunctive wondering in you and convince yourself that exactly what happened is itself the totality of what could have happened (define could in this way) 2) choose the metric on which you judge the good-or-bad value of any event to a metric which validates exactly what happens
in other words, look on the bright side, because it's always there
Jesus Christ, man. That was beautiful! Thanks :'D
Edit: I feel like FriedrichNietzsche should've written it. Hohoho! Existentialism humor, zing!
On January 27 2012 02:06 EternaLLegacy wrote: You don't need sappy stories. You need a plan that makes logical sense. Man up, sit down, and figure out what you can do with yourself.
I'll ask a couple questions to get you started in the right direction: How old are you? What skills do you have? What is your lifestyle like? Do you use intoxicating or mind-altering substances? Do you have a relationship currently/recently?
And most importantly, what do you think you should do to get out of this rut?
I feel like my request for inspiration got taken the wrong way. I'm not looking for recluse from responsiblity for my own happiness or some magic fairy tale, I just felt that I wanted to hear how people got through their tough times.
I am actually doing what I can about my situation and I am certain that it will turn out ok(especially after so much awesome inspiration!). I am 25 and a pretty decent musician so at the bare minimum I'm getting some tail in the near future. Haha.
No but really, I do agree that having a plan is the way out of harsh times. But sometimes a man just needs to vent in public to well meaning strangers :p
Well, coming up with a plan and having a legitimate discussion about your goals and opportunities is what's pulled me out from somewhat bad times, though I've never been that bad off... probably cause I do plan so much. If you want to truly feel better, you have to know that there's a clear path towards a better life, and you know how to get there and can do it. People get in bad times, but only those who are aimless get stuck there.
Well, coming up with a plan and having a legitimate discussion about your goals and opportunities is what's pulled me out from somewhat bad times, though I've never been that bad off... probably cause I do plan so much. If you want to truly feel better, you have to know that there's a clear path towards a better life, and you know how to get there and can do it. People get in bad times, but only those who are aimless get stuck there.
Yeah, man, I hear you, and I do appriciate it. I'm amazed at how constructively people responded to this blog.
I wish I could be more like you in that sense then. I feel like planning is always pretty tough when I'm down(i.e when I actually need it the most). But really, it is the best advice you can give to anyone who is having it rough, no matter what the subject. Like Duckett wrote a few comments above verifies that neatly.
Imposing on reality the idea of what you want your life to be is undoubtably the best way to get out of any rut. I don't know how it is with you, but sometimes I have lapses in my steely resolve whilst doing just that, and that's when I think other people's stories come in. Not as a fantasy of what-if's, but more like validations that as long as I keep on a straight line, I'll inevitably wind up roughly where I want to. Maybe it is a flaw in character, but I feel it helps knowing that others have done it too.
Thanks alot for taking the time to write. This has really been a fantastic blog, I feel all giddy and inspired. TL is awesome <3