I will keep updating these as the games progress.
Game #1 + Show Spoiler + Map: MetroPolis Standings: sC 0-0 JYP
JYP opened up with a Nexus before Gateway, while sC did a 1Rax Reaper expand, managing to scout out the fast expansion of JYP & responding with a Command Center of his own, getting Stim behind the Reaper.
This harass wasn't too effective thanks to some great reaction by JYP, and sC only managed to kill 1 probe. After this, sC got 2 more Barracks & got a Bunker at his natural to defend himself. Meanwhile, JYP got himself 3 more Gateways, putting him up at a grand total of 4.
He then moved up to the expansion of sC, but pulled back & expanded a third time. sC, moved to take control of the Xel'Naga Watchtower as he started getting himself some Medivacs. He also managed to scout out JYP's third expansion. Thanks to some great Pylon placement, JYP managed to save the third expansion, but didn't do any significant damage because of some whiffed Force-Field.
As this happened, sC did a drop in the Protoss main, catching the Probes which JYP transferred from the third, as well as attacking the third, killing even more Probes, to make it a total of 32 from these 2 attacks. He kept doing drops at the expansions, just destroying the economy of JYP as well as eventually his army, who just fell apart, and called the GG.
Game #2 + Show Spoiler + Map: Daybreak Standings: sC 1-0 JYP
JYP attempted to do the same opening again, but sC blocked it off with an Engineering Bay, prompting the Protoss to place his nexus at his would-be third, but this was completely scouted out by the Terran player, who responded by getting his own natural expansion up, as well as adding on 2 more Barracks.
sC did a very tactical decision to place down a hidden third at the bottom-right, a place where JYP was very unlikely to scout. JYP managed to get a stalker into the main, which scouted out all of the Terran tech, but dying shortly thereafter. However, he shortly afterwards managed to scout out the bottom expansion, and built a proxy-Pylon there, warping in a Zealot to do some damage to the SCV's in the mineral line, taking down one MULE, but no SCV's. This forced sC to lift the orbital off.
JYP engaged afterwards, but he didn't focus-fire the Bunker, and suffered heavy losses even though sC stimmed a few times. After this, sC landed his lift-off CC at his third. Double Twilight Councils were then placed down, with both Blink & Charge being researched at the same time. JYP tried to harass some with 2 Zealots, but they didn't manage to do kill even one unit.
sC then attacked the Nexus at JYP's third, who once again whiffed his Force-Field, and unluckily, this engagement came just before Charge & Blink were about to finish. As the Robotics Bay finished up and Colossi started coming out, sC denied the fourth Nexus, as well as killing off the third, moving into the natural, but at that moment, Psi Storm finished up, and JYP, with his High Templars in a Warp Prism managed to kill off the rest of the Terran army.
A bit of passivity ensued, as the players recuperated from the earlier engagement. JYP then tried to do some Storm Harass, but this didn't have the effect he wanted, losing both of his Templars as well as his Warp Prism. A battle took place in the middle as a little attack failed on JYP's fourth. The outcome was a Protoss victory, and quite a bit of Medivacs went down, one of them with its passenger seats all taken.
As sC did a drop in the main of JYP, he also managed to kill off a Warp Prism full of units. He proceeded to drop all over the place, once again, breaking down the economy of his opponent once again. as sC destroyed everything in the main as well as destroying the fourth, and after sC managed to destroy a lot of his army by pulling back some of his forces to his Planetary and repairing it with SCV's and MLES, GG surrendered.
sC taking this series 2-0 after completely dismantling JYP, but JYP also did well, considering PvT is his weakest match-up.
Game #3: + Show Spoiler +
Indeed my friend, indeed.
Code F ?
It wasn't that bad.
Failed with the blog name again, but that's what you get for hurrying to post after coming back from school 
If a mod reads this, could you please change the name to Code S group F? Pretty please?
Wow, this group is going to be a MVP team-kill, THREE of the players in this group are from that team!  MVP DongRaeGu vs MVP Genius
Game #1: + Show Spoiler + Map: Antiga Shipyard Standings: DRG 0-0 Genius
DongRaeGu, or just DRG (which I will use for the rest of Code S today), began with going Pool before Hatchery, as Genius did a Forge Fast-Expand, and managed to delay the second Hatchery with some great Probe micro. Our Zerg player went for a gas-less fast 3 Hatcheries, but Genius managed to scout this out, and went for a Stargate, but DRG managed to see it with the help of an overlord.
as the first Void Ray came out, DRG's evolution chamber finished and he started getting some Spore Crawlers up, as well as getting himself a Roach Warren. Genius then started to kill off some Overlords, as well as placing a Pylon near DRG's main, warping in 5 Zealots as he started breaking down the rocks at the Zerg third. Thanks to some great Force-Fields, Genius managed to kill off a lot of DRG's army, and even though he lost his Void Rays, he killed off the third.
After missing some of the game due to lag issues, I came back to when DRG re-took his third and got himself a fourth, as he transitioned into Mutalisks, as well as breaking down the Destructible Rocks at Genius' third, but they were quickly repelled. As Genius pushed for the fourth, DRG tried to catch a Colossi off-guard, but Genius managed to save it, as well as killing off all of the Mutalisks when they took down his third expansion, forcing DRG to wave the white flag.
Game #2: + Show Spoiler + Map: Bel'Shir Beach (winter) Standings DRG 0-1 Genius
Both players opened up with the same builds as last game, with Genius doing a FFE, delaying the Hatchery at DRG's natural with his probe, and with DRG going gas-less fast 3 Expansions. Genius once again went for Void Rays. Even though this wasn't scouted out until the Void Rays killed off an Overlord, DRG had an Evolution Chamber up and getting himself some Spore Crawlers.
After the first Void Ray, Genius went for getting Phoenix', as well as eventually getting to 6 Gateways total. The air army tried to apply some pressure to DRG's main & natural, but this was repelled quite easily. Genius then got his third expansion up, and did some more harass at the Zerg main. As the Zerg army passed the bridge, Genius then placed down some Force-Fields and let the Void Ray and the Phoenix' kill off most of the Roaches, since DRG didn't have any AA in his composition, since the Spire was finishing up.
DRG attempted to do a Ling run-by at the third & natural of Genius, but this was denied with the help of Cannons. As the Mutas spawned, they went for the fourth of Genius, but there were already Stalkers there, as well as some Cannons when they returned.
When the two players clashed at the bridge once again, great Force-Fields were placed down once again, and DRG didn't get an optimal engagement once again, and Genius even managed to save his third Nexus from a little side-push. As Corruptors joined the Zerg ranks, the players engaged at the bridge once again, but the Corruptors didn't focus-fire down the Colossi, and DRG lost a lot of his Ground army as a result.
After this, the Mutalisks & Zerglings moved into the natural, and a kind-of Base-Trade situation ensued. Even though DRG managed to kill off most of the main & natural, some Protoss forces at the third Nexus did a heroic last stand and DRG, with barely any army left after this, was forced to call the GG.
What an upset! Genius wins over the favorite DRG with 2-0.
Game #3: + Show Spoiler +
MVP sC vs MVP Genius
Game #1: + Show Spoiler +Map: Daybreak Standings: sC 0-0 Genius
sC opened up with a 1-Rax expand, as Genius did a 1-Gate expand himself when he got a Stalker out. A bit of passivity ensued, with Genius going 3-gate Robo, and sC getting up to 4-Rax, getting Stim & Combat Shield as the Tech Labs finished up. sC built a semi-hidden Ghost Academy, but that was scouted out by an Observer as Genius got his Twilight Council up, getting himself Blink.
A Ghost was nearly caught in some Force-Fields, but they just slipper away. Meanwhile, both players then got their respective thirds up & running. sC then moved out towards the third Nexus, but Genius managed to scout it out with some nice Observer placement, and forced the Terran army to pull back, killing 2 Marauders in the process.
The armies bumped into each other a few times without any significant losses for neither of the players, and Genius instead went for a drop in the main, forcing Genius to split up his army, but he did that pretty well, and didn't suffer any significant losses. However, this forced the cancellation of Genius' fourth, and he just barely missed sniping 2 Medivacs who were returning from his main base.
The Protoss army then attempted to attack the fourth Terran base, but it was pushed back thanks to the Planetary & the Terran forces there. As sC forced Genius to move his army to his fifth with a drop, he did a double drop at the main, but Genius landed feed-backs on the Medivacs, and the drop was cleaned up.
sC moved forward with some cloaked Ghosts, EMP'ing the bulk of Genius' army, but even though a Nuke landed and a lot of his High Templars were EMP'd, Genius managed to push this back. sC then launched a nuke at the protoss fifth, but it didn't do any significant damage. Another nuke attempt came at the Protoss natural, but Genius managed to kill off the Ghost.
As some Zealots were warped in to the main of sC, a large engagement took place near the Protoss 6th. Genius came out on top after this, and even though some nukes landed at his sixth, Genius then decimated the Terran army with the help of some Psi Storms, and sC had no choice but to call the GG.
Game #2: + Show Spoiler + Map: Bel'Shir Beach (winter) Standings: sC 0-1 Genius
Genius opened up with a fast Twilight Council, as sC started getting himself double Hellions. Blink was researched as Artosis won one dollar and Concussive Shells started to finish up. sC pulled SCV's to try and repair the Hellions, but Genius just had too many Stalkers, and killed the push, eventually moving on to win the game, after dancing with his Stalkers in the Terran main.
Wow, Genius quickly 2-0'ed sC with some very impressive Micro, sky-rocketing himself towards the Ro16
Game#3: + Show Spoiler +
Next matchup: + Show Spoiler +
Where dat snitch at?36902 Posts
LOLOLOL!!! Code F..... <3
EG JYP vs MVP DongRaeGu
Game #1: + Show Spoiler +Map: Daybreak Standings: DongRaeGu 0-0 JYP
JYP opened up with a FFE, perhaps taking some hints from Genius' games against DRG, who went for Pool-before Hatch, but he was quite delayed due to a Pylon having been placed down at the expansion. Right before taking down the Pylon, DRG placed down his third Hatchery to, once again, go gas-less 3 fast Hatches.
JYP started to research +1 attack, and got himself a Startgate, to eventually get a Void Ray. DRG just narrowly missed it with his scouting Overlord until the Void Ray was half-way done, just as JYP started getting +1 armor as well. After this, he expanded a third time as well as added 4 more Gateways, which was expected, since he was only on 1 Gateway earlier.
JYP moved out with his Void Rays without doing any major harassment with them with the exception of forcing the cancellation of the fourth Hatchery. DRG then moved into the main with Mutas, but Stalkers managed to shoo them back, as well as kill off a few of them. At the same time, he managed to take out quite a lot of Sentries, and moved to the third, killing off some Cannons there as well as allowing his Zerglings to run into the main.
After that, DRG engaged the Stalker-heavy Protoss army near JYP's natural, but even though he killed a lot of Stalkers, his Mutas got heavily damaged as well. After this engagement, the Mutalisks moved into the main, killed off a ton of Probes, and DRG then shifted his focus to the third of JYP, destroying it with Zerglings & Mutalisks. After this, JYP was very far behind, and attempted to do a Base-Trade, but DRG pulled his army back, and killed the remnants of the Stalkers, forcing the GG.
Game #2: + Show Spoiler + Map: Metropolis Standings: DongRaeGu 1-0 JYP
The game started very much like last game, with the only exception being JYP placing down his Nexus before his Forge and DRG waiting a little while before he started morphing his third Hatchery, which was eventually scouted out by JYP's Probe. As the Cannon started to take down the Destructible Rocks at the Protoss natural, he got himself 3 more Gateways as well as a Twilight Council.
As JYP's Zealots moved out towards the Zerg natural, DRG managed to push it back with his Roaches, as well as making JYP cancel a proxy-Pylon. After this, more Stalkers joined the Zealot army, and the Protoss army moved out to strike, but DRG made it pull back by applying some pressure towards the natural. DRG stalled for more time, massing up his units and eventually overwhelmed JYP, forcing the GG and taking the series 2-0.
Game #3: + Show Spoiler +
The final match-up will be + Show Spoiler +
On January 17 2012 20:35 Seeker wrote: LOLOLOL!!! Code F..... <3
go ahead, just poke fun at me for being stressed-out so I would be able to post in time after hurrying back from school..
jk, <3 ya
Final match: + Show Spoiler +
Game #1: + Show Spoiler +Map: Cloud Kingdom Standings: DongRaeGu 0-0 sC
sC opened up with 2 proxy-Barracks as DRG went for a Hatch first directly followed by a Spawning Pool. However, this was scouted out by a Drone, and one of the SCV's was killed before the second Barracks completed, as well as a Marine. DRG then morphed some Zerglings, but they couldn't do too much damage as the main was already walled-in.
As the Barracks, which sC had flown in and landed in the Zerg main, was destroyed, sC then went for a double Starport play, wanting to get some Banshees since there were no AA up. DRG, however, got his Baneling Nest up, and went in for the kill, and didn't even kill the Starports before sC GG'ed.
Game #2: + Show Spoiler +Map: Daybreak Standings: DongRaeGu 1-0 sC
DRG went for a Hatch before Pool, as sC opted for a double Hellion opening into expansion. He also went into the Zerg main, but didn't manage to kill any units before his Marine got torn to shreds by the initial Zerglings of DRG. However, the first Hellion killed two of them off, and a Spine Crawler was placed down in response to this.
sC then transitioned into a double reactor-ed Hellion opening, building 4 at a time. DRG then got more Spine Crawlers, but they weren't able to finish up in time, and the whole Zerg army just got lit up in flames. However, DRG, without losing his composure, managed to eventually kill off the Hellions which sneaked into his base. sC cleaned up some Creep Tumors at DRG's, who started getting some Infestors, natural. He then moved out with Tanks, Marines & Hellions.
Even though DRG had tons of Infestors & Zerglings, and landed some sweet Fungals. After this, sC started shelling away at the zerg Natural. DRG managed to break this contain with the help of some guerrilla Infestor warfare, dropping Infested Terrans from under the siege line. sC then moved towards the third of DRG instead, killing it off, and even though the Infestors got a ton of kills, sC still kept a firm grip of the middle of the map.
sC attempted a drop in DRG's main, but this was denied by a Fungal & a Queen, though the Medivac managed to slip away, only losing a few Marines. The Infestors burrowed and moved into the Terran Natural, as sC once again laid siege to the Zerg natural. DRG tried to kill this off by doing a flank, but there were just too many Marines & Tanks there, and the DRG called the GG.
Game #3: + Show Spoiler +Map: Dual Sight Standings DongRaeGu 1-1 sC
DRG went Hatch before Pool once again, as sC placed a Bunker near the morphing Hatchery, forcing him to pull Drones. After this, sC transitioned into double Hellions into expansion once again. A Spine Crawler was placed down, as DRG just kept droning up, eventually getting his third.
sC added on tech Labs to his Barracks, as a scouting Zergling scouted out the CC moving towards the natural, as well as the CC that an SCV just started building. as a large force of Marauders & Hellions moved into the Zerg natural, DRG started morphing Banelings, but sC managed to kill make the Banes hit his Marauders instead of his Hellions. After killing off tons of Blings, Speedlings, Spine Crawlers & Queens, sC moved back and waited until his forces were re-inforces, but this time DRG managed to kill off the rest of the army.
sC saw the infestors with 2 Marines he sent towards the Zerg natural, and started getting some Siege Tanks. He then took his third expansion. The Infestors then managed to catch some Marines & a Medivac which tried to do an attempt at DRG's third. But due to an unfortunate engagement, he lost much more than he wanted to.
Another Medivacs was caught by the Infestors, and DRG, now having switched over to Speedling/Baneling/Ultralisk, forced a lift-off at the fourth. DRG then moved into the natural of sC, using the Ultralisks to tank some damage, and then rolled his Banelings in to decimate the Terran army, and make his teammate sC wave the white flag.
DRG advancing to the Ro16 along with Genius, as JYP falls down to Round 2 of the Code A & sC gets demoted to the Code a Round 1
That's it for Code S today, I hope you enjoyed it!
Here are the final standings, as well as the players participating in Group G:
Final standings: + Show Spoiler +
Group G:
Impressive, as if my LR'ing wasn't made redundant enough by the daily official TL recaps by our favourite Snorlax.
Good job good sir
On January 17 2012 22:00 Mobius_1 wrote:Impressive, as if my LR'ing wasn't made redundant enough by the daily official TL recaps by our favourite Snorlax. 
Naah, your LR's are great if people want to find out what happened when and fast. I try to make it seem more vivid, because I want others to enjoy e-sports as much as I do, and I personally think that it's a great initiative of yours to help out by writing those =)
On January 17 2012 22:00 Mobius_1 wrote:Impressive, as if my LR'ing wasn't made redundant enough by the daily official TL recaps by our favourite Snorlax.  Well Live Reporst are live. That's why I read them at least.