Okay, let me start off by saying it tastes way better than it looks... :'D My pictures were pretty poor this time around, but the meal was delicious, so I thought I'd share it anyways.
This was my first time attempting lasagna. There were many oops made a long the way (the noodles stuck together while boiling T_T ) -- but, the recipe is pretty solid.
It'll taste yummy, but it'll be up to your skills on how pretty you can make it!
![[image loading]](http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/398924_2521255464189_1037370161_32135770_298434109_n.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/388721_2521263264384_1037370161_32135783_565149904_n.jpg)
- salt
- pepper
- oregano
- olive oil
- 1 lb of ground turkey
- 1 onion
- 3-4 zucchini
- 1 box of lasagna noodles (i used whole grain :0)
- 1 can of diced tomatoes
- 1 container of ricotta cheese
- 1 jar of pasta sauce
- 1/2 lb mushrooms
- 1 tablespoon of minced/crushed garlic
- 2 cups of mozzarella cheese (i used rice mozzarella cheese :0)
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
OPTIONAL: green onions to garnish
- baking dish. 9 x 4" pan works.
![[image loading]](http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/404939_2521255664194_1037370161_32135771_1845700337_n.jpg) not as pretty QQ
Now that you've got your ingredients... ARE YOU READY? Let's get cooking :D GL HF GG!
PREP TIME: ~20mins COOK TIME: ~50mins
- Boil your pasta. Make sure to stir the lasagna pieces otherwise they will stick together
Don't forget to salt the water! Remove pasta when done! (should take between 4min - 6mins; but read the instructions on your box)
- Pre-heat your oven to 375 º F or ~190 º C
- Dice your zucchini, mushrooms and onions.
- In a hot pan with a little olive oil, sautee your diced vegetables. Season with salt and pepper Reduce the heat and let them "sweat" (cook on maybe medium heat and cook until you see a lot of water coming out)
- Remove your vegetables and set aside for later.
- Add a little bit more oil to the pan and add in the turkey.
- Add your minced garlic to the turkey. season with salt and pepper. With a fork, separate the turkey into tiny chunks. Add in your 1 can of tomatoes to cook with the turkey.
- Let turkey cook until brown! Then remove from heat and set aside.
- In a bowl, combine a beaten egg and your ricotta cheese. Add 1/4 of your parmesan cheese and your mozzarella cheese. Mix thoroughly.
- In your baking dish, begin to line up your lasagna pieces. They'll prob overlap.
- Put some of your turkey/vegetable mixture on top of the lasagna pieces.
- put a few spoonfuls of your pasta sauce to coat the turkey vegetable mixture.
- Place more lasagna pieces on top of your veg/turkey mixture.
- Spread the cheese mixture on the lasagna pieces. Then place more lasagna pieces ontop. Repeat this order (veg/turkey mix -> cheese -> veg/turkey mix -> cheese) until you run out of lasagna.
- With your remaining pasta sauce, cover your entire lasagna! Then dump the rest of your cheese.
- HOORAY YOU'RE ALMOST DONE. Take this time to celebrate because you just worked your butt off for this... but it's not over yet.
- Place your lasagna in the oven. Let it bake for about 30 mins.
- Remove your lasagna, wait about 10mins and then dig in!!
![[image loading]](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/389396_2516604027906_1037370161_32132833_1627638709_n.jpg) What it looks like before it goes in the oven! I took this with my phone ): super bad quality
This lasagna makes about like 6-8 servings.
![[image loading]](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/389448_2521255904200_1037370161_32135773_1758133632_n.jpg)
i only clicked because I saw porn. but, I might actually make something like this after christmas. looks good
Damn, that looks good. I may have to make this over the break
Food food food!
those look delicious. Can you share more recipes?
Oh gosh it looks good. Lasagna is one of my favorite foods ever. I never had it with Turkey though! I think I need to try this.
how have i missed all your blogs....my goodness.
You must be rich.
Are you self-taught? You're doing good either way, like your blogs.
Btw, my friend loves Trader Joe's, can you explain why they good?
OMG thanks for the recipe , I am going to try making this one of this days
On December 19 2011 15:35 iSometric wrote: You must be rich.
D: I typically shop at Trader Joe's which is like a lot cheaper, but I didn't think Trader Joe's had the whole grain lasagna noodles... So I just went to Whole Foods instead.
Total cost for the lasagna stuff was around ~$27 USD... but for like 6 servings, that's not too shabby!
On December 19 2011 15:48 discodancer wrote: Are you self-taught? You're doing good either way, like your blogs.
Btw, my friend loves Trader Joe's, can you explain why they good?
Yeah, I'm self-taught. I thought about going to culinary school after high school, but I decided against it and I went to business school. :0
Trader Joe's is just like a regular grocery store that sells mostly Trader Joe's branded items. It's usually A LOT cheaper than what you'd find at other grocery stores.
But the problem is you won't really find a variety of things like at regular grocery stores. They just have a lot of staple goods like packaged meats, bread, vegetables, canned goods, etc.
Like that Crushed Garlic there is about $1.99 ... Whole Foods has it for like $3.50 T_T;
its 11:50pm over here. Its bloody cold, and there were 2 threads on glorious food.
Im hungry T.T
omg looks lovely lol
Would lvoe that now!!!
Yay! I always love to cook a huge amount of Lasagna and then eat it over the course of several days <3
Looks pretty good, I'd say that it still qualifies as food porn as I'm hungry now!
This food looks unhealthy...
On December 20 2011 03:57 ffswowsucks wrote: This food looks unhealthy...
The worst thing in this meal is the Ricotta cheese. I really wanted to substitute soy ricotta cheese instead, but I couldn't find any. u_u
:\ But realistically, this lasagna is pretty damn healthy relative to other lasagna.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HClDf.jpg) omnomnomnomnom, so delicious!
Thanks for blogging this, made me decide to have Lasagna for dinner, even if I probably changed every part of the recipe that could possibly be changed
On December 20 2011 05:04 kierpanda wrote:The worst thing in this meal is the Ricotta cheese. I really wanted to substitute soy ricotta cheese instead, but I couldn't find any. u_u :\ But realistically, this lasagna is pretty damn healthy relative to other lasagna.
Lol, guy doesn't know what he's talking about. It's goddamn TURKEY too. People always find a way to bitch and moan about something.
On December 20 2011 05:47 iaretehnoob wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HClDf.jpg) omnomnomnomnom, so delicious! Thanks for blogging this, made me decide to have Lasagna for dinner, even if I probably changed every part of the recipe that could possibly be changed 
Om nom nom nom :D
Is that ret's stream in the background?