Russian Federation949 Posts
On December 14 2011 10:33 OxyFuel wrote: I think it's because anything under the best players is much harder for Terran. Especially TvP (according to most Terran players anyway). TvZ takes tons of micro, TvP takes a lot of multitasking (dropping and attacking at the same time, so lots of micro also), and TvT is considered borring and an awful matchup by a lot of people. I've played all 3 races at a Plat/Diamond level and I feel Terran is a pretty tough race to play until you have the skills to play at a really high level. So many people are just race switching I guess? TvT is also considered is the best mirror by many, cause for a solid year (until infestor buff and 4 gate nerf) other races mirrors had no late game, but terran would almost always go for trench warfare, which is awesome
The answer for this thread is easy, the reason is Terran takes more work to master and get good at than Zerg or Protoss. Zerg/Protoss was easier for me to play and Terran was harder so I picked Terran (also because I think Terran is a lot more interesting than the other two races) but everyone has their own reasons.
ya know.. this crapoloa could have been easily solved in the first place if they simply nerfed the marine from the start of SC2 isntead of nerfing things around it.......
well maybe in HOTS since mech is getting stronger bio will get a little decrease since the warhound and autobot form of the hellion will really help out mech in all match ups.. maybe I've said to much, or to little.
so much is not known, but can be.
This will quickly turn into a "what race is easiest/most op" thread, but these are my thoughts as a diamond player. I have only played starcraft for a couple of months combined, but bear with me..
As a Terran these days, I feel that zerg and protoss are easier. Not IN GENERAL, but at my level of play. There is a good thread on it here on team liquid - the micro potential in terran, and how it might effect balance in the lower leagues. I have played zerg, and I have debated switching several times. Zerg feels much easier to me. If it actually is, I can't say anything about - But the things I struggle with as Terran are gone as Zerg, and although there are several things that make zerg hard, it is nowhere near how hard terran feels. I have played all the races equally, although I haven't reached higher than plat with anything else then terran, so I feel that I can justify what I am saying to a certain degree. Atleast at plat/diamond level.
Some ragy feelings I get is like "Well with zerg you just make drones and survive until you a-move and hope terran doesn't have good micro", and protoss is just "spam storms and laugh". This is obviously exaggerating a lot, but it is how it feels, both for me, and I think for a lot of other terrans. Terran needs to do this and that, which may or may not be harder than what z/p needs to do, but it certaintly feels that way for me.
Terran is the most unforgiving race to play, and thereafter comes zerg. Terran is extremely fragile, and if miscontrolled, both in TvZ and TvP, you are dead. You have lost the game, no turning back. With zerg you rarely mess up hugely in engagements, you make bad decisions or die to stuff in the early-mid game. As protoss, it feels like unless you get severely outplayed, you just need to hang in there until lategame then collect your win.
To win as zerg, it feels like you kind of just need to play a lot of games, take notes of where you went wrong, change that until next game and you will rapidly improve. This goes for Protoss aswell. With terran, it feels like you need that AND practice a lot on your control. If you can't micro consistantly very well with terran, you will not have the same rate of improvement as with the other races.
On top of it all, when I win games, people just whine about how I play the OP race. Yesterday, on a TvZ at metalopolis, this guy harassed me endlessly but never did any real damage. When we were in lategame and I had taken the gold, he made like one billion banelings and a-moved. Needless to say he got smashed and I counter attacked and won. he whined about how T is OP and so on, and comments about how I play the joke race occur all the time. This doesn't feel very well when I'm sitting here feeling I'm the better player but stuck playing worse players because their race is easier.
This is somewhat of a rant, and I'm sorry for that. But it is how I feel about Terran, and I think these are some of the reasons why people are leaving terran at lower levels.
On December 14 2011 10:35 Candles wrote: The issue has come up a lot recently. I've seen a lot of explanations that include:
- TvT takes forever and so if someone wants a quick game of SC it can be a problem - Lots of hate towards SC on Team Liquid and Reddit. No one likes getting abuse for the race they play. - Constant nerfs are disheartening - Lack of foreign Terran role models
This for the larger part, although I've never felt disheartened by the lack of foreign terrans doing poorly. I tend to follow the likes of MVP & MMA much more anyway.
I find terran is the most boring race to play. The few units that actually give me joy playing as terran are tanks and reapers. Bio is plain boring, having to stim every fight, knowing all units lose health, feels kind of weird. I believe removing stim and balancing bio some other way would actually make more fun for me.
I think that the lack of real foreigner Terran as a model may be the biggest issues, for diamond and lower league, at least. Even me, that love Zerg, kinda think about switching to Protoss when I watch HuK, Kiwikaki, InControl, Tyler, etc, etc... but then I watch a Sheth game and all is good :3
Could be the fact that new HotS units annonced at Blizzcon are way cooler than Terran one.
I don't see it having any thing to do with the balance, since the MMR mean that you will have around 50% rate no matter what.
Terran takes good mechanics, not many people want to spend the time to get good. Zerg and protoss are easier AT A LOWER LEVEL (gold,plat, diamond, low masters) but when you get to high masters/gm it's balanced.
On December 14 2011 10:25 Pirat6662001 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 10:24 Devolved wrote: I switched from Terran to random. The main reason is the TvP matchup. I just don't enjoy it and never have. I find the matchup much more enjoyable from the Protoss perspective now that I'm random. I think it's mainly because Terran is pigeonholed into going mmm, 1-basing, or dying. It just gets boring doing the same thing over and over whereas Protoss has so many more viable options available. That's why I love TvZ as Terran, but it's really the only matchup as Terran that I like. I cant wait when they make mech viable vs toss so i have options. Remove energy from Thors (skrew strike cannon, it never gets used anyway) and you'll see a much more interesting and balanced match up Mech was actually viable when SC2 first released, but one of the first balance changes they made was to reduce tank damage against Zealots by something like half (sorry, don't remember the exact number). What I do remember is that tanks no longer killed Zealots. Then they added energy back to Thors after what seemed like a knee-jerk reaction to a single game where Thorzain beat MC with mass Thors.
I switched to Zerg recently after 4 seasons of Terran because I felt that Terran just had no viable options for a very good late game army. I am a VERY macro oriented player and would lose games as Terran that I had a vast advantage over my opponent because my MMM ball would be evaporated by high tech protoss units or my Marine Tank army would be swarmed. Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a trend but just thought I would put in my two cents.
Because Terran always has and always should be the hipster race that very few people play. 
And yeah, lots of Terran bashing (especially previously and around the time of the 1/1/1 craze) on the internet, a very crazy (but fun) no-holds-barred, anything-goes mirror matchup, a very nervous and unforgiving (but balanced) vP are probably some of the factors affecting Terran playership.
Also some of the Terran players are too busy with Skyrim recently to play SC2 (like me).
I believe Terran has the hardest mechanics and skill requirements and is only a truly great race at very highest level of play, IE; GSL, GM In Korea, etc.
I've noticed it lately aswell, in my division in platinum, there's only 3 terran including myself in the top 25. I agree with a lot of the post's here, it does require a lot of micro, but I practiced that from the start so I'm not having as much of a problem.
This is one of the big reasons I switched to terran.
I think the cause is: Because terran is harder to play which has been justified for 'higher skill ceiling' however, with the seemingly steep fall of korean terrans and incidents of even foreign protosses with 50% win ratios beating code S terran, and even bringing IMMVP to the brink of elimination, people raise eyebrows and think investing time in terran is a waste of time as the skill ceiling is not as high as once perceived=> go roll another race
The amount of Zergs I have been facing on ladder recently is absurd.
I'm not complaining though. TvZ is a pretty enjoyable matchup. But my TvT has seriously suffered. I literally get panic attacks from playing TvT. It frightens me.
I checked some stats on Sc2gears. Out of my last 86 ladder games, 44 have been TvZ, 26 have been TvP, and only 16 have been TvT. It is not uncommon for me to face 3 Zergs in a row.
its the race thats closest to being figured out, kind of takes the mystery away i guess. People want to discover new builds / strats. Haven't seen a Collosis Warpprism drop since i did it in the early beta other then Choya against Jinro.
Can someone list the big pile of nerfs that killed terran for me?
The ones i know of:
blue flame damage reduction (-5 damage to light) rax build time (+5 secs) emp radius nerf (-0.5 radius)
None of these seem too terrible... are there any others?
winning is fun. People like to have fun and win. Terran is the hardest race in the mid and late game (needing extremely good micro and multi-task) and especially hard in its mirror matchup for a new player. Its much easier to switch to toss and zerg than it is to terran.
Well in europe, it's like that for a long time, around 2-3 months already. On the highest level (high masters /grandmasters ) playing zerg/protoss is way easier that playing terran, if you plan for longer than 10mins game. Doing all ins will win you one game, the time you face same zerg you will lose for sure 
so ye if you go for all in terran is great, long macro game you have to work your ass off to compete.