Supply depots need lift off
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It does not make sense that the other buildings can fly. Also, overlord is like a supply depot and he flies so it does not make sense. Why has no one brought this up?
Remove "Lift Off" From Terran Structures
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If I were to pick one thing I find the most overpowered about Terran, this would be it
I have a question for you guys...
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What do you care if this game is balanced? In all honesty. You're not a pro, you're not getting paid to play this game, and none of us are "good". Why do you guys care if the game is balanced?
How can I drop down to bronze
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I am diamond/plat player, but Like to go to bronze. Do i have to lose every game?
Immortals should.......
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Have splash damage....This would actually make them useful in smaller numbers. since you can’t really mass immortals effectively.
Make Marines attack ground only
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Face it ... small arms fire hasn't been useful vs aircraft since WW1... this is an advanced techology.. range 5 does not mean they can shoot down a carrier or battle cruiser with small arms fire.
There is no...
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Proxy pylon or proxy warp-in alarm
Proxy barracks alarm
Warp prism alarm
Medivac drop alarm
So why is there an incredibly obvious nydus worm alarm?
Proxy barracks alarm
Warp prism alarm
Medivac drop alarm
So why is there an incredibly obvious nydus worm alarm?
Zergings are aJoke
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they have liek 15 damage and attacks really fastly and they have abuot 7 range and tey are basicaly free and yo ugot 2 from 1 larva so u can make like 43 at a time and then a movce and just insta win zerg mite as well give zreg win butten blizz i mean how do u x[ect to balance the gaem when u have all these op units imposible to defend from and so miny zerg players dont deserve thier rank cuz they just a mve all their zergings and then it just kills all my stuff and i cant defend and noboone can defend cuz their just so op and idk y u so stupid blizz buut you really need to thnk about nerfing zergings like may 2 larva require for zerglingb so the zerg cant be a move stupid and kill all my stuff and its so dumb blizz y u so dumb!? idk but srsly nerf zerging also increse prise so the zwerg actully have to mine mins to get em and they arent free like all the other zerg op stuff why do you make zerf so op its riccidulous and i think u should just remove zerg and add something cool like pwr rangrs or somthing race like that cuz zerg so op andx therees so many cool movs from powr ranges you could use and that would be awesome and i thought of cool unit to use for new race it would be like a worker dthat transformed into a kiling unit so they would be uniq and then the killin unit coul becmoe more powrful for more mins or gas and the max lvl would like kill al units with in certin distance and it would be upgrd e and itd be so cool blizz please chnge the zerg to powr rangrs for balnce and cooness