Netherlands45349 Posts
On November 04 2011 00:23 Geovu wrote:spoiler pic plz dont want to lookat it while making a new post. tbh looks like that dood should just brush his teeth more, he's been eating too many werthers ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/JWEJj.png) gods gift to mankind, and scourge of teeth everywhere
man this shit is bad for your teeth
but you keep eating it anyway.
What's with all the hate? I'm only trying to help, believe what you want. But I guess it's customary for TL to ignore every single good point in a post and instead write long replies bashing the OP.
@ TimmyMac. That's blatantly untrue. In fact, the American Dental Association recommends to parents that they should not be using fluoridated water for their babies' formula, precisely because babies are so small that the concentration in tap water is high enough to actually cause health problems in a significant proportion of babies.
@ probe1. If you knew of the issue before and are less than impressed, there is no need to come in here and shit up the thread by announcing it. The majority of people are unaware of the issue.
@emperorchampion. Why you're so focused on bashing my post is beyond me. If you actually believe what you wrote then I'm sorry for your bigotry:
LD50 =/= chronic adverse health effect dose =/= minor symptoms/irritation dose. Divide all your skillfully calculated numbers by ~400 except for the intake value (alone from water, 3-4mg, total daily, 5-7mg) then we're talking. Because otherwise according to your logic, even a 40kg person can take in 1.5g of fluoride daily and still be completely fine. Not.
Again, I can pretty safely assume you didn't take or failed chemistry, or you have a terrible memory, or your ability to think has become non-existent due to the aforementioned bigotry. You really shouldn't post with such terrible sarcasm when you clearly know nothing about the subject. The industrial wastes that get added into our water supply include: sodium fluoride, sodium silicofluoride, and fluorosilic acid, none of which are the naturally occurring fluoride compounds but are obviously cheaper. Also, these industrial waste fluoride compounds are only 90 something percent pure, meaning a few percents of who-knows-what other industrial wastes also get added. Again, according to your logic, I'm sure you'll be just fine breathing UNTREATED oxygen that's 5% mustard gas.
Have a nice day all, I felt the obligation to let others know about the issue since I'm lucky enough to live in a city free of the problem. I presented known facts and wrote that there are million of other web pages + videos on the subject, so believe what you want since I've done my part and it's your health
Come on, do some research before you OP something. This was just abysmal -- horrible research leading to scaremongering through misinformation. Also, beginning a section with "Facts:" is reminiscent of any moon hoax nonsense or 9/11 "truther" propaganda. You come across as a conspiracy nut, cherry picking your "facts" to support your claim instead of looking at the actual evidence. This is no different than fucking chemtrails.
Just employ some critical thinking, i.e. "Would they really endanger 300 million people like this, and would 300 million people really be ignorant of such dangers?"
Or just, you know... Google search. Or Wiki. The answer is like right there.
On November 04 2011 01:35 HardMacro wrote: @ probe1. If you knew of the issue before and are less than impressed, there is no need to come in here and shit up the thread by announcing it. The majority of people are unaware of the issue.
He didn't shit up the thread he gave people a broader more informed view of the situation while actually reading the sources you posted. Then you take like 2 paragraphs to bash on someone else. Make points not jabs!
Community water fluoridation is the single most effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has proclaimed community water fluoridation as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. Approximately 72.4% of the U.S. population served by public water systems receive the benefit of optimally fluoridated water.
If fluorosis occurs when teeth are developing, is it okay to use fluoridated water to reconstitute infant formula?
Yes, it is safe to use fluoridated water to mix infant formula. If your baby is primarily fed infant formula, using fluoridated water might increase the chance for mild enamel fluorosis, but enamel fluorosis does not affect the health of your child or the health of your child’s teeth. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to talk to their dentists about what’s best for their child.
Read your own sources and stop believing everything your local news and politicians spoon-feed you.
Don't you get like a flouride thing at the dentists? That foamey shit they put in a mouthguard that tastes like shitty bublegum/mint/coughsyrup/etc.?
United States5162 Posts
Sadly, a referendum like this passed in a county here in FL. It's sad that people are more convinced by misinformation and half-truths then actual scientific research.
Thank you for this post. I feel much better informed than I previously was. I will definitely stop drinking water immediately.
On November 04 2011 01:55 mbr2321 wrote: Don't you get like a flouride thing at the dentists? That foamey shit they put in a mouthguard that tastes like shitty bublegum/mint/coughsyrup/etc.? And also jacks up the price of your teeth cleaning ~$50 >_>.
I always refuse it. I'll stick with brushing regularly. No cavities ever.
Everyone grab your tinfoil hats!
Hong Kong9148 Posts
Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.
Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Although his results are preliminary, Zohner believes people need to pay closer attention to the information presented to them regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide. He adds that if more people knew the truth about DHMO then studies like the one he conducted would not be necessary.
Unfortunately, the dangers of DHMO have increased as world population has increased, a fact that the raw numbers and careful research both bear out. Now more than ever, it is important to be aware of just what the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide are and how we can all reduce the risks faced by ourselves and our families.
Some of the known perils of Dihydrogen Monoxide are: (1) Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities, (2) Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns, (3) Leads to corrosion and oxidation of many metals, and (4) Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.
+ Show Spoiler +Logical extension of the OP is to ban water.
On November 04 2011 01:56 Enhancer_ wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2011 01:55 mbr2321 wrote: Don't you get like a flouride thing at the dentists? That foamey shit they put in a mouthguard that tastes like shitty bublegum/mint/coughsyrup/etc.? And also jacks up the price of your teeth cleaning ~$50 >_>. I always refuse it. I'll stick with brushing regularly. No cavities ever. Fluoride is a common ingredient in toothpaste. There is no escaping your Fluoride Overlords
A good enough reason not to put fluoride in the water is that it tastes like shit. When I visited some friends in Chicago earlier, no one even drank the water directly from the tap. Everyone just bought bottled water or coke. The tap water tasted so bad that when I went to McDonalds and ordered a soda, they put ice cubes in it made from tap water. I couldn't finish the soda since it tasted so bad. I'm not sure if that was because of the fluoride in the ice or because of the corn syrup in the soda though.
On November 04 2011 00:58 FryBender wrote: DO NOT EAT SALT I repeat DO NOT EAT SALT.Chlorine Gas was used in WWI as a Chemical weapon. Salt contains over 62% of the dangerous chemical Chlorine. The LD50 of Chlorine is 220 PPM/minute. It is widely known that Morton's has been selling us this poison for over 150 years tyring to disguise the lethality of it's product with an image of a cute little girl. But did anyone ever notice that the girl is not eating the salt but is actually spilling it on the ground??? Yeah, she knows what kind of a death toxin she has in her hands and she wants nothing to do with it. Help spread the message!!!! Chlorine is Poison!!!!!
Or you can stop the ignorance and actually try to understand the differences between Flourine and small amounts of flouride ions in your water supply.
DO NOT EAT SALT (also calcium chloride) I repeat DO NOT EAT SALT.Chlorine Gas was used in WWI as a Chemical weapon. Salt contains over (too lazy to look up mass of the elements)% of the dangerous chemical Chlorine. The LD50 of Chlorine is 220 PPM/minute. It is widely known that Morton's has been selling us this poison for over 150 years tyring to disguise the lethality of it's product with an image of a cute little girl. But did anyone ever notice that the girl is not eating the salt but is actually spilling it on the ground??? Yeah, she knows what kind of a death toxin she has in her hands and she wants nothing to do with it. Help spread the message!!!! Chlorine is Poison!!!!!
You're absolutely right man, one of the chloride salts, calcium chloride, is toxic like most other chloride compounds and elemental chlorine! But we're actually talking about fluoride here.
Or you can stop the ignorance and actually try to understand the differences between NaCl, NaCl2, and the elemental chlorine.
On November 04 2011 02:00 Probe1 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2011 01:56 Enhancer_ wrote:On November 04 2011 01:55 mbr2321 wrote: Don't you get like a flouride thing at the dentists? That foamey shit they put in a mouthguard that tastes like shitty bublegum/mint/coughsyrup/etc.? And also jacks up the price of your teeth cleaning ~$50 >_>. I always refuse it. I'll stick with brushing regularly. No cavities ever. Fluoride is a common ingredient in toothpaste. There is no escaping your Fluoride Overlords As long as I keep buying on sale Colgate/Crest for $1.50 a tube lasting me many weeks, I'm fine with that =).
On November 04 2011 02:04 DrainX wrote: A good enough reason not to put fluoride in the water is that it tastes like shit. When I visited some friends in Chicago earlier, no one even drank the water directly from the tap. Everyone just bought bottled water or coke. The tap water tasted so bad that when I went to McDonalds and ordered a soda, they put ice cubes in it made from tap water. I couldn't finish the soda since it tasted so bad. I'm not sure if that was because of the fluoride in the ice or because of the corn syrup in the soda though. More than likely just s***ty water treatment or it was gross well water. Fluoridation doesn't affect water taste at all.
Hey yo its poison, fluoride, chlorine You say its love, it is poison Forums where I learned they should be burned, it is poison Canada prescripting us medicine which is poison American Dental Association injecting our infants with the poison OP misoverstood is poison Wikipedia and Youtube poison, toothpaste poison And any thoughts of taking Incontrol down is poison
On November 04 2011 02:06 Enhancer_ wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2011 02:04 DrainX wrote: A good enough reason not to put fluoride in the water is that it tastes like shit. When I visited some friends in Chicago earlier, no one even drank the water directly from the tap. Everyone just bought bottled water or coke. The tap water tasted so bad that when I went to McDonalds and ordered a soda, they put ice cubes in it made from tap water. I couldn't finish the soda since it tasted so bad. I'm not sure if that was because of the fluoride in the ice or because of the corn syrup in the soda though. More than likely just s***ty water treatment or it was gross well water. Fluoridation doesn't affect water taste at all. It had an aftertaste similar to what pool water with chlorine smells like. Maybe it wasn't the fluoride. That's what everyone told me though.
On November 04 2011 02:04 HardMacro wrote:
You're absolutely right man, one of the chloride salts, calcium chloride, is toxic like most other chloride compounds and elemental chlorine! But we're actually talking about fluoride here.
Or you can stop the ignorance and actually try to understand the differences between NaCl, NaCl2, and the elemental chlorine.
I have no idea what NaCl2 is, and CaCl (Calcium Chloride) is actually not toxic at all and is on the FDA GRAS list (generaly recognized as safe). Just like the poster above me mentioned with DHMO (DiHydrogenMonoOxide), pretty much any chemical in large doses can be toxic or lethal. The way you talk about fluoride shows that you don't really understand toxicity at all. You are correct when you say that LD50 are lethal effect numbers, however they have nothing to do with actual chronic toxicity. Water has an LD50 for humans (approximately 4 gallons/hour in healthy human male) but clearly water has no chronic toxicity ~400 % lower doses. That makes no sense at all and I have no idea where you pulled that number from. Certainly there is no doubt that long-term exposure to fluoride will lead to chronic toxicity but the links you supply yourself have stated that no study has ever shown that the amounts of fluoride added to water have any sort of chronic toxicity effects.
As far as other stuff that gets added into the water when they use impure Fluoride I would imagine that there's probably tests for that but even if they don't, let's do the math on this. You say that the fluorine they use is 98% pure (sounds reasonable). The concentration of the fluoride in water is maximum 1mg/L. For simplicity sake we'll assume that 1L=1Kg the concentration of Flouride is therefore 1PPM. 2% of 1PPM is 20PPB. Therefore all the other possible impurities that come form fluoridation of water do not amount to greater then 20PPB that's 0.00000002% of what you're drinking. For a good reference the WHO says that 10 PPB of arsenic are acceptable levels in drinking water (this is arsenic we're talking about one of the most toxic substances out there) therefore, a combined impurity of 20 PPBs is something I'm willing to risk for the benefit of my strong and healthy teeth.
On November 04 2011 00:58 FryBender wrote: DO NOT EAT SALT I repeat DO NOT EAT SALT.Chlorine Gas was used in WWI as a Chemical weapon. Salt contains over 62% of the dangerous chemical Chlorine. The LD50 of Chlorine is 220 PPM/minute. It is widely known that Morton's has been selling us this poison for over 150 years tyring to disguise the lethality of it's product with an image of a cute little girl. But did anyone ever notice that the girl is not eating the salt but is actually spilling it on the ground??? Yeah, she knows what kind of a death toxin she has in her hands and she wants nothing to do with it. Help spread the message!!!! Chlorine is Poison!!!!!
Or you can stop the ignorance and actually try to understand the differences between Flourine and small amounts of flouride ions in your water supply.
You win the thread.
Conspiracy theorists never were very good at science and critical thinking, I suppose
On November 04 2011 02:32 FryBender wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2011 02:04 HardMacro wrote:
You're absolutely right man, one of the chloride salts, calcium chloride, is toxic like most other chloride compounds and elemental chlorine! But we're actually talking about fluoride here.
Or you can stop the ignorance and actually try to understand the differences between NaCl, NaCl2, and the elemental chlorine. I have no idea what NaCl2 is, and CaCl (Calcium Chloride) is actually not toxic at all and is on the FDA GRAS list (generaly recognized as safe). Just like the poster above me mentioned with DHMO (DiHydrogenMonoOxide), pretty much any chemical in large doses can be toxic or lethal. The way you talk about fluoride shows that you don't really understand toxicity at all. You are correct when you say that LD50 are lethal effect numbers, however they have nothing to do with actual chronic toxicity. Water has an LD50 for humans (approximately 4 gallons/hour in healthy human male) but clearly water has no chronic toxicity ~400 % lower doses. That makes no sense at all and I have no idea where you pulled that number from. Certainly there is no doubt that long-term exposure to fluoride will lead to chronic toxicity but the links you supply yourself have stated that no study has ever shown that the amounts of fluoride added to water have any sort of chronic toxicity effects. As far as other stuff that gets added into the water when they use impure Fluoride I would imagine that there's probably tests for that but even if they don't, let's do the math on this. You say that the fluorine they use is 98% pure (sounds reasonable). The concentration of the fluoride in water is maximum 1mg/L. For simplicity sake we'll assume that 1L=1Kg the concentration of Flouride is therefore 1PPM. 2% of 1PPM is 20PPB. Therefore all the other possible impurities that come form fluoridation of water do not amount to greater then 20PPB that's 0.00000002% of what you're drinking. For a good reference the WHO says that 10 PPB of arsenic are acceptable levels in drinking water (this is arsenic we're talking about one of the most toxic substances out there) therefore, a combined impurity of 20 PPBs is something I'm willing to risk for the benefit of my strong and healthy teeth. That sounds almost powerful enough to be used for homeopathy! Maybe he's on to something!